
 Posted Monday, July 15, 2002

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One should be very careful about outlawing political matters that have nothing to do with racism. -- Danish Socialist People's Party MP Pernille Frahm

The Copenhagen Post
Copenhagen, Denmark, July 15, 2002



ONE of the Government's most vociferous critics in the immigration debate, Socialist People's Party MP Pernille Frahm, is now refusing to back an EU proposal to combat racism and xenophobia, a top-level issue for the [Danish] Government during the EU Presidency.

Under the EU proposal, 'holocaust denial' should be a punishable offence throughout the EU, as it is today in Germany and Austria -- which according to Frahm is going too far.

'One should be very careful about outlawing political matters that have nothing to do with racism,' says Frahm.

Minister of Justice Lene Espersen is hoping to reach a political consensus on the EU's racism proposal during Denmark's EU Presidency, in an effort to refute the negative picture of Denmark as a xenophobic country in the foreign press.

Related items on this website:

 Blair shies away from EU law on Holocaust | Evening Standard editorial | Daily Telegraph supports the "Liberty to Think Ill." (And Mr Irving's commentary) | Life in Roman Britain: British Judge rules that saying "when in Rome" is not Racist
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