British police arrest right-wing publisher over Anne Frank mail: house searched, computers seized
Irving comments:
WE have to ask who were the traitors
who allowed this to happen to Britain. In
1962 finally an act was passed restricting
coloured immigration into England -- too
late, and not strict enough even then.
Lord Hailsham was one such traitor, as I
reported on Day
15 in the Lipstadt Trial, cross
examined about a
speech I made in 1990 to my Clarendon
1954 Lord Hailsham (right) said
that only 100,000 immigrants had so far
arrived and he did not expect many more.
Rather like Tony Blair last year with the
influx from East Europe, only far more
deadly. I am glad to say that The
Times reported my swipe at Hailsham
the next day.
The cowardly newspapers
always allow others to take the heat --
they are too frightened to say these
patriotic things themselves -- and if
others say them, the newspapers call them
"racist." Nobody has dared pin that label
in Churchill, yet.
15 of the Lipstadt trial, 2000:
you turn to -- this is the
Club in
Can you turn to page 9 of 12, please? I am
going to read the whole of
You say: "Thus, we
follow this tangled thread. At the end of
the war in 1945, the British Empire was at
its greatest ever extent in history. Our
armies straddled the globe. We were
beginning to get back the territories that
we had lost in the Far East through
Churchill's foolish military and naval
strategy. And suddenly the Empire
Groping around in
the darkness, we look for", capital G,
"Guilty", capital M, "Men. Partly I think
that we must blame sins of omission. If we
look back from where Britain is now, with
just a handful of people of true English,
Irish, Scots and Welsh stock -
apprehensive, furtively meeting in dinners
like this, exchanging our own shared
sensations and sorrows - then we can see
where some of the worst errors have been
"In 1958, for
example, we find Lord Hailsham saying at a
Cabinet meeting, 'I do not think this
Coloured Immigration is going to be much
of a problem in Britain.
We only have
100,000 of these immigrants so far, and I
do not think the numbers are likely to
grow much beyond that! So on balance I am
against having any restrictions imposed".
. .
Then you close the
quote from Lord Hailsham and you say:
"Traitor No. 1 to the British cause". What
do you mean by that?
Hailsham, these were records that were in
1988 just released from the Public Record
Office, Cabinet records, and they reveal
Lord Hailsham, who later became a Lord
Chancellor, I believe, having said at a
Cabinet meeting in 1958 in a totally
negligent manner that he did not think
that immigration into Britain was going to
be a problem and that so far only 100,000
had arrived, and he thought it would not
go to more than that. 
Sunday, June 08, 2014
At 8 am on Thursday June 5 revisionist publisher Simon Sheppard, of North Yorkshire, was woken up by a group of police threatening to break down the door of his house unless he opened it immediately, even refusing his request to be allowed to put on some clothes first.
Once inside, they arrested him on "suspicion of distributing racially inflammatory material, under section 19 of the Public Order Act 1986", allowed him to dress, handcuffed him and took him away.
Soon afterwards a search team arrived on the premises to prowl through his materials, confiscating two computers and some books (he does not know which).
Sheppard’s friend Paul Ballard explains
" … it seems that some sourpuss at the Post Office opened an outgoing package, saw something about Anne Frank, deemed it 'anti Semitic' and reported it to the police. This was enough for the special 'anti racist' task forces to spring into action."
Suspect Sheppard was detained until 1 pm, then bailed for three months, during which time he may or may not be charged with having committed an as yet unspecified act.
His activity as a revisionist publisher is well known to the authorities: in 2008 he was tried and convicted for distribution of "racist" tracts and imprisoned for three years. But he is unbowed, having no intention of giving up his life's work merely because the arbitrary ruling power disapproves of it.
Today the offence of "distributing racially inflammatory material" carries a sentence of up to seven years. So much for freedom of expression in England.
thousand a week flee UK because of
Simon Sheppard's catalogue – The Heretical Press