added by this website]
David Irving arrives with his assistant Jae at
the TV2 studios in Oslo May 25, 2009 for his
Wednesday, May 26, 2009
for Norwegian text]
SOS Rasisme
will not participate in Tabloid this
SOS Rasisme has been invited
to participate in this evening's Tabloid
on TV2. With the background that TV2 financed
the Norwegian visit of Nazi historian David
Irving yesterday, SOS Rasisime does not wish
to participate on the channel's
We think it is totally unacceptable that one
of Norway's biggest media outlets sponsors
Europe's most influential "Hitler friend" and
Jew- hater, we will make it clear that TV2
cannot take such a position and still expect a
positive reaction from antiracists, says the
first deputy of SOS Rasisme, Ola Melbye
Pettersen. He was called up by
Tabloid Wednesday morning and asked to
debate the Irving affair.
Contributes to increased hatred of
SOS Racism mean channel committed a breach of
ethics, and put the ratings and advertising
revenue above consideration for Nazi victims.
After discussion in the organization's
leadership, it was therefore decided to decline
to participate.
TV2 would naturally want to redeem itself
from the criticism SOS Racism and several others
put forward yesterday, but we will not
contribute to this. A five minute talk on the
evening Tabloid will not be able to
correct the massive publicity Irving has
received as a result of TV2's behaviour. "The
result is that the increasing hatred of Jews in
Europe has entered Norway, while it is a blow in
the face to the Norwegian minorities, war
veterans and anti- racists," said Pettersen.
At Scandinavia's largest forum for the Nazis
and extreme right, nordisk.no, TV2s interview
will be celebrated as a victory. Here we can
read, among other things:
- "Hahaha, wonderful. He had some million
viewers and the press coverage as it did.
Proff man."
- "I agree. Irving - Jews: 1- 0 This time
Irving was given much more - and better - PR
than if the invitation had stood and he had
been allowed his voice in the literature
festival. The politically correct are
frustrated right now..."
Zero tolerance for Nazism
SOS Rasisme was heavily involved in the
popular pressure against Irving that became so
strong that he had to leave Norway last night.
Thus, there was nothing of the meetings he tried
to hold in Lillehammer / Hamar and Oslo, where
the Nordic Nazis and sympathizers mobilised to
This shows that the resistance against Nazism
and racism is still strong. Freedom of speech
has never included the freedom to insult and
threaten individuals or groups of people. The
open anti-Semitism in the 1930s showed clearly
what the consequences of such a "free speech"
are: ethnic cleansing and genocide. SOS Racism
will never accept that history repeats itself,
and our slogan in this case is "No more 1940,"
says Pettersen.