
 Posted Monday, June 23, 2003

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Picture provided by this website: US Marine takes a Golden opportunity in Iraqi palace


As-Safir, Beirut, Monday, June 23, 2003 .


Washington nudges Israeli companies: Take advantage of the "Golden opportunity" in Iraq


Eric Mueller comments:

HERE are further indications published in the authoritative Beirut daily as-Safir that the US and Zionsts are working together to ensure that Israel is able to penetrate Iraq economically, a prelude to subjugating the region economically to the Jewish state.

Arabist Eric Mueller is this website's expert on Middle Eastern affairs. He is a featured speaker at this year's Real History weekend at Cincinnati, August 29-September 3, 2003.

THE United States yesterday called on Israeli companies to take part in the rebuilding of Iraq, affirming that the "road is open to them" and that they should "know . . . how to take advantage of the golden opportunities arrayed before them."

This statement coincided with a visit to Baghdad paid by a delegation of the "Jewish Agency for Immigration" amid a flurry of news reports of Jews attempting to buy land and properties, and of attempts by the Mossad to establish a foothold in Iraq.

Meanwhile a number of members of the US Senate from the Republican majoriy and the Democratic opposition said yesterday that the United States will remain in Iraq for years to come. They maintained that the American intervention was poorly prepared and was not clearly explained by the George Bush administration.

"Golden Opportunity"

US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, John Taylor, gave an interview with Yediot Aharonot, while he was taking part in the world economic forum in Jordan. In the interview he said that

"legislation in the economic fields which will be taking place in Iraq in the next few weeks will present a golden opportunity for Israeli companies to begin to carry out projects and to invest in Iraq."

He added that Israeli participation in the rebuilding of Iraq will push the Israeli economy forward.

Replying to a question as to whether it was possible for Israeli companies to take part in the bidding on developing the basic infrastructure in Iraq, Taylor said, "Naturally. There is nothing preventing that. Israeli companies have solid credentials in the areas of advanced technology and infrastructural development. In addition they can sell Israeli products in Iraq. This they can do either on their own or through the participation of third parties. Currently there are no limits on importation into Iraq. Imports, rather, are totally free of customs regulations. The doors of the Iraqi market are wide open."

Taylor is responsible for economic policy in the George Bush administration, including economic policy in Iraq. Taylor also occupies the post of General Secretary of the American committee in charge of over seeing the Israeli economy.

Immigration Agency

Bush gives adviceMeanwhile an official of the Jewish Agency, a semi-governmental body that organizes immigration to Israel, Jeff Kaiyi, paid a visit to Baghdad and made the first contacts with the Jews of Iraq's capital -- a total of 34 individuals -- the remnants of one of the most prominent Jewish communities in the world.

Kaiyi said that the chief aim of his three-day visit to Baghdad last week was to reassure themselves that the Jews in the city were safe. He told Reuters "immigration was not our purpose," but he added; "but if individuals expressed the need for that (i.e., to immigrate to Israel), they would not have needed to ask twice. We were ready to do everything in our power to get them out.

Kaiyi went on to say that although the Jews of Baghdad had been subject to prepression and confiscation of their property over the years, Saddam Hussein guaranteed that they would not be harmed. Kaiyi said about Saddam: "I believe that it was important for him to show the world that he was opposed to Israel but not to the Jews."

Kaiyi said that there were no children among the Jews of Baghdad, half of whom are over 70 years of age. There had been no Jewish weddings in the city since 1978. He added that the 34 individuals are the self-declared Jews, but that it was possible that there were other Jews in Baghdad who do not want to draw attention to themselves.

Kaiyi brought with him to the Jews of Baghdad Psalm Books and Jewish religious items. He said that there were other delegations whose aim was to bring them assistance as well.

The Mossad in Baghdad

The Jewish agency visit came amid allegations by Islamic prayer leaders in sermons, published tracts, and Iraqi press articles that Jews are buying up houses and real estate in Iraq. Such reports led yesterday to a reaction on the part of an Iraqi company that is operating under a contract with the Americans, and about which there had been rumous that it was working for Israeli intelligence.

Managers in the "al-Qaten" company, which specializes in restoration of houses and buildings, organized a press conference in the 'Iqal Hotel to deny charges that they were working for the Mossad and the American Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.).

An anonymous pamphlet that has been circulating in Baghdad called on Iraqis not to go to the hotel and warned residents of the Iraqi capital that the Jews "want to buy houses and to take control of the media and commerce." It appealed to them not to go to the as-Samarra'i Hospital where Jewish doctors are working. A statement posted on the hospital gates yesterday responded to the rumors, saying that "this hospital belongs to Jamal Massah, an Iraqi Arab. It opened its doors ten years ago and will continue to receive all Iraqis."

Ahmad Sinjari, legal affairs and media director in the al-Qaten Company, said that "the source of the rumors was definitely the religious leaders, who had singled out al-Qaten because it was the first company after the war to cooperate with the Americans."

The newspaper "ad-Da'wah" wrote last week in an article entitled, "Secrets of a hotel in al-Karradah" that "a hotel in the middle of the city is receiving a group of Zionists with the aim of buying up houses and palaces that used to belong to officers in the former regime." Imams in mosques have accused the occupation forces of opening the doors of Iraq "to the Jews."

These statements followed an increase in articles in the local press that discussed the subject. The newspaper "al-Yawm al-Akhar" on Thursday ran a headline saying, "The Jews are buying everything." "Al-Hilal" wrote that "the Jews have come and are buying things up just as they did in Palestine." The newspaper "as-Sa'ah" on the same day asked whether the Jews intended to demand the restoration of properties confiscated in 1951. These newspapers quoted residents of Baghdad who confirmed that they had been offered large sums to buy their homes.

AFP, AP, Reuters


The above news item is translated and reproduced without editing other than typographical
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