
 Posted Monday, August 26, 2002

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Cleveland Jewish News

Cleveland (Ohio, USA), Friday, August 3, 2002  



David Irving comments:

I GET tired of drawing attention to the obvious, but here we go again: I have never written a single book or article about "the Holocaust." I find it tedious and boring: boring, boring, boring. So do most intelligent people I know.
   Far from the Cleveland function's being shrouded in secrecy, I advertised it weeks ahead on this website, and gave a tollfree number where any inquirer could inquire about the location. Using a fictitious name (so who's shrouding themselves in secrecy now, then?), a CJN stool-pigeon duly did so.
   The story becomes even more ludicrous with the splutterings of the new ADL-torpedo Pitcavage (who's brain-power's not above savage): "Secrecy is important to right-wing radicals like Irving, because extremism thrives in the darkness, where it can communicate its message with no opposing viewpoints."
   See the above: the Cleveland lecture and the Cincinnati weekend have been openly publicised for months, and are open to all comers. But there is more: Pitcavage even knows that the debate is to be about conspiracy theories (it is not) -- that it will prove Mossad's role in Sept. 11.
   The ADL and their Mossad cronies: people who want to be the bride at every wedding. And end up as the corpse at every funeral instead.

David Irving signs books

Photo: David Irving signing books after the Cleveland lecture: Like other authors, he lives from his books -- whereas Mr Pitcavage and his sleazy bosses at the ADL live off a $60m annual slush fund, plus the occasional $250,000 bribe picked up from the likes of Marc Rich and other fraudsters,as ADL-chief Abraham Foxman has had to admit.

Holocaust denier David Irving to speak in Cleveland suburb

Staff Reporter

NOTORIOUS Holocaust denier and British historian David Irving, who lost a libel suit in April 2000 that he brought in England against Emory University Prof. Deborah Lipstadt, is coming to Cleveland again.

His speech Sunday, Aug. 25, in suburban Fairview Park has apparently been organized by the neo-Nazi group, the National Alliance.

Irving's appearances are usually shrouded in secrecy. But reached at the toll-free number listed on his Web site, Irving confirmed that he would speak at 6 p.m. at 22001 Brookpark Road, near the airport.

The address belongs to an American Legion Hall, which has been rented by David Daams from 6 to 11 p.m. for an American Veterans History Conference, a Legion representative told the CJN.

However, Daams denied that he rented the hall or arranged the meeting. Information about the conference was "only going out to a select group of people," Daams said, referring questions to Erich Gliebe, the new head of the National Alliance.

Gliebe, the longtime head of the Cleveland unit of the white supremacist group, was promoted to the top job after the July death of founder William Pierce. At publication time, Gliebe, who maintains a home in North Royalton, had not returned a CJN phone call.

Irving, who has a home in Key West and runs a book publishing business in London, travels around the U.S. to raise money and sell his books, says Mark Pitcavage, director of fact-finding for the Anti-Defamation League.

Irving will hold his fourth annual conference on "Real History" Aug. 30-Sept 2 at Greater Cincinnati Airport Marriott. Attending the conference costs a single adult $420 plus the hotel charges.

The speakers scheduled at the "Real History" conference will discuss a variety of conspiracy theories about Sept. 11, Irving's Web site said. Typically, such theories charge that the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence organization, working with U.S. agents, were responsible for the World Trade Center tragedy, says Pitcavage.

Other appearing at the Cincinnati conference will talk about the Holocaust. For instance, Dr. Robert Countess will dispute a witness for Lipstadt who detailed operations at the Auschwitz gas chamber.

Secrecy is important to right-wing radicals like Irving, because "extremism thrives in the darkness, where it can communicate its message with no opposing viewpoints," Pitcavage says. He described Irving as particularly "pernicious" because he is highly intelligent and communicates well.

At secret meetings, "there's nobody debunking their conspiracy theories or extreme claims, no one to provide a dose of common sense," Pitcavage adds. "The ADL likes to shine a light on that, so everybody can see it for what it really is."

Irving sued Lipstadt and her publisher, Penguin, because he said her book, Denying the Holocaust -- the Growing Assault on Truth and Memory, damaged his reputation as a historian. In her book, Lipstadt described Irving as a "one of the most dangerous spokespersons for Holocaust denial."

Irving does not deny that the Nazis killed Jews, but he insists that only a small number were murdered and that Hitler didn't know about it.

In his ruling, London High Court Judge Charles Gray found the allegations true that Irving was a "racist, an anti-Semite, an active Holocaust denier, who associates with right-wing extremists."

Irving is liable for the costs of the suit -- an estimated 2 million British pounds -- including Lipstadt's defense costs. After losing his suit, Irving declared bankruptcy.


Related items on this website:

  The ADL: Still Spying on Americans
  The Anti Defamation League: a dossier
  Abe Foxman (ADL director): A Disgrace to my Religion
  Corruption/Pardons scandal (Jan-Mar 2001): Foxman grovels on Marc Rich Pardon | ADL's Abe Foxman confesses blunder in using ADL stationery | -- says "The guy who gives you $100 doesn't get as much attention as the guy who gives you $10,000" | -- admits ADL took Marc Rich's $100G before pushing pardon: sees "no connection" | Rich's advisers debated whether to seek a presidential pardon as early as Feb 2000
The above news item is reproduced without editing other than typographical
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