by Michael Mandel Re: Arbour
Indicts Milosevic for Kosovo War
Crimes, May 27. YOUR extensive
front-page coverage of the indictment of
Slobodan Milosevic by the
International Criminal Tribunal for the
former Yugoslavia made no mention of the
fact that all of the NATO leaders, from
Bill Clinton, Madeleine Albright,
William Cohen, Javier Solana and
Jamie Shea, to Jean Chretien,
Lloyd Axworthy and Art
Eggleton, are also under active
investigation by the tribunal's
prosecutors. Charges of war crimes for the illegal
and cowardly war being fought by NATO
against the civilian population of
Yugoslavia have been made in three
separate formal complaints to Judge
Louise Arbour by legal experts from
Canada, Argentina, the United States,
Nicaragua, Switzerland, Greece and
Britain. More than 1,000 people from around the
world have joined in the charges against
NATO that include the most serious within
the tribunal's jurisdiction: wilful
killing and wilfully causing great
suffering and serious injury to thousands
of civilians; the employment of poisonous
weapons and other weapons to cause
unnecessary suffering; the unlawful and
wanton destruction of tens of billions of
dollars worth of property, cities, towns
and villages not justified by military
necessity; and the bombardment of
undefended dwellings and buildings,
including hospitals, schools, factories
and generating plants. Since these NATO leaders have all
publicly admitted the essential elements
of their crimes, Judge Arbour's
indictments of them cannot be far behind
those she has just laid against Mr.
Milosevic. Michael Mandel, professor, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Toronto. The writer is
one of the petitioners in Re: William
J. Clinton et al., filed May 6, 1999,
with the International Criminal
Tribunal for the former
Yugoslavia. |