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Posted Sunday, July 18, 2004

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Cameron Kerry converted to Judaism from Catholicism in 1983 when he married a Jewish woman, Kathy Weinman.

London, Sunday, July 18, 2004

Kerry sends brother to Israel to shore up the Jewish vote

By Inigo Gilmore in Jerusalem

Image below: Website note: No photo of Cameron Kerry
is available, so we substitute one of equivalent value

JOHN Kerry, the Democratic senator and presidential candidate, has sent his brother Cameron, a Jewish convert, on a delicate political mission to Israel to shore up Jewish support ahead of November's election. The visit, which was due to end last night, has delighted Israeli government officials but has dismayed left-wing Israeli peace activists and Palestinian leaders, whom Mr Kerry studiously avoided as he voiced stridently pro-Israeli views on behalf of his brother.
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David Irving comments:

I HAVE yet to fathom the mentality of the Jews of Israel, who seem intent on walling themselves into yet another ghetto, even larger and more hideous than those they left in Eastern Europe during World War II.

The Wall
Israel's "security barrier"

   But it is equally hard to understand the knee-jerk reaction of the Palestinians against the wall: True, it represents another monstrous land grab by these thieving invaders, who have already, with the blessing of London and Washington, seized lands and possessions that belonged for centuries to Arab families.
   But if the Wall clearly defines the "final demands" of the Israeli people, and if it keeps these objectionable people and their marauding soldiers finally contained, then all Arabs should rejoice.
   Perhaps I am seeing things wrongly here?

John Kerry hopes to reinforce support in the November election In meetings with Ariel Sharon, Israel's prime minister, Silvan Shalom, the foreign minister, and Shimon Peres, the opposition leader, Mr Kerry delivered an unequivocal message from his brother: that he will take a firm pro-Israel line on all main issues, including the controversial construction of the security wall in the West Bank.

dollarIn an interview with one Israeli newspaper, Mr Kerry, 53, said: "He [Senator John Kerry] is very clear in his statements: the security of Israel must come first and Israel needs to be able to protect itself." He echoed the Israeli government's line on refusing to negotiate with Yasser Arafat, the Palestinian leader, and added: "There is no Palestinian partner at this time. It is not the place of the US to pressure Israel to reach an agreement with the Palestinians."

More controversially, he said the 425-mile security wall was "essential for the security of Israel" - an apparent reversal of remarks by his brother, earlier in the campaign, in which he described the wall as "a barrier to peace".

The apparent change of stance on the barrier by the Kerry camp came as the United Nations continued to consider a draft resolution demanding that Israel comply with last week's International Court of Justice ruling that the West Bank separation fence is illegal and must be dismantled. Mr Kerry's new position will disappoint European officials, who have been highly critical of the security barrier.

Cameron Kerry insisted that his brother had previously raised questions only on the route of the fence, not the issue of the construction itself. Israeli peace activists were dismayed but not surprised by Mr Kerry's public pronouncements.

Jeff Halper, a leading Israeli peace activist and an opponent of the wall, said:

"Bush has been incredibly pro-Israel but the Democrats are clearly not a liberal alternative who will be more critical of Israel. "It is very distressing when you have issues of conflict, occupation, and violation of human rights, that the liberals seem worse than the Republicans in their support for the most extreme Israeli line. Just look at Hillary Clinton. The Democrats will not give the Palestinians or Israeli peace activists the time of day."

The Democratic Party is seen by most American Jews as their natural political home. Mr Kerry's own pro-Israel leanings may have been encouraged by his discovery last year that his paternal grandparents, who lived in Austria, were Jews who converted to Catholicism. Cameron converted to Judaism from Catholicism in 1983 when he married a Jewish woman, Kathy Weinman.

During the Democratic party primaries, Cameron helped to arrange meetings between his brother and key Jewish leaders, and he has continued to be the campaign's "link man" to the American Jewish community. One of the organisers of Mr Kerry's visit to Israel is Jay Footlik, [where do they get these names?] an American Jew with close ties to AIPAC, the main pro-Israel lobby group in the US. Republican backing for Israel has also hardened in response to the growing strength of the evangelical Christian movement, which believes in the Jewish people's right to reside in the Holy Land and which the Bush administration has assiduously courted for votes. The result is that all the key Washington institutions support the Israeli government.

© Copyright of Telegraph Group Limited 2004.


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The above item is reproduced without editing other than typographical

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