have found that they cannot silence me, and that
too is undeniable.
 London, Friday, September 19, 2008 Readers'
Letters  David
Irving comments: | PROBLEM is, I am undeniable. But
doesn't this letter just explain why the
Jewish community have earned the
euphemism, The Traditional Enemies of Free
Speech? For some reason, I seem
to have got under their skin, which is as
I once said with regard to the late
Bernard Levin, a highly unhygienic
place to be. They were the ones who
secretly wrote to the Austrian Government
demanding my arrest and imprisonment. But
they have found that they cannot silence
me, and that too is undeniable. |
Deny David
Irving I listened with shock to the BBC Radio 4
broadcast The Reunion, on Friday, September
12 at 9 am, which brought together those involved
in the publication of the Hitler Diaries in
1983. Amongst those invited was David Irving, the
Holocaust denier. During the programme he was
described s "the controversial historian," "the
right-wing historian," and "the historian". He was
treated on a par with the other invited guests. The BBC, by inviting Irving to take part in this
programme and accepting so uncritically his views,
confers on him a respect and recognition which are
manifestly unjustified. - Howard Falksohn,
- Archivist,
- Wiener Library
- Devonshire Street
- London W1

Irving's Books
Deborah Lipstadt Libel action
film to be directed by Ridley Scott, about David
Irving and Deborah Lipstadt and the famous
Holocaust denial trial
Welle (German propaganda radio)
writer Ronald Harwood working on a film of the
trial of David Irving