Irving speaking in Toronto during a speaking tour of
North America in 1988.
[speaks in German]
Meine Damen und Herren. Ladies and gentlemen, I intend
speaking to you in English this evening, because I am sure
most of you understand English. [speaks in German] I
will occasionally use a few words of German to make the
Germans among you also feel at home. I am, as your President this evening
rightly said, an English historian. But I concentrate, for
my crimes, almost entirely on German history, largely
through an accident. [member of audience: "A
little louder."]The fact that I concentrate on
German history comes from the fact that I worked in Germany
many years ago as a steelworker and one of my fellow
steelworkers had been in Dresden during the German
holocaust, if you can say -- the British air raid on Dresden
that killed a hundred thousand people or more, in the space
of two or three hours. And having been introduced in this
rather inelegant way to the crimes committed by others
during the Second World War, I decided to sit down and write
a history. At that time I was only twenty-one or twenty-two
years old. And I intended to write a newspaper
article, but the newspaper article then became a book, and
the book, Der Untergang Dresdens/The Destruction of Dresden
was published around the world and that is the reason why
nowadays the media, the lazy writers, the journalists, the
world's press, talk of Hiroshima, Auschwitz, Nagasaki, and
Dresden all in one breath. Until my book was published, nobody
accept the Germans had ever heard of what happened in
Dresden. And now towards the end of my
writing life, I find that I'm having to re-examine one of
those other towns -- Auschwitz. And it's a very, very painful
process, because half way through my writing career, I wrote
a book about Hitler, a biography of Hitler, in which I was
still a believer. And now I have turned into an
unbeliever. In fact, having given evidence in a
trial here in Toronto in April this year, I was telephoned
by some friends on the west coast of the United States who
said, "Welcome to the ranks of the damned." It was as though
I had been bitten by a vampire. I was now one of the undead.
And it was an uneasy feeling and I thought, well, I'm sure
that this gentleman thinks that he is doing me a favour
calling me one of, one of the damned. But he's
not. Because life is not going to be easy
for me as a historian and as a writer now that I have gone
over that particular brink. And I'm going to talk to you in the
course of the next half hour or so about how I have come to
that new conclusion. I have changed my opinion -- my
belief. But in the process I'm going to tell
you a little bit about the way I write books, and the way I
select or reject evidence, because that's all part of the
story. I am notorious as a writer, as a writer who rejects,
as a writer who refutes and repudiates. If you remember [holds up a
booklet], many years ago, in 1983, I was notorious for
the fact that I was the one who exposed that other six
million fake, the six million dollar fake, the six million
dollar Adolf Hitler Dairies as being fakes. This is me at
the press conference in the middle of Der Stern's press
conference. [jump in footage] ...of that kind of
money at his disposal to lard around. And yet somehow we've got to keep up
this fight, because we are all dedicated, we're resolved and
determined to find out what really happened. And this is where people like me
come in -- the historian. Because Churchill himself said,
"It is the job of the historian to find out what happened
and why." And the problem over the Holocaust,
if I can use that cheap phrase -- "the Holocaust". The
problem with the Holocaust, is we've been told what happened
and the historians over the last forty years have spent an
awful lot of time and energy trying to find out why. And
they've accepted what they've been told about what
happened. And now that a few brave men are out
there re-examining the credentials of what really happened,
they are coming under colossal attack, because, of course,
they're shaking a multi-million dollar business at its very
roots. And this isn't just David Irving
saying it. This is... [applause]This is... This is the phrase that
was used... This is a phrase that was used by the great,
English, Jewish authority, the Chief Rabbi of England,
United Kingdom, Lord Immanuel Jacobovits. He, himself, is
the one who said that the Holocaust has become big business
and it's a shame. And I agree, it is a shame, because
if it happened it was a tragedy and let me say right in
front that a lot of things happened in World War II were
tragedies. I mentioned Dresden, but I'm also going to say
what the Germans did frequently to minority groups or to
people in whose, people who temporarily fell into their
clutches -- that was a tragedy. None of you could do
anything for it, because you weren't the ones who were
committing these crimes. But it was a tragedy,
nonetheless. But we have to find out what the
true scale of that tragedy was. And also, it's not without
interest to find out if the tragedy was a tragedy which the
entire German people wanted. If it was a tragedy that the
German state inflicted on these people, or the Fuhrer acting
on behalf of the German state and in the name of the German
state, or if it was a tragedy inflicted by a group of a
hundred or five hundred or a thousand nameless
criminals. The kind of criminal that you find
in every demi-monde, in every military organisation and
structure. You only have to look at what the United States
did in Vietnam, what Lieutenant Calley did to My Lai to
realise that there are criminals like that, regrettably, in
every army, in every unit, in every core, not just the
Germans, not just the Czechs, or Ukrainians. You find those
criminals everywhere. I've been working for the last two
or three weeks in the American archives. I'm over here in
North America for four months now. I shall be over here
working in virtually every major American archives. I drove
up especially from Syracuse yesterday to come and speak to
you here in Toronto today and I'm speaking, I believe, in
Ottawa tomorrow to a similar audience and I'm going on down
to Harvard and Boston to work in the archives down
there. Because I make a habit of using, in
my books, only primary sources. Now, by primary sources, I
mean the actual documents written by the actual
men. Hugh Trevor-Roper, Lord Dacre, as he
now is, the great English historian, who unfortunately
was... had the misfortune to say, originally, that the
Hitler Diaries were genuine, but then he rapidly changed his
mind. Hugh Trevor-Roper told me, "Mr Irving, when you look
at any document ask yourself three questions before you
accept it in your research files. Firstly, is it an
authentic document?" A simple question, but it is an
important question. "Secondly, why does this document exist?
For what purpose was it written? And thirdly, was the person
who wrote this document in a position to know what he's
writing about?" They're such simple criteria. And
yet how often you can reject a document out of hand as being
useless for the purpose of writing history, because it
doesn't meet one or the other of these three
criteria. Obviously, a document has got to be
genuine. And yet when we come up against the Auschwitz case,
just to simplify our whole issue this evening on the name
Auschwitz -- that one great, big, kingpin of the whole
Holocaust mythology. When we come up against that we find
documents that don't even meet that simplest of criteria --
the authenticity criterion. And then you come up against the
other criteria. Who wrote it? And why does this document
exist? And then you begin to suspect perhaps this document
exists for a reason completely unassociated with
establishing the truth. It was written in 1944. The war was
still on. For what purpose was the document written? Was it
written for a specific psychological warfare
purpose? And when you start asking yourself
with a pure and clean mind these simple questions, then you
realise that you are coming up with awful answers, with
answers that are so awful that they give you nightmares,
because you know that your career as a writer is probably
over from this moment. After attending this trial in
Toronto in April, giving evidence that I did give there, I
went back to London and I talked to my publishers,
Macmillans -- one of our oldest and most widely respected
publishers in the United Kingdom who published my last three
or four books and, God bless them, are going to be
publishing my memoirs and believe me into my memoirs I'm
going to be putting all the stuff that I can't put into the
books. Now Macmillans... [applause]I've mentioned... I've mentioned to
the Macmillans that I intend to write a book about Auschwitz
and I can say, I have never seen jaws sag before. These jaws
sagged and the blood drained from their face and, I mean,
every clique was there in the editors that I spoke
to. They are not at all happy that I am
intending to write a book about Auschwitz. I have reassured
them that it's not for several years yet and it's probably
the last book that I shall write, inevitably, because this
is a book that will please very, very few people indeed and
it's going to take a lot of research. And the research is what I am doing
at this moment. I'm going around the United States archives
working, ostensibly, on other subjects, but I am, at the
same time, digging up what they have on this one case. I'm
doing the kind of work that historians should have done over
the last forty years. And the reason I'm doing it is
because of one man and that man is Ernst Zündel. Now, a
lot of us know Ernst Zündel and a lot of us have had
our own private feelings about him. And I must admit when I
first got to know the name of Ernst Zündel I was
apprehensive. When I was met by somebody in Vancouver a
couple of years ago at the airport and I was introduced to
him as being a friend of Ernst Zündel, I thought, "My
God! I'm being photographed with a friend of Ernst
Zündel. This is the beginning of the end." -- The
Rake's Progress. Let me skip forward to April this
year when I saw the kind of documents that had been
collected for the Zündel case, and I say that
Zündel has done two pieces of research, he's done two
pieces of research that I'm ashamed that I never thought of
doing myself. The chemical research and the forensic
investigation of the site. Actually,... [applause]If there's one... If there's one
thing that has converted me to the ranks of the damned, it
was what I saw here in Toronto in April. And it has given me
an open mind. It's made me go back to redo the research that
I should have done all these years and relook at the
files. So that now as in Syracuse the last
couple of days where I've been working in the files of the
American Attorney General, his private papers, Judge Francis
Biddle, one of the judges at Nuremberg and you find his
private diaries and you find all the documents and materials
related to the conduct of those infamous trials at Nuremberg
and you find out that when he himself, sitting on that lofty
bench in Nuremberg, heard the witnesses giving their
evidence ostensibly coming from Auschwitz and ostensibly
coming from Majdanek and the other horror camps. And this American judge who has been
through it all before. He has sat on countless benches in
his career. He writes down in his private dairies... I've
got the quotations here with me if you are interested. He
writes down after listening to one French woman [Marie
Claude Vaillant Courturier] who claimed to have been in
Auschwitz and claimed to have experienced all these
unimaginable tortures and atrocities. He writes in brackets
in his private diaries, "I don't believe a word of this." I
don't believe a word of this. [applause]This woman describes how, well, you
know the stories that they told -- the bestial atrocities
that were conducted on them -- the smoking chimneys, the
crematoria, the bodies, the unloadings, the standing naked
in the cold, and then, incidentally, one or two little bits
and pieces that give the sense of verisimilitude which stick
in your memory because she said, [paraphrasing] "We
were made to take off all our clothes so they could be
disinfected in the special chambers." Ah! But, of course, Judge Biddle at
that time, he doesn't associate that with what
[unintelligible] was subsequently found and the
receipts of the documents for the Zyclon B, and so
on. But he is a suspicious man and he
continues writing as she is describing how the women are
sterilized and the men were castrated often. I would have
thought that being castrated once was enough. [laughter]But these are the words in her
testimony. And so it goes on. The evidence is there in the
files. And over the week before I've been working in Hyde
Park, not Hyde Park, London, but Hyde Park, New York, where
the Roosevelt Archives are. Now the uninitiated
[unintelligible] might imagine that in the Roosevelt
Archives, you're just going to find President's Roosevelt's
papers, but no. You'll find there the papers of a lot of
bodies and agencies that were connected with the Roosevelt
administration. Very strange people have donated their
papers to the Roosevelt Archives. And I never realised until
I turned up at the Roosevelt Archives, ten days ago to work
there for a week or more, that they have in those archives
the entire papers of the War Refugee Board. And you might think that that's a
very unpromising kind of body, but the War Refugee Board
turns out to have been three men -- Henry Stimson, Cordell
Hull, and Henry Morgenthau, Jr. Henry Stimson, Secretary of
War; Cordell Hull, Secretary of State, foreign minister; and
Henry Morgenthau, Jr, that rather murky, ominous, insidious
figure, the Head of the American Treasury, the Secretary of
the Treasury. So that was the War Refugee Board. And they were responsible for
channelling colossal sums of money from various Jewish
bodies like the Joint Distribution Agency, the World Jewish
Congress and various other bodies, which you are all
familiar, into Europe in 1944, making sure that it reached
the Jewish organisations in Europe and helped the Jews out
of their tragedy. And we're not going to deny that the
Jews were in a tragic situation in Europe in 1944, not just
in Germany -- nobody wanted them. This was the situation
they found themselves in and the American Jews rallied round
and provided colossal sums of money and in the records of
the War Refugee Board are the cheques and the receipts --
the receipted photocopies of the receipted cheques for
millions of dollars from the World Jewish Congress being
sent over to Switzerland where the Americans had their
representatives. And then in July 1944, come the
first signs of an extraordinary document coming out of
Czechoslovakia -- a report allegedly by two Slovak Jews who
have been in Auschwitz. And this is one of the king-pin
documents of the whole Auschwitz case -- if not, the
king-pin document. It is a long report about twenty-five or
thirty pages long. It is in the Roosevelt
Library. Two young Slovak Jews who claimed to
have been in Auschwitz and claimed to have witnessed all
these atrocities. And the extraordinary thing is there that
this is the seminal document of the whole of the Auschwitz
mythology. You find everything in this document -- the gas
chambers, the crematoria, the smoking chimneys, the
dressing, the undressing, the women, the men, the babies,
the children having their arms and legs torn off -- all
these extraordinary, lurid details as though written by a
journalist in this Slovak report. And, of course, I'm interested,
because I want to see the original and it's not there. The
only documents in the files are an English version of the
report and a German version of the report. But no Slovak
version of the report! And this is allegedly written by two
Slovak Jews who have escaped from Auschwitz. Okay, well, I'm not going to let you
into too many details of the research that I've done on the
War Refugee Board. I just want to give you a few hints of
what is coming in a few years time when the book comes
out. It is very likely, in my view, that
this report was written by two men who had been nowhere
closer to Auschwitz than probably Madison Avenue. Who knows?
I don't think it ever existed in a Slovak
version. The authenticating documents
associated with it are originated by the American legation
in Bern. The American Ambassador in Bern, sends report after
report to the State Department describing how he's trying to
authenticate it, but not getting very far. And he keeps on
coming up with second and third order evidence. He says,
"I've spoken to the people, [name of official], who
claims to have interviewed the two men and he finds them
very credible." And then gradually it comes out that
the report has been concocted with the assistance, the
editorial assistance, of the Jewish Resistance organisation
in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. So it isn't a report
by these two men at all. It is a committee report written by
some nameless committee, in German. And when it came out in November
1944, finally, after it was smuggled out of Slovakia in
dramatic ways to Switzerland and then brought out of
Switzerland by the Americans, sent to Washington and then
issued by the War Refugee Board on November 26th, 1944,
remarkable things happened. The first remarkable thing that
happens is that the Washington Post and the New York Times
declined to print it. Every other newspaper in the United
States printed it except these two magnificent, respectable,
responsible newspapers. The Washington Post and the New York
Times said we want further and better particulars before
we're going to fall for this one. Very
interesting. And two of their best journalists
actually challenge it. One of them finally writes in a
column in the newspaper, "We've had so many atrocity stories
in this war that we want to have a few more details about
this report put out by the War Refugee Board." And it's so
refreshing to go back to a wartime document in November,
1944, and find people, even then, challenging something
about that. Because, of course, now it is
heresy. You can't challenge it. We can do it here in this
confidential room because no one is going to go outside and
start telling what I've been saying. But we can't do it,
because if we do it, we are in some way beyond repair. We
are bandits -- we're illegals. In Germany we are illegals, of
course, because in Germany [speaks in German] the
lie has become anchored in law in Germany. In Germany you
are not allowed to challenge the six million, or Auschwitz,
because if you do you are breaking the criminal law, in
Germany. And in this country, and in America,
and indeed in Britain, it has become something akin to
blasphemy. It has become a religion. It has become a
religion as holy as the holy scriptures. And anybody who
stands up and says, "I don't believe" in a voice of anything
less than the utmost reverence, then he is
blaspheming. And it is very difficult, of course,
for an historian now to stand up and start challenging the
holy scriptures with the methods of an historian. He's not allowed to and soon the
position will arise where we are not allowed to stand up and
start criticising this particular piece of holy mythology,
because an entire industry has grown up around it with all
sorts of holy priests -- Elie Wiesel, for example, that
unfortunate gentleman who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
last year -- regrettable case. It can't be very nice to be
called Wiesel, but you don't get awarded peace prizes for
that. [laughter]I mean, at most, you should be
entitled to some humane society award, but not a peace
prize. [laughter then
applause]So... So this is the first thing we
find that when that report was issued on November 26th,
1944, responsible journalists who knew their job challenged
it straight away. They had a gut feeling that something
wasn't quite right. The second thing we notice about it
is that one of the people who was ostensibly a member of the
War Refugee Board, Henry Stimson -- he knew nothing about
the report being issued over his name. The first he knew about it was when
his Assistant Secretary of War, John McCloy, telephoned him
and said, "Henry, what the hell is going on?" And Henry
telephoned the other Henry, Henry Morgenthau, who'd actually
issued the report. Morgenthau had the War Refugee Board
housed in his building. And we've got the Henry Morgenthau
diary and let me just read out what Henry Morgenthau's diary
says on that day -- November 27th, 1944. The Henry
Morgenthau diary, on the morning of the report being
splashed in the newspapers. Stimson phoned him. Morgenthau says,
"How are you?" Stimson says, "I've just learned that there
was some quite striking announcement put out as to the
atrocities yesterday by the Committee on Refugees", meaning
the War Refugee Board. "Well, it must have been done without
anybody showing it to me, so I was rather mortified by not
knowing anything about it." Huh! Mortifying, isn't it? To find
out that your pal, Morgenthau, down the road has issued a
report over your name. This sensational report about the
Germans killing 1.75 million people in one camp by gas with
all these bestial atrocities and you find your name has been
appended as one of the signatories. Morgenthau says, "Well, I..." He's
interrupted by Stimson, who is obviously very angry. You
see, Morgenthau kept a verbatim record of all his telephone
conversations, which in this case is rather
foolish. Stimson says, "I don't think they
ought to do that." Morgenthau says, "Well, I was under
the impression. I know he showed it to me." Stimson says, "I know, I'm
thoroughly, I'll probably be in thorough sympathy with any
such announcement, but I think it's important to get it out,
but as long as I'm one of the committee, I think I ought to
know about it, particularly when you and I are the only two
members of the committee in the sickness of health."
Aha! [laughter]Aha! It turns out that the third
member of the committee, Cordell Hale, was off sick. Aha! So
now we understand how the report gets delayed from July,
1944, until November. He waits until Cordell Hale is off
sick, the Secretary of State, and then he issues it without
telling the other member, Henry Stimson. So we're learning a little bit about
how this magnificent report on Auschwitz came into
being. And then yesterday, as I was going
through the private papers of Justice Biddle in Syracuse,
the judge at Nuremberg, a little thought lit up in my head.
And it's the kind of thought that lights up in my head, but
not in the head of the average historian. Because it's the
thought you're only entitled to light up when you've done
the work. Something is missing. You're missing
something. What we're missing on this occasion,
of course, is as follows. At Nuremberg, a year after this
Auschwitz report hit the headlines. At Nuremberg they
produced a French woman, and a Dutch woman, and a Polish
man, and a Czech person -- any number of different people
who have been in Auschwitz to give evidence. These ridiculous scenes about
children screaming, "Mummy, how am I going to walk with only
one leg? This nasty man has torn off my leg." These
extraordinary things that were actually in the testimony at
Nuremberg. And yet the Slovak document was not
introduced as evidence. Nor were the two Slovak Jews
produced as witnesses, either. Although they had the most
extraordinary report giving chapter and verse, and dates,
and details, and statistics. Of course, one of these two
so-called Slovak Jews, a man called Vrba, is now
peregrinating around the world attending various conferences
and claiming to have been one of those particular two
signatories. So where was he at the time of the
Nuremberg trials? The whole thing stinks. In my mind, it is proof that the
Nuremberg authorities, the prosecuting authorities, if they
ever considered tabling that one cardinal document which has
now become one of the cardinal pieces of evidence -- looked
at it, shook their heads, possibly even investigated it and
found out that its source was something completely
different. And there are two possible sources.
One of the possible sources was, of course, our own Secret
Service, and I'll come to that in a minute -- the British
Secret Service. And the other possible source was
the German Secret Service. And this is an interesting
thought. Did the German propaganda operation in 1944 decide
to feed to the Allies, evidence about Auschwitz? Atrocious
evidence about Auschwitz. And you may think, well if so, of
course, it was a big own goal. But this isn't just me saying
this. This was the suggestion put forward to the War Refugee
Board, by one very learned correspondent a few days after
the publication. He wrote a letter to Stimson and to Henry
Morgenthau saying, "Isn't it possible that we've fallen for
Nazi propaganda?" Because if you read the report from
one side to the other, from the beginning to the end, the
one fact that sticks in your craw at the end of it all, is
the fact that the people who were doing the killing and the
organising, and the listing, and documenting, were Jews
themselves. And this is what the Nazis want us to swallow.
The fact that the really cruel people in World War II, the
ones who were absolutely ruthless even towards their own
people were Jews. And if you think, of course, that
they are scoring an own goal by putting out atrocity stories
about Auschwitz, the Nazi Propaganda Ministry will have
said... they will have said, [paraphrasing] "Who
cares? We're being blamed with these atrocities anyway, so
let's put that in as the meat and deepen the meat is the
barb that we bury saying that the real people who were doing
the killing were the Jews." A vicious piece of anti-Semitic
propaganda put out by the Nazi Propaganda
Ministry. Now, I'm only offering this to you
as one possible origin of the Slovak Jews' alleged report.
Not my own theory. It's a theory which is in the files of
the War Refugee Board. And the other theory is the
interesting one which again I thank one of Mr Zündel's
henchmen whose been doing extensive work, Paul Norris here,
whose been doing extensive work in the British archives. By
doing the work in the British archives that the other
historians have not done, Paul Norris has turned up the
evidence that our own Psychological Warfare Executive were
behind the entire gas chamber story. Back in the early 1940s -- 1942,
1943, 1944 -- our Psychological Warfare Executive, the PWE,
which was a branch of the British Intelligence Service,
decided in a prolongation of the entirely admirable and
justifiable propaganda warfare that we had conducted so well
in World War One. You, remember the stories about the
Belgian children with their hands hacked off by the wicked
Germans which everyone believed for years after World War
One. We carried on with the same methods in World War II
with big lies and little lies. And the biggest lie that we
propagated as far as I can see was the gas chamber
lie. And once again we're quoting from
the archives. They're in the British archives, how the
Psychological Warfare Executive decides quite cold-bloodedly
and cynically to start putting out over the radio waves the
allegation that the Germans have built special gas chambers
for gassing the Jews and getting rid of them. And later on in the files, around
about 1944, you find that the Chairman of the Joint
Intelligence Committee who was responsible for the
Psychological Warfare Executive, writing a hand-written
minute. His name is Victor Cavendish-Bentinck -- an eminent
banker, an industrialist. He is still alive in England --
now Lord Portland, as he is now. Chairman of the Joint Intelligence
Committee writing in hand-writing in 1944, words to the
following effect, "We've had a good run for our money with
this gas chamber lie, but really we've got to be a bit
careful, because eventually it's going to be exposed and
then our entire psychological warfare effort will be brought
down with it. So isn't it a good time now to distance
ourselves from this particular story. We've set the hare
running and now we ought to let it go off by
itself." A good run for their money in 1944
and here we are in 1988 and that hare is still running
forty-four years later. And nobody has bothered to link the
mythology of 1988 with the documents in the British archives
in 1942, 1943, and 1944. I'm only offering this to you
because, of course, people are going to say, "Well, if it
wasn't true, and if it didn't happen, then how do you
explain that everybody knew about it?" My own publisher in Germany,
Albrecht Knaus, a lovely man. He published my Goering
biography which unfortunately has all gone. I only brought
ten with me from England. Albrecht Knaus -- he's... I think
he's Jewish, himself, I've never asked him. But I know he
suffers, he suffers with each book of mine that he
publishes. And he said, "Herr Irving, you've
done it again in your Goering biography. We're going to have
to do something about this Endlösung problem, the Final
Solution. And he says, "Everyone knew about it. I knew about
it." And I have to say to him, "Herr
Knaus, in the utmost respect, and I'm not calling you a
liar, you didn't know about it. You have persuaded yourself
that you did." It is a kind of [German word]
a massenwahn. It's a kind of mass hysteria. That
after a time, people believe they were there. I've discovered it as an historian.
I go and interview people and they become very indignant
when I have to point out to them that they weren't there --
they weren't at the centre of the stage giving the orders.
They were miles away and they've read about it years later
and after a time they really believe themselves to have been
there. And it's not an ugly human trait.
It's human nature. You believe you were there because you
recall it so vividly. And the Jews are an impressionable
people and it is part of the Jewish tragedy that they
believe they were there. And they are rather ashamed that
they weren't there. They're happy that people do believe
they were there. And I'm not... I'm not... [applause]I'm not saying this in any way as a
put down on the Jewish people, because it is a tragedy. It
is part of the nightmare that they are still
living. They want to have been there and
they feel slightly guilty that they some how survived when
all the time this six million killing was going on which
they've now heard about, you see. And that's why they get indignant
with the likes of me who come along and say, "Well, let's
get to the bottom of this." And when Knaus, my German
publisher, says, "Herr Irving, [speaks in German]
I'm much older than you." He's seventy-five, and just turned
seventy-five, now. And I have to say, "Herr Dr. Knaus,
I work at the archives. I don't work in memories." And the
archives tell an unmistakable language. We know exactly what
people knew at that time because the Gestapo kept what are
called Morale Reports [speaks in German] and these
are complete and intact in the archives in
Koblenz. And we know exactly what happened
because people wrote letters and diaries and they wrote
letters to each other which were intercepted by the British
Secret Service. Millions of letters were intercepted by the
British. We overran ships. We captured positions. We invaded
towns. We got hold of thousands of sackfuls of private
letters written by people. And these letters were then
sorted and read and analysed and reports were written on the
content of these letters. And nowhere -- and I've read these
reports -- nowhere is there the slightest reference to any
Germans during the Second World War knowing about details of
gas chambers and gas camps. Rumours! But where do the rumours
come from? Auntie BBC -- the impregnable, pure, virgin-like
British Broadcasting Corporation which never told a lie.
Never told a lie, my goodness! Read some of the news
bulletins of World War II [speaks in German] You
can't help blushing when you read these reports. But this
was the way that psychological warfare works. And I'm not going to put down
psychological warfare, because psychological warfare is
bloodless, and if the enemy falls to it, then so much more
the fool they are. And we were better at psychological
warfare than Dr. Goebbels. We told the bigger lies. And I
think the biggest lie of the lot is the one that is still
militating on now. [speaks in German] Lies have
short legs. You can't stop a lie once it starts. I've said
that often before. In wartime, the propaganda ministries,
the ministries of information, they start this flywheel
spinning. And it's natural and everybody that has an
interest to keep that flywheel spinning -- the BBC, the
newspapers, the magazines, the generals, and the ministers,
and the politicians. In the files of the War Refugee
Board in Hyde Park, the ones I mentioned earlier, the ones
which issued this atrocity report on two Slovak Jews, most
of the letters that come in on the next few days are from
other editors saying, "Please can we have reports of
this?" There's a letter from Yank Magazine,
which I take to have been some kind of soldiers' magazine --
the equivalent of Signal, probably. And Yank Magazine editor
writes to Mr. Morgenthau saying, "Please can we have a copy
of your report? We need all the atrocity stories we can
get." I'm going to be quoting this letter because it is
symptomatic of the way that it happened. But this propaganda flywheel that
starts to spin and is finally, at the end of any major war,
like a six or seven year war like the Second World War, that
is spinning so fast that noboby dares to go up and put his
hand on it and stop it. Because why should they? So the wheel spins on with its own
momentum. Anybody who puts his hand on the flywheel to spin
[sic] it, is going to get his fingers
burnt. They get arrested, as I was in
Austria. Well, now the Austrian government has been defeated
in the law courts and they have to pay me substantial
compensation. And I hope, eventually, the law courts are to
pay Mr. Ernst Zündel substantial compensation for the
injustice done to him, as well. [applause]It is a very thorny task what we're
doing -- Zündel, for his reasons, I for
mine. I'm doing it just because I get a
certain amount of pernicious pleasure. I like to have on
every page of every book that I write, a little piece of
fun. The documents like that one about, these people were
castrated often and that kind of thing. I put it in there
because it gives me a little laugh. It gives me a little
laugh at the expence of the other historians who have been
so gullible that for forty-four years they have believed
it. And, boy! If we manage to pull this
one off, ladies and gentlemen, the laughter that's going to
ring around the world if we manage to demote the biggest lie
of all time, is going to be as nothing, because we're going
to pull off [German word] a spectacular
feat. And I really have to say, I thank
Zündel for doing it, because he is the one who's
converted me. He's converted me from being a believer into
an unbeliever which is a very, very difficult step for me to
take. It's not a retrograde step, it's a forward
step. But from now on, if I thought the
last twenty-five years of my writing career had been
difficult, it is quite plain to me that the next five or ten
years are probably going to be the most difficult years I've
ever had. I'm going to have to put armour
plate on my front door in London. I'm going to have to brief
my editors in London years ahead of what they can expect.
I'm going to have to find very, very good and solid
publishers first in London because obviously this is so
important. It's got to be done right. But we
can do it. I can let you... I can lift the curtain on one or
two ways I intend to do it, on the particular case of
Auschwitz. The documentary evidence, one by one, we are
dismissing. The documents -- I mean, this report by the
Slovak Jews is one case. We're ninty-nine per cent of the
way to proving that the report is a fake. The people who
wrote it, did it for a specific propaganda, psychological
warfare reason. Can't say who, can't say why, but it's
almost certain that the report is a fake. The Gerstein Report, that other
famous fake that came out in the immediate post-war period,
is also obviously a fake. And some of you will know what
happened to the French historian [Henri Roques] who
got his Ph.D for exposing the fake. He did a magnificent job
of research, the like of which no German, or French, or
British historian has done. He went to the archives. He got
the French police reports. He compared every available copy
of the so-called Gerstein Report. He found copies of the
Gerstein Report that nobody knew existed. He got hold of the
unfortunate Gerstein's private papers and letters and proved
that [SS Officer, Kurt] Gerstein was probably
mentally unstable, as well. The Gerstein Report is
completely fake and phoney. And the unfortunate French
historian who exposed it, of course, has been stripped of
his doctor's title in consequence. We're up against a very, very
powerful, closed elite. They've got money, they've got rank,
they've got all the academic titles and positions. And yet,
I'm convinced that we can win, because we've got on our side
the weapon they don't have. We've got the truth on our side
-- I'm convinced of it. [applause]And if you're once convinced you've
got the truth on your side then you're prepared to make the
personal commitment, the financial and time commitment which
I'm making now and I've begun making ever since April, this
year in Toronto at the Zündel trial. I'm going to duplicate a lot of the
work that Mr. Zündel has done, not because I discount
the work he has done, but because I know the attacks that
will start. I'm having the RAF Intelligence
reinterpret the photographs of Auschwitz. That's an
interesting story. I'm having the University of Keele,
who have a geographical department. They've stepped forward
and volunteered to remap Auschwitz for me. They've got all
the mapping equipment necessary to remap from ariel
photographs. And Mr. Zündel will confirm that we now
have the most magnificent aerial photographs of Auschwitz
taken by the British and Americans, and Germans, in 1944 and
1945. There can no longer be any doubt
whatsoever, what buildings were doing what. And with that
one tool alone, of course, you are in a position to discount
a very large body of the so-called eye-witness
evidence. I'm not going to say that the people
who gave those eye-witness reports are liars, because
calling them liars implies that they had perverted reasons
for doing something. They gave the false testimony, not for
reasons of deliberate perjury, but because they genuinely,
sincerely believed their own illusions. It's a kind of very
subtle madness that overcame these people. [member of audience:
"You're very generous."]And eventually, I shall also repeat,
if I can, the magnificent chemical and forensic work that
Mr. Zündel has done. And with this body of evidence, I
shall have to persuade Macmillans, and if they're too
cowardly to do it, I shall have to persuade another English
publisher to stand up and publish the result. And then, of course, will come our
collective moment of rejoicing, because there's going to
have to be a great rewriting of history. I knew right from
the start... [applause]I knew right from the start that
something was phoney because, of course, when I spent ten
years writing my Hitler biography, and I knew most of
Hitler's private staff, and I questioned them in very great
detail, and I won their confidence, which, or course, is
nine tenths of the battle, persuading Hilter's private staff
to talk frankly to you, and tell you not only the clean, and
upright, and decent things, but also the dirty things that
happened. And they told me this, his adjutants, and his
secretaries, and the colonels, and people who were close to
him, day after day, for the final twelve years of his
life. And it was striking for me, that
having spent the ten years writing Hitler's life, I didn't
come across a single document or piece of evidence showing
that he knew what was going on in Auschwitz. There's one telling moment in
Hitler's life on January 17th, or 18th, or 19th 1945. It was
in one of his Lager Beshrechung, the war conferences, that
he held twice a day on which were taken down in short-hand
by short-hand reporters. And there's only fragments of these
short-hand records left, not like the Morgenthau Diaries --
eight hundred volumes of them in the Hyde Park
library. We've just got one volume of the
Hitler stenographic fragments of his war conferences, but
it's enough, because here we have him on January 17th, or
18th 1945, being told by the Chef des Generalstab, the Chief
of the German Army's General Staff, [Heinz]
Guderian, that Auschwitz has been overrun. The wording is there, taken down in
short-hand by the stenographers. "Mein Fuhrer, gestern
wurde Auschwitz von der Sowjets eingenommen." Or words
to that effect -- one line. And Hitler answers, Jawohl.
"Oh." And then he goes immediately on to another matter --
something to do with industrial production. If Hitler knew what was going on in
Auschwitz, whatever it was, he would surely have said
something like hoffentlich war es uns gelungen,
inzwischen... I hope that the Reich Fuhrer managed to
make sure that the Russians didn't find anything there. You
would imagine that he would have had something like that, he
would have said something... he would have blurted it out.
But no, not a word. So in my Hitler biography, I adopted
the position that whatever it was that was going on, Hitler
didn't know about it. So it's not a crime committed by
Hitler, as Head of the German state, for which the German
people can be made to pay. But now I'm beginning to suspect
that the crime didn't exist in the first place, at all,
which is by far the most extraordinary discovery for
me. Because, of course, the German
people has been made to pay in Wiedergutmachung. Have
been made to pay, not just the thousand million dollars that
[Konrad] Adenauer so willingly promised to Nahum
Goldman back in the 1940s. You've had to pay, and pay, and
pay. Just the West Germans, of course.
Not the East Germans, not the Austrians, but the West
Germans have had to pay through the nose. What if it turns out that the crime
was never committed? It is unthinkable. And this is why it
is going to be a very ugly fight indeed. But I thought it important to impart
the knowledge that I've so far amassed just from the few
archives I've visited in the last few weeks, to a large and
representative body like this, because the more
Geheimnisträger there are, the more people who know the
secret, the less the secret itself is in danger. It's
going to be a very difficult fight, ladies and gentlemen,
but I've always been led by one principle and I'm sure it's
the same as the principle that has led our friend, Ernst
Zündel. Es gibt nur eine Wahrheit, und das ist total
Wahrheit. There's just one truth and that's total
truth! Thank you. |