that CSIS has the power to
read minds, who knows where it

added by this website: Robert Faurisson,
Fred Leuchter at Carlton SAtreet;
Zündel seated in
background  Toronto, Saturday, March 6, 2004
to the editor] [Today's
Article: Ernst
Zündel, civil-rights
champion?] Zündel
doesn't warrant a security
certificate ERNST Zündel has
been in a Canadian jail for more than a
year. Seized at his Tennessee home by U.S.
immigration agents and delivered here, he
is facing deportation to Germany on claims
that he is a danger to Canadian citizens.
In the meantime, he languishes in a tiny
cell at Toronto's Metro West Detention
Centre in solitary confinement.  David
Irving comments: IT is
characteristic that, even when a
powerful newspaper like The
Globe & Mail in Toronto
perceives an injustice being
done, if it is being done in the
name of the Traditional Enemies
of Free Speech the cowardly
newspaper feels obliged to vilify
the victim too -- just to be on
the safe side, since you never
know. . . What
else explains the snivelling and
gratuitous use by the editor and
his journalist of such phrases as
"spreading his noxious opinions,"
"odious as he is," and "obnoxious
nuts"? Ordinary
people, particularly those who
have had the privilege to meet
and speak with Mr Ernst
Zündel when he was a
free man, would prefer to state
that it is this journalistic
cowardice which is noxious,
odious, and obnoxious.  |
luck, many will say. Mr. Zündel is
depressingly well known to Canadians as a
Holocaust-denier and extreme right-winger
who spent decades here spreading his
noxious opinions about Jews. We would all
love to see the back of him. But is he
dangerous? So dangerous, in fact, that we
need to pen him up in an isolation cell
for 12 months and counting?The federal government is holding Mr.
Zündel on a national security
certificate, a special procedure that
allows it to bypass many of the standard
rules of due process to protect public
safety. Those cases almost always involve
suspected terrorists. If two cabinet
ministers decide that an individual poses
a risk, they can have him locked up
indefinitely pending deportation. The
suspect is not allowed to see the precise
evidence against him, and his odds of
overturning the order in court are slim.
The government must show only that it
acted "reasonably," a preposterously low
legal hurdle. These are extreme measures in a
democratic society, and Ottawa should use
them only if it believes a suspect is
likely to do physical harm to people or
property. Odious as he is, Mr. Zündel
poses no such risk. He has never been
charged with a violent crime and does not
urge others to commit violence. He is a
crank, not a terrorist. It is hard to know exactly how Ottawa
defends its decision to jail Mr.
Zündel, because, under the
security-certificate process, it can keep
most of its evidence secret -- a provision
that severely limits Mr. Zündel's
right to mount a defence. But a summary
compiled by the Canadian Security
Intelligence Service argues that even if
he doesn't actually advocate violence, he
is dangerous because of the influence he
exerts on his followers. "By his comportment as a
leader and an ideologue, the service
Zündel intends serious
violence to be a consequence of his
influence." That, says Mr. Zündel, is guilt by
association. He is right. It is precisely
the sort of argument that was used to lock
up leftists in the days of the Red Scare.
You are a Communist and Communists
advocate violent revolution; therefore you
are conspiring to commit violence against
the state. Guilty as charged. If Mr. Zündel can be jailed and
deported for his "comportment" as an
"ideologue," then every Greenpeacer and
anti-abortion activist must fear
imprisonment. Their rhetoric is pretty
wild, too. Perhaps the anti-poverty
campaigner with a nose-ring handing out
pamphlets at the mall also "intends
serious violence to be a consequence of
his influence." Now that CSIS has the
power to read minds, who knows where it
may stop? The real danger to Canadians comes not
from obnoxious nuts like Ernst
Zündel, but from a government that
casually discards their most precious
Zündel, civil-rights
offered to set Zündel free to
travel to the country of his choice if
he would plead guilty to being a
national security threat
seeks asylum after U.S. deportation:
Now 'he's our
seeking refugee status
Zündel held in Batavia, N.Y.,
detention center
fears key could soon be thrown
headed back to Canada
of Ernst Zündel by US: Is held in
Neo-Nazi activist held in Blount County
2001: Ernst Zuendel has emigrated from
Canada to the United States