site index (text) | Index Documents
on Dr Joel S Hayward
heads up for Down Under: for readers in Australia
and NZ Joel
S Hayward [thesis]: The
Fate of Jews in German Hands (900K .zip
file, expands to a 1 MB pdf file: requires
Acrobat Reader)*- Dr Thomas A Fudge: "The
Fate of Joel Hayward in New Zealand Hands: from
holocaust historian to holocaust?"
(fully annotated original article, pdf file:
requires Acrobat Reader)*
- Dr
Joel S Hayward: Profile
- Dr
Joel S Hayward, of Massey University, New
Zealand, has posted this contribution to the
German Armed Forces in WWII Online Forum on the
Internet on November 5, 1998
- Dr
Joel S Hayward: David Irving, the Third Reich
and the Holocaust
- The
Guardian, May 18, 2000: University gave MA for
thesis denying Holocaust
- David
Cohen in The Jerusalem Report, May 29, 2000:
University won't revoke degree for student who
queried the Holocaust
- Joel
S. A. Hayward: Stopped at Stalingrad. The
Luftwaffe and Hitler's Defeat in the East,
1942-1943 (Univ. Press of Kansas), 1998
[extract praising David Irving's Hitler's
- Professor
Richard ("Hired Gun") Evans hired to destroy
career of New Zealand academic Dr Joel
- Finding
by New Zealand university board that Prof Evans
was not neutral or objective in Hayward inquiry,
but motivated by malice
- Chronicle of
Higher Education reports on Joel Hayward
- New
Zealand: Dec 2000 Canterbury University Working
party report:
- Outgoing
Israeli ambassador's outrage at NZ universities'
attitude on "Holocaust denial"
- NZ Univ
Chancellor Prof Gould, threatened to resign if
inquiry into the enrolment of an alleged
neo-Nazi Hans-Joachim Hupka went ahead
- The Listener
(NZ) correspondence Nov 2002 on the Hayward
case: "Like the Mafia, Holocaust deniers never
like to let go -- a lesson that Dr Joel Hayward
has learnt the hard way."
- July 2003: Holocaust
scholar at heart of 'book burning' row |
feared libel suit
- July 2003 The
Fate of Joel Hayward in New Zealand Hands: From
Holocaust Historian to Holocaust? part I |
Part II : New
Zealand Herald excoriates Richard "Skunk" Evans,
states the unthinkable: "There seems to be a
determination . . . to silence inquiry
into the facts of the Holocaust." | New
Zealand Herald editorial belatedly supports
Hayward, condemns Canterbury University history
- July 2003: Profile in NZ Sunday Star
Times: "Death
threats and breakdowns - the Holocaust thesis
destroyed my life" | NZ Herald: "Holocaust
thesis ruined my life says historian" |
reader's letter, Husband is Joel Hayward, not
Joel Holocaust | More
NZ reader's letters on the Joel Hayward
- David Cohen in NZ National Business
Review scoffs at fears of backlash against
the Jews over the Hayward Case: "Media
watch: Open minds, empty minds and the
- Canberra MP
Rodney Hide signs petition calling on University
to recompense Joel Hayward
- Aug 19, 2003: University
chief's job in doubt. The position of Canterbury
(NZ) University Vice-Chancellor Roy Sharp to be
reviewed after Hayward scandal
- Richard J.
Evans defends himself: Academic standards the
issue, not freedom; he was asked by New Zealand
Jewish Council to destroy Joel Hayward's
reputation | Evans
publishes essentially the same article in the
Christchurch press | Hayward
replies, reminding us that Evans was highly paid
to destroy him
- Dozens
of NZ community leaders and academics sign
petition in major NZ newspapers condemning
treatment of non conformist historian Joel
Hayward | The
petition (pdf, 56K)* | Hayward
not surprised by move
- Lecturer Fudge
warns he will stay at university to battle for
academic freedom
- NZ
Academic Martin Lally corresponds with Prof
Richard 'Skunky' Evans on whether universities
should accept theses on 'Holocaust
denial' |
Journalist Philip Matthews asks Lally how his
correspondence with Evans is being leaked to
this website
- Yahoo, Aug 26, 2003:
University's treatment of Holocaust
detractor Joel Hayward has prompted a campaign
to clear his name, involving academics and
political figures
 - Professor Martin
Lally comments on two newspaper editorials about
the Joel Hayward petition | Christchurch
Press opinion, "History lessons," on Joel
Hayward case | Wellington
Dominion-Post opinion, "Academic Freedom must
apply to all"
- The
Listener article smears Hayward and
"deniers" | Reader's
letter by Martin Lally to The
Listener | Other
letters about this article
- Canterbury
University (NZ) Council passes two resolutions
in Sept 2003 rejecting complaints by Dr Thomas
Fudge of book burning and loss of academic
freedom in Hayward Case | Dr
Fudge's letter of response to these
resolutions | letter
from Martin Lally's committee circulating these
* PDF files require Acrobat Reader to
read. [Get
Acrobat Reader free] | Dr
Joel S Hayward, address used to
be School
of History Philosophy and Politics, Massey University, Private Bag 11222, Palmerston North, New Zealand. Phone: NZ (06) 350-4234 Fax: NZ (06)
350-5662 E-mail: [email protected] |