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Release of Simon Wiesenthal Center issued on August
10, 2004 "Against Backdrop Of Antisemitic Attacks:
Simon Wiesenthal Center Urges New Zealand To Bar
Holocaust Denier" The
Simon Wiesenthal Center is urging New Zealand to
bar convicted
and Holocaust denier David Irving from
entering the country. In
a letter to John Wood, New Zealand's
Ambassador to the U.S., Rabbi Abraham
Cooper, (right), the Center's
associate dean wrote, "We would like
clarification as to whether professional
Holocaust denier, David Irving, who was
convicted [sic]
the British court for 'Defaming the dead' and
'Incitement to racial hatred' will be permitted
to lecture in your country? Considering Irving's
track record as a professional hate monger, and
the recent multiple desecrations of cemeteries
housing Jewish dead in New Zealand, there is
every reason to believe that Irving's racist
rhetoric would further antisemitic sentiment in
your country."
letter added, "The Simon Wiesenthal Center also
urgently requests an update from New Zealand
authorities if any suspects have been identified
or apprehended in connection in the spate of
anti-Jewish hate crimes." In
a related development, the Wiesenthal Center
welcomed today's resolution in the New Zealand
Parliament condemning antisemitism and all forms
of racial hatred, persecution and discrimination
following attacks in the past few weeks on
Jewish cemeteries in Wellington. The
Simon Wiesenthal Center was established in 1977
to draw the lessons of the Holocaust to the
analysis of contemporary prejudice. It holds
consultative status at the UN, UNESCO, the
Council of Europe and the OSCE. For
more information, contact the Wiesenthal
Center's Public Relations Department at (310)
553-9036. © Copyright 2004,
Simon Wiesenthal Center, 1399 South Roxbury, Los
Angeles, California 90035
Irving protests about this smear to the Simon
Wiesenthal Center's Dean, Rabbi Dr Marvin
Dear Dr Hier, MY attention has been drawn to your press
release of August 10, entitled: "Against Backdrop
Of Antisemitic Attacks: SWC Urges New Zealand To
Bar Holocaust Denier." In this you state quote
wrongly, and no doubt with malicious intent (as
evidenced by your dragging my name into the
cemetery outrages): "In a letter to John Wood, New
Zealand's Ambassador to the U.S., Rabbi Abraham
Cooper, the Center's associate dean wrote, 'We
would like clarification as to whether
pro-fessional Holocaust denier, David Irving, who
was convicted in the British court for 'Defaming
the dead' and 'Incitement to racial hatred' will be
permitted to lecture in your country?'" This is wholly untrue. I have never been
convicted in a British court of any offence
whatever. I have never been convicted in a British
(or any other court) of incitement to racial
hatred. On the contrary, as you are well aware, I
took civil action in the UK High Court against one
of your American community for libel in 1996, and I
will not hesitate to do so again if you publish
your above libels within the jurisdiction of the UK
courts or anywhere outside the United States. Please be so good as to confirm that you have
received this letter, and that you have amended the
press release accordingly; you may also feel able
to include an apology for the slur. I reserve all
legal rights in this matter. Yours faithfully, 
David Irving
David Irving writes
to New Zealand's ambassaador in Washington
Wednesday, August 18, 2004 Your
Excellency, My attention has just been drawn to a press
release issued by the odious Simon Wiesenthal
Center of Los Angeles on August 10, entitled:
"Against Backdrop Of Antisemitic Attacks: SWC Urges
New Zealand To Bar Holocaust Denier." This quotes
from a libellous letter written to you by one
Abraham Cooper: "We would like clarification as to
whether professional Holocaust denier, David
Irving, who was convicted in the British court for
'Defaming the dead' and 'Incitement to racial
hatred' will be permitted to lecture in your
country?'" This is malicious and wholly untrue. In view of
my forthcoming visit to Wellington please ensure
that my attached letter to the SWC is brought to
the attention of anybody to whom you may have
forwarded that letter. I should be grateful. These are characteristic of the methods with
which my opponents operate. I have never been
convicted in a British court of any offence
whatever. I have never been convicted in a British
(or any other) court of incitement to racial
hatred. On the contrary, as you are well aware, I
took civil action in the UK High Court against one
of the SWC's American colleagues for libel in 1996,
in an attempt to halt this global vendetta. Meanwhile, as I have advised the SWC, I reserve
all legal rights in this matter. Yours faithfully, 
David Irving - H E the Ambassador, Hon John Wood
- New Zealand Embassy:
- 37 Observatory Circle NW
- Washington DC 20008
Our dossier on the Simon
Wiesenthal Center and its worldwide
Nazi-hunter Simon
Wiesenthal knighted-
news on New Zealand's threat to ban David
Aug 15, 2004:
David Irving ups reward offer to $5,000
Star-Times attacks New Zealand's shameful
attempts to silence British author David Irving,
wonders who made the PM change her mind
Civil libertarians say David Irving should be
allowed in
Parliament's stance on Mr Irving, anti-Semitism
eases strains with Israel
Zealand cemeteries controversy: Internet message
Global Vendetta of international Jewish
organisations since 1988 to silence David