[deutsch] Outrage
in New Zealand as "traditional enemy"
calls for gag on David Irving Indefatigable
in their attempts to silence Real
HistoryAUCKLAND, NZ. --
According to press reports
the traditional enemies of free speech
plan to stop David Irving speaking
in New Zealand in late September. In
Australia, where their financial influence
on Prime Minister John Howard and
his party has never been denied, he has
been banned since 1992. His NZ visit has
been quietly planned for 12 months.
Visiting Wellington for the first time
in 18 years to research in the archives
for his Winston Churchill biography, Mr
Irving will address the famed National
Press Club on Real Problems of Writing on
WW2. The invitation has outraged NZ's small
Jewish community. It already feels under
siege because two Israeli agents have been
for stealing NZ passports for terrorism
purposes around the world. That the two Mossad agents' accomplices
were "Kiwis" who fled with their families
to Israel has raised the "dual loyalties"
bogey which plagued US Jews after the
Julius Rosenberg and Jonathan
Pollard spy cases. New Zealand's tough prime minister
Helen Clark ordered tough political
sanctions against Israel, including
cancellation of high-level visits. The dismayed local community has fought
back. In July one of their graveyards was
desecrated; but even in New Zealand the
public has become more mature, and a
reader in the capital's Dominion Post
stated in print that the Mossad
were the most likely grave-smashers -- a
traditional ploy when they need
sympathy. At
an emotional ceremony in the graveyard on
July 25, the visibly dismayed head of the
NZ Jewish Council David Zwartz
pointed an accusing finger at Mr
Irving (writing in Key West, 12,000 miles
away) and appealed to the minister for
Bioterrorism, representing Clark at the
ceremony, to keep the "two legged
organism" David Irving out of the
That language was reminiscent of the
Nazis, said Mr Irving. Others likened it
to Churchill's description of Lenin being
transported across Germany back to Russia
like "a sealed plague bacillus" in
WW1. The NZ press quoted Mr Irving as saying
he would be traveling to the country on a
British passport,and " not wearing dark
glasses and on the stolen passport of a
paraplegic." (Mossad had elected to rob cripples of
their identities as they are unable to
travel and thus don't apply for
passports.) Readers
in Australia or New Zealand who want to
hear Mr Irving must contact him by
telephone at USA 305 923 6259 before mid
Sept. 2004 or by email (Focalp@aol.com);
and keep their eye on focal.org/speaks
for updates and changes.

dossier on the origins of
dossier on the New Zealand