Wednesday, July 21, 2004 Jewish
community wants 'pro-Nazi' banned from
By ANNE BESTON NEW Zealand's Jewish community
wants a notorious historian, labelled pro-Nazi and
a Holocaust denier, banned from entering the
country. British author David Irving plans to
visit in September but the Jewish community calls
the timing "unfortunate", with New Zealand's
relationship with Israel at an all-time low.  David
Irving comments:
I WONDER what the New
Zealander academics are frightened of? The
university discipline should promote free
discussion on all aspects of history. Here is a
challenge for Dov Bing:, issued in the
real spirit of learning: I will be willing
to stand up to any academic or other
historian he selects in open debate -- and
let's see whose views prevail. I repeat:
what are he and his ilk frightened
of? They squeal and
whine when Prime Minister Helen Clark
proclaims sanctions against their other
homeland after it commits a series of
illegal acts against New Zealand -- yet
they have no compunctions about demanding
that the same government proclaim
sanctions against me, although I have
never broken any of their country's laws,
and do not intend to. A rum bunch, the lot of
them. |
have no doubt the Government will turn his request
down," said Waikato Jewish Association president
Professor Dov Bing (below left)"I think it's an added concern that his visit
could create more mayhem and anti-semitic attacks
on Jewish communities." Rest
deleted | WE
regret to say that the online staff of the
New Zealand Herald have required us on
Wednesday, August 11, 2004 to remove the
remainder of this article from the
website. It may be that they themselves
had come under pressure. We consider their
attitude to be at variance with the spirit
of the Internet, but have little choice in
the matter. |
[Write to the NZ Herald's
attempts by New Zealand Jews to stop David Irving's
2004 visit
Bing also played an unseemly role in the Joel
Hayward affair, demanding the recall of his PhD
thesis from a Canterbury Library. In short: a
bigot, an enemy of free speech
Zealand Herald article by Dov Bing attacking
Joel Hayward, 2003 -