simple three line version of the
horror is this: Fanatical Muslim
terrorists crash planes into the
World Trade Center, as a symbolic
centre of international finance,
killing thousands, to punish the
United States for their blind
support of Nazi Israel's
occupation of
Palestine. |

September 11, 2001 (Iowa,
USA) I AWAKE and switch on
the television at 8:20 (Mountain) to
extraordinary television pictures: the
World Trade Center towers are on fire, as
two commercial airliners have been flown
deliberately into them. As we watch, the tower of one
collapses, and I start to pray for the
dead, and for those on the planes as well.
Smoke is then seen pouring from beyond the
White House, I think it may be a
smokescreen (which no commentators think
of), then the Pentagon is crash
bombed. The TV channels are seized with it, the
commentators talking of the cowardice of
the men involved. Cowardice no, but
reckless disregard for human life; by
attacking in daytime, in working hours,
they have multiplied the deathroll a
thousandfold. If it is Palestinian involvement, then
America is paying dearly for Ariel
Sharon and the missiles he has
recently been firing into Palestinian
homes. Talk about targeted killing of "the
right people"! News develops that the
terrorists, whoever they were, hijacked an
American Airlines jet from Boston, then
from New York, and flew down Fifth Avenue
at rooftop height. The damage to the US economy will run
into hundreds of billions of dollars. The
Stock Exchange is shut, every plane is
grounded, the Lincoln and Holland Tunnels
are closed. I feel like the morning of the Oklahoma
City bombing: news is happening, and each
minute brings something more incredible
and heart stopping than the last. The
Palestinian Front disclaims
responsibility. 9:22 am American Airlines
says it was their flight 11 from Boston to
Los Angeles. Word that the North tower is
leaning. The elevators have stopped.
Mammon has failed to protect its
underlings. There were 90 passengers on AA11, and
60 on the second flight, which was
hijacked on a flight from Dulles. There is
a report that a car bomb has exploded
outside the State Department. I know the
feeling, but most Americans don't. It is 9:29 am and the second tower has
just collapsed before our eyes. I try to
phone London, to talk with Benté:
"All circuits are busy." The ABC
television commentator is almost
speechless, "There is simply no way to
accurately describe the emotion ..." At 9:31 am Capitol police are told a
hijacked plane is now en route to
Washington. Pearl Harbor all over: caught
with their pants down. "The statue of
Liberty, folks, is still standing," says
one voice as the camera pans across it.
How flimsy those giant towers must in fact
have been. The Pentagon plane was a commercial US
Air 737, the building has been evacuated.
A plane is reported to have crashed at
Pittsburgh. By 9:50 am they are already
talking of the Taliban and of Osama Bin
Laden, but these are the usual US
bogeymen. The story of the car bomb is
discounted. Nobody is mentioning the White
House area smoke. The plane down near
Pittsburgh was a wide-bodied 767, but it
may have been unrelated to the campaign,
they say, except incidentally: a result of
the traffic control chaos; London
stockbrokers must be ecstatic: New York's
predominance in the financial world wiped
out in one slash. Of course, the media have not realized
this, or at least they are not saying it.
Nor are they asking who will most likely
bear the insurance and more important the
re-insurance burden, the London market 10:19 am one of the Fox commentators
calls it "a Day of Infamy." A US Air
spokesman says all their planes are
accounted for. American airlines says
their flight AA77 with 54 passengers from
Dulles was hijacked. 10:30 am police sources report that a
plane is flying down the Potomac at a high
rate of speed. "Commerce in America is not
going to come to a grinding halt but it is
going to be significantly affected." They
can say that again. 10:34 am Newt Gingrich says it
is a twenty-first century Pearl Harbor,
and blames the Americans for not having
taken Bin Laden seriously enough. Any more
of this and that gentleman may have to sue
for libel. Oh no, NYT vs. Sullivan.
He's a public figure. The flight that
crashed at Pittsburgh is United 93. 10:53 am news that Disneyworld has
closed in Florida, so things are getting
serious. In the UK the Stock Exchange has
suffered its worst fall since October
1987. 11:00 am I phone Benté; she has
been watching petrified, the US embassy is
cordoned off. Jessica is irritated because
all London TV channels are swamped by the
live coverage, so she has lost the CITV
children's channel. United confirms that it is "deeply
concerned about a second flight, Boston to
LA, United 175, it is unaccounted for." It
is "crashing", a location has not been
given . Their Newark to San Francisco
flight has indeed crashed outside
Pittsburgh, 11:09 am United confirms that
flight 175 has crashed. (Or shot down by
US fighters, one wonders?)  President Bush appears on
television from Florida, and once again
impresses by his total incoherence,
disregard for elementary rules of grammar,
and absence of what the Germans call
Format. Once again, as with the history of the
Holocaust, people seem unable to ask the
simple question, "Why?" The asking, and
the answer to that, are essential to the
prevention of future miseries. The
Americans appear unable to appreciate that
they have aroused the wrath of Islam, and
that Islamic fighters will eagerly die for
their cause. The same American government
spokesmen who cheered every Cruise missile
that they slammed from a long and safe
range into the skyscrapers of Baghdad and
Belgrade call it an act of international
terrorism when their enemies unexpectedly
turn out to be willing to do the same a
shorter range to them. Alas, they can
hardy describe the Pentagon as a non
military target. British commentators speaking on US
television say Israel is keeping quiet
because they don't want to make it evident
that this "may be the result of American
support of Israel." -- and particularly
Bush's. Bush's ludicrous support for Star
Wars II also comes in for question: All
that money has failed to protect the World
Trade Center buildings. Nobody has yet (2:20 pm) pointed out that
the crashed United Airlines plane in
Pennsylvania must contain the bodies of
the hijackers which will help to identify
them. -- I hear only one television
broadcast comment in the evening that the
US Army has denied that they shot down the
Pittsburgh plane. Ho-hum. The FBI have
seized the cellphone tape in which the
doomed passenger said there was an
explosion and white smoke before the call
went dead.I arrive at
Monticello around 7 p.m. and have a quiet
evening . . . The CNN news
programmes show around midnight terrifying
video footage, two films, of the planes
crashing into both towers; evidently the
cameramen have only just released their
windfall tapes to the media, holding out
for the biggest price -- why else should
it have taken until after midnight to
appear? Money, the root of all evil. At
midnight CNN headline news switches over
to the BBC for three hours, and the
difference is startling: unabridged
criticism of the US Government for its
foreign policy and the security lapses
which enabled the bombings to take place,
while the US programmes have dared nothing
of such criticism. Wednesday,
September 12, 2001 (Chicago, Illinois,
USA) The newspapers are filled with coverage
and ghastly photos. I read the Chicago
Tribune accounts of yesterday's
horrors. The most chilling photograph is a
telephoto lens shot of the upper floors of
one World Trade Center tower, smoke and
flames belching out from the floors
beneath, and hundreds of people cramming
the windows of the floors above, holding
up things, gazing out of the windows. As
for the Pennsylvania crash, there are
conflicting accounts. A spokesman "said
that there was no evidence that the plane
had been shot down but did not offer any
explanation about what caused the crash.
Investigators, too, were tight lipped."
That is journalese-speak, indicating that
they know something they do not report.
Later, there are suggestions, based on a
cellphone call, that three passengers
mutinied against the hijackers. We can place as much credence in that
version as the White House announcement
that they have evidence, which they refuse
to disclose, that the terrorists were also
targeting the White House and Air Force
One, which was why the president appears
to have gone walkabout for most of the day
instead of flying straight back to
Washington. It is of course easy to be
wise after the event. The simple three line version of the
horror is this: "Fanatical Muslim
terrorists crash planes into the World
Trade Center, as a symbolic centre of
international finance, killing thousands,
to punish the United States for their
blind support of Nazi Israel's occupation
of Palestine." Nobody dares even to hint
at this, at cause and effect, however. I
pray again for all the innocents who have
died. Previous
13: CNN first reports Pennsylvania crash
debris found 8 miles away