The International Campaign for Real History

Posted Monday, February 23, 2004

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Berlingske Tidende

Copenhagen, 22. februar 2004 kl. 22:30

[Danish text]


Holocaust Sceptic's Meeting Failed

INTERESTED participants to Sunday's meeting with the Holocaust Sceptic David Irving did not get any chance to meet the controversial historian in Copenhagen. Irving was not able to go ahead with the meeting, even though it was announced on his website Sunday.

There were none who were willing to open locals for the meeting with the man, except the Danish Nazi leader Jonni Hansen in Greve.

David Irving has questioned if the Nazis really exterminated Jews during the Second World War.

At first, the intention was that the British historian should speech at a meeting at an eating place at Hillerödgade in Copenhagen, but here the restaurateur chose to cancel, when he realized whom he was renting the restaurant to.

[Now see what really happened...]


David Irving dossier: "Global Vendetta"
Our dossier on the origins of anti-Semitism 
Website with a different view on Mr Irving's visit [Danish]
Modkraft: Holocaust-benægtere holder træf
Action Report: Mr Irving's October 2003 visit to Denmark

The above item is reproduced without editing other than typographical

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