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Posted Sunday, January 4, 2004

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Financial Post

Toronto, Saturday, January 03, 2004


Hollinger executives accused of 'diverting hundreds of millions'

Shareholder lawsuit Barbara Shecter Financial Post


DOCUMENTS from Conrad Black's Hollinger International Inc. reveal "a stunning abuse of authority" and a pattern of dealings where Lord Black and other executives "diverted to themselves hundreds of millions of dollars of Hollinger funds," according to a lawsuit filed by minority shareholders.

Conrad BlackThe so-called derivative lawsuit, which seeks to see Hollinger International compensated for damages resulting from the alleged wrongdoing, was made public yesterday despite being filed under seal last month by Cardinal Value Equity Partners LP. The suit also seeks an injunction barring Hollinger International and its subsidiaries and affiliates from entering into new agreement with any of the defendants without court approval.

Sources familiar with the situation said yesterday Hollinger International did not fight to keep the lawsuit sealed. Hollinger International is named as a nominal defendent alongside Lord Black and past and present board members including Henry Kissinger, Daniel Colson, James Thompson, Marie-Josee Kravis and Dwayne O. Andreas.

Last summer, Cardinal Capital Management, which holds 1.75 million shares of Hollinger International, began demanding access to board meeting minutes and other company documents.

The documents reveal "a troubling reality," according to lawsuit claims. "While the Hollinger executives were treating Hollinger like their personal piggy bank, Hollinger's board, including ostensibly blue-ribbon independent directors and Hollinger's audit committee were totally quiescent."

It goes on to say that: "Despite being presented with numerous self-dealing transactions, the board without question or investigation repeatedly approve the actions of Hollinger executives (often after the fact) and permitted their unfettered raid on Hollinger's finances."

Included among the transactions were the sale of Hollinger properties to small newspaper companies controlled by Lord Black and his associates for $1, without a bidding process, negotiation, or a fairness opinion, the lawsuit says.

According to the court papers, on March 13, 2003, the board retroactively approved $2.2-million in expenses for a private plane, even though auditor KPMG had advised it was difficult to assess whether the flights were for corporate purposes.

According to a statement yesterday from Hollinger International, if the Delaware Chancery court gives its approval, the lawsuit will be stayed pending the results of an internal probe of Hollinger international by a special committee of independent directors.

Sources close to the probe believe a report from the internal committee will be released by the end of March. However, sources close to Cardinal say the lawsuit could begin moving through the court system at any time, on short notice.

Although the special committee appears to be focusing on the transactions which Cardinal is also contesting, Lord Black remains chairman of Hollinger International and has the ability to replace any member of the board, according to the lawsuit.

"[Ex-U.S. President Richard] Nixon proved you can fire a special committee," said one source close to the situation. "But you can't fire your shareholders."

Sources close to Cardinal have also indicated concern that the board may not act on the committee's recommendations because many of its members who rubberstamped the transactions in question remain on the board.

Lord Black was forced to step down as chief executive of Hollinger International last month when the special committee revealed that US$32-million in payments had been made to executives and holding company Hollinger Inc. without full board approval or proper disclosure.

Conrad Black in ermineHis chief operating officer David Radler resigned from the company and senior vice-president Peter Atkinson left the board.

Hollinger said yesterday that its internal probe will include non-compete and management fee payments to Lord Black, some associates and affiliates.

It is also looking into related party transactions, and will examine review and approval processes undertaken by the board and issues related to proper financial disclosure.

© National Post 2004


... on this wesbite about Conrad Black and his newspaper empire

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Barbara Amiel writes truly wonderful things (among some gratuitous smears) about David Irving tells Jerusalem Post to stop claiming the company supported Israel

The above item is reproduced without editing other than typographical

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