David IrvingSunday, March 3, 2002 Comments
on letter dated January 17, 2002 (attached)
Although your letter of January 17, 2002 states
"Matters to be taken into account include the following,"
I clearly cannot comment, as required, on any matters
which are not explicitly included, and I presume that
your Minister will not expect me to do so either. It
would manifestly unjust if he did. I therefore address
below those matters specifically included in your letter. 501(6)(i) --
the person's past and present criminal conduct
There is no allegation of present
criminal conduct. Your letter mentions only one alleged
offence, of early 1990. It is submitted that (a) the one
alleged offence was not severe, even under German law;
(b) the event lies twelve years back; (c) I do not
associate with criminals and have scrupulously observed
the law. 1. "German criminal conviction in 1992". On April 21, 1990 I stated in a public lecture
in Munich, Germany: "We believe that, just as the gas
chambers which the Americans put up here [outside
Munich] in Dachau in the first few days after the war
were fakes, those gas chambers facilities which tourists
can now sightsee in Auschwitz were set up by Polish
authorities after the Second World War." For uttering
these words I was eventually fined DM30,000 by a Munich
court in 1993. It was, the German authorities admitted in
internal correspondence, a political, not a criminal,
offence (see e.g. the letter from Weinheim Magistrates
court to Ministry of Justice, Baden-Württemberg,
June 25, 1997: "In view of the political background of
the trial, I request
" etc. Tab A): Germany had
enacted a law making it an offence to debunk any aspect
of the Holocaust. I consider however it is my duty as an
historian to write what I find to be true, regardless of
political expediencies. The central criminal register
located in Berlin confirmed to Weinheim on December 9,
1996, three years after the Munich penalty was imposed,
that I have no criminal record, Keine Eintragung in the
Zentralregister (see facsimile
of register certificate, Tab B).In January 1995 the present Polish authorities
conceded to a leading French news magazine that the
building in question at Auschwitz, the "gas chamber" that
is shown to tourists, was in fact erected in 1948, three
years after the war ended, and they stated explicitly:
Tout y est faux, adding that they did not know how to
bring this awkward fact properly to the attention of
visiting tourists (L'Express,
Paris, January 19, 1995). I had therefore spoken the truth, as is my wont. It is
to be remarked that the leading "exterminationist"
authority on Auschwitz, Professor Robert Jan Van Pelt, of
the University of Waterloo, has recently again conceded
the post-war character of this exhibit in his latest book
on Auschwitz (this passage can be downloaded
from my website as a pdf -- it is to be observed that
I have always given equal weight to the views of my
opponents). I would not have the slightest hesitation in making
the same remark in Germany again, were it not for the
absurd law which criminalizes it. It is not a criminal offence to make such a remark in
Australia, and I have never committed criminal offences
while visiting Australia (or any other country), as your
own police authorities confirmed to your prime minister's
office in the turmoil following my 1992 visa application;
nor were there grounds to anticipate that I would do so.
These facts I know from the government documents properly
disclosed to my solicitors in Perth at that time. I submit that it is perverse that Australia would
consider that every "criminal offence" committed in a
foreign country is an automatic ground for exclusion,
particularly when that offence is not known to Australian
law. The whole civilized world now criticizes Germany for
its laws suppressing free speech. What about other
countries' so-called "crimes"? It is a crime to drink
beer in Saudi Arabia. Eleven ordinary Englishmen are
awaiting trial in Greece for train-spotting. It used to
be a crime to criticize Joseph Stalin in Moscow. It still
is a crime to criticise Saddam Hussein in Iraq. On the
other hand some leading Australians are reported to turn
a blind eye on pædophilia, which is a felony in the
U.K. In my view Australia is mature enough to distinguish
between real crimes -- e.g., arson, drug-dealing, murder,
Nazi genocide, Irish terrorism -- on the one hand, and
the "thought crimes" of which author George Orwell warned
us, on the other. 2. "Expelled from Germany" No comment. A minor official in a Munich
municipal body crafted and signed this order, which has
nationwide validity. It is a patently political decision.
It is illegal under the Helsinki Accords and under
European law, but since it was served on me in November
1993 I have complied with it rigorously as I find I can
do very well without the Germans and their country.I do not believe that the majority of Australians will
take kindly to the notion that Canberra is effectively
allowing Berlin or any other foreign capital or body of
aliens to decide who can and shall visit them in
Australia. 501(6)(ii)
-- the person's past and present general
It is not alleged in the reasons stated by the
Minister that I have committed criminal fraud, evaded
debts, disregarded family maintenance, or been involved
in any other class of crimes or war crimes.On the contrary, your prime minister Mr John Howard
stated in public in London on October 19, 1997 that the
reason he had refused me a visa was because of my views
as an historian (full
transcript on my website) Verbatim: "[
And the reason for that decision was, uh, based upon my
government's perception of the Australian national
interest, and, uh, uh, the reasons that relate, uh, in
part, as you know, to some of views that you have
expressed about matters which we believe, if propagated
in Australia, would not be in the Australian national
interest." He did not mention any other reason, and in
particular he did not mention your reasons adumbrated
above and below. 3. "Found in November 1992 to have lied on oath before
a Canadian Immigration Adjudicator" The facts of this ten-year-old controversy and
injustice are well known, but I recite them here again.
Following a campaign by Canadian Jewish and leftwing
organizations, which wished to prevent my lecture tour, I
formally agreed to leave Canada under a Voluntary
Departure Notice (Tab C) on or before midnight on
November 1, 1992, in order to obviate protracted
immigration detention and hearings which would have
vitiated my lecture tour anyway. Such a Notice permits a
perfectly legal return to the country at any time. I had
visited, broadcast, and lectured in Canada for the
previous thirty years without committing any offence, as
Canadian records obtained by me under the Access to
Information Act confirm.I mention that the document in Tab C refers to an
alleged "misrepresentation of fact" as the reason for the
Notice. I attach to Tab C therefore two pages of the
actual Vancouver hearing, so that you can satisfy
yourself that even that Adjudicator was troubled by the
fact that the alleged misrepresentation -- which I
challenged -- was so piffling. When I presented myself at the border crossing into
the USA an hour before the agreed time of departure on
November 1, I was for the first time refused permission
to enter the USA, although I hold a permanent
multiple-entry visa and had entered the USA scores of
times before (and since). It later emerged that a low
level Canadian immigration investigation official, one
Harold Musetescu, who was close to the influential
political bodies opposing my lecture tour, had himself
requested the US colleagues to delay me and then return
me to the Canadian side just after midnight, as a tactic
to prevent me complying with the order; Musetescu was
later separated from the Canadian immigration
service. US Immigration officials at Washington DC airport
confirmed to me on April 20, 1993 that an unknown hand
had deposited "very strange stuff" (he also called it
"garbage") about me on my INS file in an attempt to have
me excluded; see the attached letter (Tab D) which I
wrote a few days later to my Canadian attorney Robert
Christie about this. The US embassy in London later
confirmed that the INS file had subsequently been
cleansed (for related items see my website,
and [2]
and the further documents hyperlinked therein.) An Ontario, Canada, immigration adjudicator, Kenneth
Thompson, now had to decide whether I should be deported
for this failure to comply with the Notice, as
technically I had not reached US soil that night.
Thompson was not a judge but a former immigration
official promoted to this position. An unexpected snag then arose for my opponents. They
learned from a press interview (published in the
Ottawa Citizen, November 2, 1992: Tab E), an
interview which I had given on Sunday, several hours
before my scheduled departure, that I had in fact made a
brief two hours' visit to the United States on the night
of Friday, October 30, thereby factually complying with
the Departure Notice issued that mid-day. Note that the RCMP files contain a handwritten
memorandum that on November 2, Canada Immigration "was
not aware of article in today's Ottawa Citizen indicating
Irving departed Canada shortly after receiving departure
notice to Seattle and then returned
" (Tab F). At
the time of the newspaper interview, of course, I would
have had no motive whatever to fabricate a story of
leaving Canada briefly: I had no way of knowing I would
some hours later for the first time ever be refused entry
to the United States. The reason for the earlier brief visit to the United
States was this (see my electronic Diary print-out, typed
on October 31 as I flew from Vancouver to Toronto, which
was also evidence before Thompson: Tab G): A wealthy US
citizen visiting Vancouver, one Brian
Fisher, a stranger, had that lunchtime invited me to
cross over briefly into Washington State, on the US
Pacific coast adjacent to Vancouver, British Columbia, to
inspect and autograph certain documents he possessed,
which favour I did him. (Fisher was a complete stranger
to me). Again, at the time of typing this diary entry on
the plane, I would have had no motive whatever to
fabricate a story of leaving Canada briefly. Embarrassed by discovering, on November 2 in the
Ottawa Citizen, this unexpected setback to their little
plot, my opponents had no alternative but to accuse me of
inventing this side trip. The adjudicator himself stated
at the outset of the hearings that the existence of such
a trip was "pivotal" (his word) to whether I had complied
with the Notice or not. In the Introduction to his
Report, Adjudicator Thompson wrote these words: "This purported departure is pivotal, since if it is
factually accurate, it would mean that the action taken
against you by immigration officials in Niagara Falls on
November 01, 1992 was based on erroneous facts; namely,
that you were a person attempting to leave Canada
pursuant to a yet unexecuted departure notice. "If, as
you claim, you did in fact depart and then re-enter
Canada at the Washington/B.C. border crossing then it
might be said that you had already satisfied the terms of
your departure notice and therefore could not be a person
referred to in paragraph 14(1)(C) of the Act. However,
the question as to whether you did or did not leave is an
issue of fact for this tribunal to determine." My attorneys produced - not only the sworn evidence on oath, in the
witness box, of the US citizen, Brian Fisher (see his
subsequent further sworn statement, Tab H) whom we
located and flew over from the west coast to Ontario
to testify, and who was a complete stranger to me
before this episode, but
- the actual Pacific Bell telephone records on the
fixed telephones at his US address confirming that I
had made two phone calls while at his house on US soil
to associates in Canada, as described by me earlier on
- my attorney also produced to the hearing a
print-out (Tab G) from my above-mentioned electronic
typewriter diary recording the US side trip (the
computer-diary was sequestered, i.e. out of my hands
and in Canadian immigration custody along with all my
other effects from the moment I was returned to US
soil, and the print-out was made while the machine was
still in official custody, so it could not have been
faked -- not that there had been any need, of course,
to rig it earlier, anyway); and
- my attorney also produced to the adjudicator an
automatically generated US immigration computer record
(the so called Tecs-II printout) confirming that Brian
Fisher's car was automatically logged at the border
crossing, making the return trip that brought me back
to Canada from the US side, and
- a sworn affidavit of Sonya K., the person to whose
car I transferred immediately I returned to the US
side of the border.
The Crown produced not one single witness to challenge
either these witnesses, not the documents or the sworn
affidavit evidence (nor had any of my witnesses the
slightest reason to commit perjury or risk the penalties
therefore). Throughout the immigration hearing, which lasted from
November 2 until November 13, 1992 under the spotlight of
intense Canadian television and newspaper coverage, angry
organized mobs of ethnic minorities and other opponents
of free speech demonstrated violently outside the Ontario
courthouse. This was in my opinion not without effect on
the adjudicator Thompson. Friendly immigration officials
at Toronto's Lester Pearson International Airport also
told me on November 13 that the Minister himself had
intervened to demand my expulsion and had asked to be
notified the moment my plane was airborne. In a fundamentally perverse adjudication -- presumably
designed to head off a political problem, and I have no
hesitation in saying that -- Thompson ruled that I had
never made the "pivotal" side trip to the United States,
that I and all the witnesses and documents had lied, and
that I had therefore failed to leave Canada before the
appointed hour and should be deported for non compliance
with the Voluntary Departure Notice. These were the words
which Adjudicator Thompson used: - "In assessing your evidence as a whole, you have
been unable to persuade me that you did leave Canada
on October 30, 1992. I have a great deal of difficulty
accepting your evidence. It did it not have the ring
of truth to it, but observing you and listening to
your testimony, I could not help but get the
impression that you were at times reciting a rehearsed
- "When viewed as a whole this evidence can lead to
only one conclusion; the event was a total fabrication
and never took place. I can only speculate that you
and your supporters concocted your story to garner
further publicity and prolong your stay in Canada,
both of which you have done with some success."
This was the "perjury" on which Australia now no less
perversely relies. In his adjudication (the whole text is
on my website at
Mr Thompson relied on his own feelings on observing and
listening to my necessarily precise testimony under oath,
and on what he himself calls his "speculation"; apart
from this unquantifiable basis, Thompson relied on one
fact only -- that there was a three-hour discrepancy
between the times stated by myself and my witnesses in
our sworn evidence, and the actual times revealed by the
US INS Tecs-II computer printout which we had produced in
evidence. This was the only material ground that he
stated for arriving at his conclusion which is reported
by the transcript as follows: - "Mr. Fisher testified that he returned to the
United States at the Blaine crossing at approximately
twelve o'clock midnight on October 30th, 1992. He
testified he drove straight to his residence and
thereafter did not leave. He stated that no one else
had access to his car.
- "The United States Immigration Service printout,
Tecs-II, (Exhibit C-13) shows Mr. Fisher's car
entering the United States at Blaine at 0311 hours on
October 31, 1992, some three hours later than he
testified to. This is significant because we are now
talking of not merely a negative query but rather a
positive record of an entry at a time at which Mr.
Fisher cannot account for.
- "The fourth contradiction is contained in Mr.
Fisher's affidavit. He testified that he dropped you
off on the highway near Vancouver and returned to the
United States around midnight. In his affidavit (P-7)
he swore that he drove to the residence of Heinz Koppe
and departed at 12:45 a.m.
- "As you can see Mr. Irving, your witness has not
only contradicted your testimony but he has
contradicted under oath his own sworn affidavit of
November 5th, 1992."
The US Immigration authorities confirmed to Brian
Fisher (see Tab H) and to my attorney subsequently that
the three-hour discrepancy is due to the fact that the
entire US Immigration & Naturalisation Service (INS)
computer system is standardised on eastern standard time
(EST) which is three hours later than the Pacific coast
time where the crossing occurred. It is astonishing that a Canadian immigration official
should have feigned ignorance of this. Far from
indicating that I and all my witnesses had committed
perjury, the computer print-out solidly backed our true
version of events, as did the Ottawa Citizen, the Pacific
Bell telephone records and the print out from my computer
diary, all of which independent evidence Thompson ignored
without comment in his adjudication. I lodged an extremely costly appeal with the Canadian
Federal Court against this perverse, insulting and as we
have seen far-reaching adjudication. Leave to appeal was denied in a one-line decision
seven months later by a Judge Rothstein (Tab I). It is
reasonable for me to believe that his grounds for denying
leave were primarily political, as he did so without any
grounds being given. 4. "and were subsequently deported from
Canada" See above. I quote only without comment from the
Confidential Annual Report of the League for Human Rights
of B'nai Brith Canada to the 1993 B'nai Brith Canada
Convention by Professor Stephen Scheinberg (National
Chairman) and Dr Karen Mock (National Director):- "BRITISH HOLOCAUST denier
David Irving attempted to conduct one of his
cross-Canada tours in 1992, but thanks in part to
League [League of Human Rights of the B'nai Brith
Canada] interventions, and excellent cooperation
between a number of police agencies and government
departments, Irving was arrested and deported.
- "He is no longer permitted to enter Canada without
ministerial consent. In both these cases, the League
worked to warn the Immigration Department of these
individuals' impending visit and provided information
to government officials.
- "Australian and South African Jewish communities
have used materials provided by the League to lobby
their governments for similar treatment of
It appears from this that the global attempts to
silence me are the misguided effort of a small section of
the population in each country concerned, for which they
are happy to take the full credit. There is no exception
to be seen in Australia. 5. "in 1994 a British High Court judge found that you
had given false evidence" On the application of Herr Michael Naumann, my
left-wing German publisher, and more recently Minister of
Culture in Germany (and as such a worthy successor to Dr
Joseph Goebbels), a British judge ordered my committal to
prison in London on February 11, 1994 for contempt of
court on a technicality. I was not present during the
hearing of the application, and was wholly unaware of it
until court officials arrived at my Grosvenor-square home
that afternoon to take me away from my family. I had no
idea of what was going on or what had caused it until I
read an item in The Times three days later, and the
transcript, weeks later, which my West Australia
solicitors obtained from your prime minister's office.There was outrage in the British press about the
imprisonment (e.g. an editorial in The Guardian). I
submitted a sworn affidavit, dictated in prison to my
solicitor, on the circumstances underlying the Naumann
application. The whole matter as set out in the affidavit
was so outrageous, and the campaign of foregoing physical
violence and abuse to which I had been subjected, and my
necessary defensive measures, were so outlandish (as it
described), that it is in retrospect hardly surprising
that Judge Davies, while agreeing to my application for
release on February 22, 1994 expressed his frank
disbelief. These were the words he used: "I have not found this an easy decision because I have
made it clear more than once during the course of today -
and I adhere to the conclusions that I have been forming
and expressing - that I am afraid I do not accept the
explanations appearing in his [David Irving's]
affidavit, that is to say, his explanation to me that he
had not the faintest idea that any of this was going on -
that includes that he had not the faintest idea that the
German judgment was even registered in this country; I am
afraid I do not accept that for one moment." It was not of course a finding of "perjury," which has
a very precise weight and meaning in law. Anybody who
accuses me of perjury must be aware of the immediate
consequences, which will be immediate and painful.
Although I had been required to give oral evidence, again
on oath, during the application for my release which was
heard before Davies J. on February 22, 1994, he made no
attempt to question me on the affidavit matters to which
he refers, although he had every opportunity to do so
while I was in the witness stand. I was examined purely
on my financial means. It is therefore not open either to
Davies J. or to anybody else to put a construction of
perjury or giving false evidence on his remarks about my
affidavit. For such a defamatory allegation to stand, Davies J.
would have had to go behind my affidavit -- which he did
not -- and inevitably he would have had to utter some
form of penal sanction in consequence, which would have
been quite proper. He did not; on the contrary, he
considered the alleged contempt was well purged. I am
well aware of the penalties for perjury, which is why I
have never practiced it. 6. "An unpaid debt" In the circumstances of the shameful campaign to
suppress my freedom of speech, and the right of free
Australians to hear me lecture on history -- and Judge
Gray recently conceded that my knowledge of World War II
history is "unsurpassed" -- , Australia may well accept
that it was inappropriate to have excluded me in 1993 and
1995, which inflicted a grievous burden in legal costs on
me and my family in sustaining my appeal against the
refusal of a visa; Australia may further think it proper
that the Treasury should waive its claim to the costs
arising from this wholly needless action. I would be
properly grateful for such a gesture.It is to be noted that in upholding the Minister's
denial of visa on May 3, 1994, the Federal Court of
Australia found that I did not meet the "good character
requirements", and Mr Justice Carr in his Judgment stated
specifically that the Court's grounds for this view were
solely (a) the Canadian Adjudicator's -- wholly wrong
(see above) -- allegation of fabricating evidence (i.e.
perjury); and (b) the British judge's remarks about my
affidavit (see also above). I submit that my above remarks have totally removed
the ground from beneath these baseless allegations. The costs to myself have been substantial (quite apart
from the destruction of my business and the inability to
protect my good name in your country). I remind Australia that on the first occasion when the
minister excluded me, this action was found by the Full
Federal Court in Western Australia to have been illegal;
instead of accepting defeat in good grace however,
Australia subsequently decided to change the law,
specifically to enable me to be further excluded (as
Professor Laurence Maher, a noted legal authority at the
University of Melbourne's Law School, has set out in a
well-reasoned paper on the case (Sydney Law Review, 1994,
vol. 16, no. 3). Prof. Maher concluded (at page 393) by
applauding the decision of the Full Federal Court in
Irving v Minister for Immigration, Local Government and
Ethnic Affairs (1993), 115 ALR, 125 "because it set aside a decision [by your then
Minister] that was clearly inimical to the
preservation of free speech in Australia." Prof. Maher did not mince his language in that
sentence; it was under this new, artificially created
legislation that you prevailed against my further
applications and appeals. It was inimical to the
preservation of free speech in Australia then, and I
submit that it is inimical now. If nonetheless Australia demands payment, and makes
this a sole remaining condition of my entry, I have no
doubt that the thousands of Australians who have written
to me asking to hear me lecture will enable me to purge
this debt as well. 7. Further remarks on my general character: In an unsuccessful attempt to protect my
reputation from the global smear campaign, in 1996 I
issued a writ in defamation in London against an American
author Lipstadt and her UK publisher. The defendants
relied on the opinions of hired "neutral experts" who
were each paid fees of around £100,000 by the very
organisations who have blocked my free speech in
countries around the world. Sir Charles Gray, the judge
trying the action in 2000, was good enough to state inter
alia the following views, in his otherwise
adverse judgment:- On the allegation of Antisemitism: "I have more
sympathy for Irving's argument that Jews are not
immune from his criticism. He said that he was simply
expressing legitimate criticisms of them. Irving gave
as an example what he claimed was his justified
criticism of the Jews for suppressing his freedom of
expression. Another legitimate ground of criticism
might be the manner in which Jews in certain parts of
the world appear to exploit the Holocaust. I agree
that Jews are as open to criticism as anyone
- On the allegation of racism: "I accept that Irving
is not obsessed with race. He has certainly not
condoned or excused racist violence or thuggery."
- On the allegation of associating with
right-wingers: "I accept that when he has spoken at
their meetings, Irving has not expressed himself in
extremist or anti-semitic terms."
- On the gas chambers controversy: "[Irving]
is right to point out that the contemporaneous
documents, such as drawings, plans, correspondence
with contractors and the like, yield little clear
evidence of the existence of gas chambers designed to
kill humans. Such isolated references to the use of
gas as are to be found amongst these documents can be
explained by the need to fumigate clothes so as to
reduce the incidence of diseases such as typhus. The
quantities of Zyklon-B delivered to the camp may
arguably be explained by the need to fumigate clothes
and other objects."
- On the scale of the killing of Jews in the gas
chambers: "I have to confess that, in common I suspect
with most other people, I had supposed that the
evidence of mass extermination of Jews in the gas
chambers at Auschwitz was compelling. I have, however,
set aside this preconception when assessing the
evidence adduced by the parties in these
Gray J., who was it must be stressed not a friendly
critic, was also good enough to express these views: - "As a military historian, Irving has much to
commend him. For his works of military history Irving
has undertaken thorough and painstaking research into
the archives. He has discovered and disclosed to
historians and others many documents which, but for
his efforts, might have remained unnoticed for years.
It was plain from the way in which he conducted his
case and dealt with a sustained and penetrating
cross-examination that his knowledge of World War 2 is
- "His mastery of the detail of the historical
documents is remarkable. He is beyond question able
and intelligent. He was invariably quick to spot the
significance of documents which he had not previously
seen. Moreover he writes his military history in a
clear and vivid style.
- "I accept the favourable assessment by Professor
Watt and Sir John Keegan of the calibre of Irving's
military history (mentioned in paragraph 3.4 above)
and reject as too sweeping the negative assessment of
[Lipstadt's expert witness] Evans (quoted in
paragraph 3.5). But the questions to which this action
has given rise do not relate to the quality of
Irving's military history but rather to the manner in
which he has written about the attitude adopted by
Hitler towards the Jews and in particular his
responsibility for the fate which befell them under
the Nazi regime."
In a BBC interview, Gray J. went further, stating: - "Mr Irving manifestly is extremely intelligent and
well-read, and was very good on his feet, and one
would say that Mr Irving handled his case with great
skill and ability, and I think everyone was impressed
at the way he represented himself. It is a very
difficult thing to do in any context, not least the
context of the Irving case."
It is prima facie unlikely that a respected British
High Court judge would voluntarily express himself in
such terms about a person he believed to be of bad
character in the sense that the latest Australian
Government legislation requires. You may also
wish to provide any further information that the Minister
should be aware of
My daughter B. is an Australian citizen and
civil servant, permanently resident and domiciled in
Brisbane.The above statements are true in fact. Signed 
David Irving, Sunday, March 3, 2002 |