The International Campaign for Real History

Posted Sunday, February 22, 2004

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Sunday, February 22, 2004



Two good meetings in Copenhagen

Score, Irving 2: T.E. nil

COPENHAGEN -- David Irving returns to London tomorrow morning after speaking in Copenhagen. Ever since he announced his return visit to Denmark, scores of people registered to hear him, including students, academics and others dissatisfied with the conformist version of history.

policeThe Traditional Enemies of free speech had mobilized in great strength to prevent him from speaking, and even claimed to have had busloads of trades-unionists and others standing by.

Much of this was bluff, but Denmark's police force provided adequate security cover for the two functions, and advised the organizers at every stage on lessons learned from previous events, and procedures to follow this time. They provided Mr Irving with an unobstrusive round-the-clock watch from the moment he arrived at the capital's airport.

Danish TVDuring Saturday morning two television companies filmed him for their evening bulletins, and national newspapers like Berlingske Tidnigen requested interviews too. There was a noticeable softening in the line that the bulletins took after their reporters had actually met the British historian.

On Saturday afternoon he hosted a small luncheon at the Falconer hotel in downtown Copenhagen, whose staff functioned expertly and provided discreet assistance. The informal discussion that afternoon ranged across many topics of World War II, and Mr Irving ended by imparting to some of the more persistent questioners about the Holocaust advice against becoming obsessed with such narrow issues of modern history.

As a lesson in how an obsession can destroy an individual's life, he told the harrowing story of H W Wicks, an Englishman who had approached him, as a young best-selling writer, for help in 1963. Wicks had become obsessed with the wrong done to him by a London insurance company -- it had had him jailed for criminal libel in the 1930s. On account of this perceived injustice, Wicks wrote letters to Hitler, Mussolini, Himmler, Roosevelt, and scores of other personalities of history, asking them to redress the injustice done to him.

"Even in Moscow," said Mr. Irving, "I found on the glass plates which recorded the Goebbels diaries the minutes of a ministerial conference at which Goebbels had announced, in 1942, that he had received a promising letter from an Englishman, a Mr H W Wicks, who wanted to tell him about the injustice that had been done to him."

Mr Irving capped this sad story by informing his listeners that he had last told the H W Wicks story at a dinner in Victoria, British Columbia; in 1992, at which he had been presented with the George Orwell Award for Free Speech. At the end of the dinner eight "Mounties" had entered, the restaurant and led him away in handcuffs, at the request of the same enemies who are crowding into Copenhagen today!


Angleterre SUNDAY'S afternoon meeting required particularly careful tactical planning, because there had been weeks of threats of violence; it involved its organisers in reserving three separate locations. After the traditional enemy announced their intention of blockading the large, modern Falconer hotel, the organisers smoothly moved over to the first such location, the more antiquated Hotel A., where staff had offered every assistance (while denying everything to outsiders, both at the time and afterwards).

"It was just like Denver," says Mr Irving, referring to similar deception tactics which had outwitted the Traditional Enemies of free speech in Colorado in December. The police force, who had suggested security measures, threw a heavy cordon around the Falconer hotel, with many truckloads of officers in side streets, Hotel talk Sundaya fact which seems to have further deceived the would-be troublemakers; meanwhile Mr. Irving was addressing his listeners in peace at a major hotel in the heart of Copenhagen only two miles away.

Before leaving Denmark, he extended his thanks to the ever-courteous staff of the Radisson SAS Falconer Hotel, the Hotel A., and the police force which had enabled his visit to proceed without further difficulties.

"This kind of thing should not be necessary in a western democracy," he says, "but I am grown-up enough to know that extremists breed in every society -- people whose one obsession in life is to prevent other people's views from being heard. Thank you, Copenhagen!"

Picture above shows: Mr Irving arriving at Hotel Angleterre,
Sunday afternoon, February 22, 2004 (Foto: Modkraft)

banquet roomMr Irving will return to Denmark to speak at a dinner on a September weekend this year, 2004. Those interested in attending are invited to register by email for a private dinner and speech, with full payment in advance (410 dkr at present rates, including the dinner and taxes), and a no-quibble refund policy in the event of cancellation.

© Focal Point 2004 F Irving write to David Irving