eight Austrian Staatspolizei (Stapo)
officers at gunpoint on November 11, 2005
when visiting Vienna to speak to
university students on Adolf Eichmann,
Joel Brand, and British code-breaking
revelations. The
arrest warrant had been issued 16 years
earlier, November 8, 1989, at the written
demand (Anzeige) of a Communist-front
body, the Dokumentations-Archiv
des Osterreichischen Widerstands (Document
Center of the Austrian
issued the day before, as court records
revealed. Mr. Irving was charged under
Austria's 1945 "Verbotsgesetz" (Banning
Law) with having uttered illegal opinions
on history at a 1989 talk. On February 20,
2006 at a show trial staged in Austria's
largest criminal courtroom with 200
spectators, he was sentenced to three
years in jail. His lawyers triumphed in
the Court of Appeal and he was released on
Dec 21, 2006 after 400 days in solitary
confinement in Austria's oldest jailhouse.
Irving, photographed in Vienna on Nov 11, 2005, two
hours before he was arrested for an "opinion-crime"
committed sixteen years earlier
Index on
Austria's relations with David Irving How it all began: Volksstimme,
Nov 8, 1989: Sperrfeuer
gegen Irving - Zwei weitere Auftritte inzwischen
verboten | and the communist Volksstimme:
noch vor 80 treuen konnte der neonazinahe
Historiker' Montag nacht in Wien reden
(German) - the next day the arrest warrant was
issued. Nov 8, 1989: After a
communist-inspired riot in Vienna the socialist
government issued an Arrest Warrant against
David Irving at the behest of the
Dokumentationsachiv des österreichischen
Widerstands (i.e., Dr Erika Weinzierl). Nov 24. 1989: Mr
Irving thanks his Austrian lawyer Dr Herbert
Schaller June 22, 1992: Those nice
folks next door: Flashback - the
Austrian ambassador in London answers a demand
from the Board of Deputies of British Jews,
promises to arrest Mr Irving Mar 10, 1994: the Austrian
Government tells
Australia that an Arrest Warrant was issued
against Mr Irving on Nov 8, 1989 | [ and
German text] Oct 2001: David
Irvine, son of the Lord Chancellor Lord Irvine,
is arrested in Vienna in mistake for the British
writer Sep 2003: Austria
jails Wolfgang Frölich for one year for
distributing leaflets 'denying the Holocaust.'
The sentence was later increased to seven years,
and he was released in 2006 after Dr Herbert
Schaller apppealed
Irving's arrest on Nov 11, 2005 Memoirs
draft on the circumstances of Mr Irving's
arrest Mr Irving's memoirs: The
historian's dramatic arrest by armed Austrian
police in November 2005 Our
website first announces that David Irving
has been arrested in Austria on Nov 10,
Feb 2, 2006: How
they prepared for the worst at the Vienna
Show-Trial of David Irving [and German
original] Feb 24, 2006: "Irving's
girlfriend is left homeless and bitter" -
The Daily Telegraph's Neil Tweedie skates on
thin ice with a libellous article about Mr
Irving three days after his sentencing, aware
that there is a one-year limitation period on
his ability to proceed against them for libel
(oops! but now he's free) Flashback: The
Age, Australia, was among first to report on Nov
19, 2005 Mr Irving's secret arrest
| Neutral
German-language summary by Wiener Nachrichten
Online of the history of the legal persecution
of Irving, 2000-2006 The blind fury of the German
media at Mr Irving: Erika
Weinzierl: David Irving übt "gezielte
Provokation des Staates" (27. Dezember
2005) Daily
Telegraph interviews Mr Irving's brother, Feb
2006, and gets its leg pulled Gillian
Reynolds comments on the BBC Radio Four
broadcast on the 2000 Lipstadt trial
(rebroadcast on the occasion of the Vienna
trial) Letters
written from his Austrian prison cell by
David Irving to his friends, Nov 2005 to Dec
2006 Jan 2006, The Observer prints
Malte Herwig's
study of Mr Irving: "Hitler? Good in
Parts" Daily
Telegraph interviews Mr Irving's brother, Feb
2006, and gets its leg pulled In
March 2006 Mr Irving wrote in German from his
Vienna prison comparing the world press reaction
to the three year jail sentence with the
spiteful German and Austrian media
 David Irving: A Radical's
Diary: The
Appeal, and Release A very filthy cell. . . I lie down and wait
for the glaring ceiling light to go out. It
stays on all night.
Trial in Vienna, Feb 20, 2006
the Judge prepared for the worst at the
Vienna Show-Trial of David Irving on Feb 2, 2006
[and German
original] Feb 22, 2006: The
Irish Times says the imprisonment of David
Irving displays European hypocrisy towards Jews.
"I have read most of David Irving's works.
He is a brilliant researcher, is partly mad, and
is clearly bad. But those who say he denies the
Nazi programme of genocide of Jews simply
haven't read his writings." Mr Irving's autobiography,
continued: The
show trial in Vienna Radical's Diary: The
trial Daily
Telegraph interviews Mr Irving's brother, Feb
2006, and gets its leg pulled Gillian
Reynolds comments on the BBC Radio Four
broadcast on the 2000 Lipstadt trial
(rebroadcast on the occasion of the Vienna
trial) Kate
Connolly, right, The Daily Telegraph's Berlin
correspondent. Read her web diary, Feb 21, 2006,
the day after the Irving trial in Vienna: "The
interesting tale of David Irving" and the
scores of supporting letters she
Irving zu drei Jahren Haft verurteilt -
Bildvorschau (20. Februar 2006) My
perfect place to hang Irving kvells Giles Coren
in The Times | and David Irving's
2005-2006 awaiting appeal Mr
Irving's appeal court victory on Dec 20,
2006 PRESS
CONFERENCE, London, Dec 22, 2006 and
Click here for hi-res images
of David Irving's Dec 22, 2006 press conference
in London: [1][2]
>> David Irving: A Radical's
Diary: The
Appeal, and Release
A very filthy cell. . . I lie down and wait
for the glaring ceiling light to go out. It
stays on all night. The
tragedy is that David Irving has emerged as a
champion of free speech, says Joan
Bakewell Letters
to Deutsche Welle - a German-government website
- unanimously praise David Irving and his
appeal court victory American Free Press: David
Irving is Back in London - was Railroaded into
Jail by his own Attorney Lipstadt changes her spots.
Remember how Deborah Lipstadt wailed that it was
a crime for David Irving to be imprisoned for
his opinions? Well, now she's wailing that it is
a crime for him to be released. See her web
campaign against the right-minded Austrian
judge: Irving
given probation | Judges
in Irving's probation hearing [sic]
| More
on Judge in Irving's Austrian case Irving
says will bring Austria before UN Human Rights
Council | Wiener
Zeitung: Irving geht vor Menschenrechtsrat der
Vereinten Nationen | Austrian Socialist party
demands only Left-wing judges try such cases in
future: OLG-Entscheidung
nicht nachvollziehbar: Es stellt sich die Frage,
ob Richter Maurer der geeignete
Senatsvorsitzende in einer solchen Sache ist
| Why
was David Irving allowed out of Jail? asks
Wiesenthal Center's Efraim Zuroff |
Israel: Law without justice
BBC video of Mr Irving's Dec 22 London press
conference: video
| audio
| interview
with an opponent (three times longer)

Today radio dialogue between star interviewer
John Humphreys and Mr Irving on Dec 23,
2005: He shows no remorse Here's an odd thing The
result of the post-trial History News Network
poll "Jail David Irving?" has been removed - but
all the other postings have been left on |
Flashback to Jun 2000: Australian
poll, should historians be
silenced? RAW writes Sunday, January 7,
2007 10:41 pm: "I just finished listening to
of a BBC reporter interviewing you after your
release. What jackasses these people
are!" Canadian
Online newspaper Orato exclusive: "Holocaust
Historian David Irving Released From Prison: His
First Interview From The Outside" 
Vienna's left wing press
whining at the Judge who ordered Mr Irving's
release The
right wing judge gets grouchy | German
original | Germany
wants Holocaust denial to be EU-wide crime
[Memo to Berlin: you blew it last time you
tried to call the shots, in 1945; remember?]
| International Herald Tribune: Berlin
seeks to bar Holocaust denial in EU
 On Jan 7 the brilliant
journalist Christopher Hitchens (right) on TV
Ontario defended the right of David Irving not
be imprisoned in Austria for his views.
link or Click
this link and then "Christopher Hitchens" -
each time we post the actual TVO link it is
changed].  In German: Deutsche National
Zeitung publishes Exklusiv-Interview
mit Irving: Ich habe im Gefängnis
4.000 Seiten geschrieben" David Irving ist frei
- jetzt geht er in die Offensive John
Gilchrist discovers why Amnesty International
sat on its hands while Austria imprisoned David
Irving for an opinion Michael
Wutton comments on the proliference of
anti-revisionist legislation in
Europe Profil
attack on attorney Dr Schaller by Christa
Zöchling, the journalist whose mistaken
evidence wasa used to convict Mr Irving in
2005 [360 kb]
for Mr Irving's legal battle should be
made via our Secure
Contributions to the "David Irving
Fighting Fund" can also be mailed to PO
Box 1707, Key West, FL 33041, USA; or to
Bente Hogh, 50 Sloane Street, London SW1X
9SN, UK. Mr Irving will personally
acknowledge all. [Become a