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Posted Wednesday, January 2, 2008

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Irving's case. It is like so many terrorists released early from Israel's prisons who return immediately to their heinous careers.

Posted on Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Report: Holocaust-denial activity increased worldwide in 2007

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David Irving comments:

THESE people are obsessed, and should seek help; I feel inclined to shout, Go get a Life! Except that they might misread that as Go Take a Life -- "Kill Tryl!"
   Of course, without "holocaust denial", whatever that is, this Institute would have no raison d'être.
   Just as the security services of Europe have had their eyes fixed on the "extremist right" ever since Joseph Stalin died, and then the Berlin Wall came down, and their jobs were threatened.
   One almost feels sorry for them. Almost, but not quite.
   And what are we to make of this pricless piece of pseudo-scientific piffle:

The report found that Holocaust-denial activity increased worldwide in 2007, following a lull in 2006 due to the imprisonment of leading denier David Irving, in Austria.

How on earth did they prove that? "Due to" -- did these selfless scholars stand in white lab smocks in Fifth Avenue with clipboards, blinking through their thick-lensed glasses and flagging down pedestrians?
   "Is your Holocaust Denial level Up or Down, Sir/Madam?"
   "Marginally up? Shocking. Why would that be?"
   "Oh, Mr Irving's release from solitary confinement in a two-centuries old Viennese jail is to blame is it?"
   (Right, we'll soon fix that).

AS for the European Union urging "all its member-states to adopt legislation prohibiting Holocaust denial" - what would we think if the US Congress adopted legislation prohibiting historians from speculating about Pearl Harbor, or September 11, 2001?
   Perish the thought.

THE early release of David Irving from an Austrian prison where he was serving time for Holocaust denial has neither deferred Irving from further lecture activities on the subject nor helped silence other perpetrators of the same lie. [Website note: Mr Irving was convicted, not of "Holocaust denial" whatever that is, but under a useful Stalin-era 1945 law prohibiting the resuscitation of the Nazi Party: go figure].

The annual report, "Holocaust Denial: A Global Survey - 2007" confirmed Holocaust denial activity was up worldwide, following a drop in 2006 believed to be due to the imprisonment of leading denier Irving.

The leniency of reducing his sentence had the opposite effect according to report sources. The survey disclosed that Holocaust deniers increased their activities in various countries, including holding a conference in Italy to defend Holocaust denial.

On the positive side, the United Nations General Assembly and UNESCO have passed resolutions opposing Holocaust denial and the European Union has urged all its member states to adopt legislation prohibiting Holocaust denial. It is a pity justice was not allowed to have its full sway in Irving's case.

It is like so many terrorists released early from Israel's prisons who return immediately to their heinous careers. (Sources: J.Post/IHC)

Source: Press Release: David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies (12-27-07)

Rafael MedoffMedoff co-authored the year-end report with Holocaust scholar Dr. Alex Grobman.


David Irving's Books
The Deborah Lipstadt Libel action

Wyman Institute finds: Holocaust-denial activity increased worldwide in 2007. David Irving 's release blamed


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