[The Jerusalem Post]
have chosen not to comply with
these terms and we had no
choice but to close down their
Post ordered to stop claiming Amazon
supports Israel IN an unusual development, Amazon.com
the worldwide Internet book marketing
company, has confirmed that it is annoyed
that website
of the Jerusalem Post -- a Conrad Black
newspaper -- claimed in advertising that
the company supported Israel in the
current conflict in the Middle East. The announcement had caused many Amazon
customers to withdraw support from the
company. Typical of the letters received by the
company was one reading: "I was intending
to submit more auctions on Amazon but I do
not want my business to go to support
Israel." In a swift response to this and other
complaints, the company has placed the
blame on its Associates Program: The
web site, www.jpost.com, was just one
of over 800,000 members of the
Amazon.com Associates Program.
Associates post links to Amazon.com on
their sites in exchange for a small
percentage of the sales that result
when their visitors follow these
special links to place an order with
does not endorse the point of view of
any of our Associates. Nor would we
consider ourselves their sponsors. Our
Associates include web sites
representing all sides of nearly every
important political and social
issue. However,
we did find that the Jerusalem Post was
describing our relationship in a way
that could cause confusion. As a
result, we requested that they update
their messaging to more accurately
reflect the nature of their membership
in the Associates Program.
Unfortunately, they have chosen not to
comply with these terms and we had no
choice but to close down their
An open
letter to Amazon.com