to return Jewish treasures
in Washington

REMEMBERING her grandparents and
other Jews who died in the Holocaust,
United States Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright has said the
return of Nazi-looted art and other
property would "make the ledger
slightly less out of balance".
The Clinton administration yesterday
asked the delegates to an international
conference in Washington to approve a
statement calling on each nation to
"redress the unjust confiscation" by
finding pre-World War II owners and
making restitution - whether or not
heirs are found.
Russia pledged cooperation in
identifying and returning "victim art"
looted by the Nazis and then
confiscated by Josef Stalin's
troops after the war in what the
then-Soviet state saw as reparations
for damage caused and lives lost at the
hands of Germany.
The four-day conference aims to set
informal standards on how to deal with
the art, communal property and other
assets the Nazis plundered from
European Jews and others during World
War II. The current value would be
$US90 billion.
Dr Albright said archives around the
world should open their files.
"We cannot restore life nor rewrite
history," she said. ""But we can make
the ledger slightly less out of balance
by devoting our time, energy and
resources to the search for answers,
the return of property and the payment
of just claims."
- Associated