Mr Sharon's tower crane in Manger
Square, with its remote
controlled machine-gun picking
off opponents, seems somehow
symbolic of their presence in
every other community around the
world: the moment they sense a
danger to their interests --
David Irving

May 11, 2002 Los
Angeles (California) -- Las Vegas
(Nevada) M. GIVES me a page from Adolf
Hitler's Mein Kampf, to which
he referred a few days ago; as I have not
read that tome, it was unfamiliar to me.
Writing in 1923/24, a few years after the
Balfour Declaration, Hitler
muses on the future state of Israel:
If the Jews should ever succeed in setting
up their Israel in the state of Palestine,
he prophesies, "most of them will not go
to live there." No, they will continue in
their criminal actions elsewhere, and
establish the new homeland as a refuge for
all the shady elements forced to flee
after their naïve and overweening
host peoples have finally rumbled what
they are up to. Pursued
by the authorities, predicts Hitler in
Mein Kampf, these criminal elements
will use Israel only as a safe haven, a
habitat of convenience, from which they
cannot be extradited: What a novelist
might title The Sheinbein Game, I add. I
wonder if Hitler will prove to be
After reading the Los Angeles Times
over breakfast I leave Costa Mesa
around eight a.m. by car. Its standard of
reporting is once again superb, enough to
put any British newspaper to shame. The
Times of the last few days has
provided much food for thought about the
Israeli siege of Bethlehem, now ended. One
would have thought that in a normal world
it would be a nightmare public-relations
scenario: an armed force illegally invades
a neighboring country, in brutal violation
of United Nations agreements and
resolutions, and sees nothing wrong in
bulldozing private homes, with their
elderly and infirm residents still inside,
or in shooting up the Church of the
Nativity in Bethlehem, randomly killing
several Palestinians who have sought
sanctuary there, by sniping at them
through the church windows. Several Israeli bullets, according to
today's report, have smashed into the
statue of the Virgin Mary, severing Her
neck and one arm. The Times
correspondent Carolyn Cole forces
her way into the church -- displaying
extraordinary courage, because the troops
of Israeli prime minister Ariel
Sharon, whom President George
Bush has rather excessively called a
Prince of Peace -- make no distinction
between men and women in shooting them;
she reports today that she saw not one
shot fired by the Palestinians from inside
the church; but she did see one of them
shot and killed by a sniper from
outside. The
"Infrastructure of Terror"
gallery of Israeli
massacres ]
She was someone's little angel.
One of the victims of war
criminal and massacre-denier
Ariel Sharon
(above). | Yesterday's LA Times
article closed with a paragraph describing
how the Israeli troops had all but
withdrawn from Manger Square, "leaving
only the tower crane with a
remote-controlled machine gun" that had
been used to snipe at the occupants of the
Church of the Nativity, birthplace of Our
It is not often that you come across a
sentence like that in a newspaper of
record, and I read it twice to make sure I
had not imagined it. As a Christian, I look forward to the
day when the war criminal who ordered this
outrage is put on trial by the Belgians --
always assuming that some animal-rights
campaigner has not put an end to his
despicable existence first.
THE drive over the mountains and across
the Mojave desert is spectacular. I have
not travelled this route before, and it is
God's country. Half way across the desert
-- to judge from the local gasoline prices
-- I phone Bente in London; she is
subdued, as Jessica is away for the
weekend and the house is very quiet.
I do not at all dislike Las Vegas: it
is vulgar, like many American cities, but
deliberately so, which is excuse enough. I
pull into the city at 1:30 p.m. after a
half-hour break. In Las Vegas my publishing imprint
Focal Point has rented a booth at the big
Gun Show this weekend at the Cashman
Center. I have to circle the parking lot
for half an hour until a space opens up,
in a far corner. I curse, but it appears
to have been an unnecessary oath as I am
not allowed into the building. One doorman
shiftily refers me to another, when I ask
for my vendor's pass as instructed by D.;
then a burly seated Peloponnesian security
guard who is pointed out to me as being in
charge of the passes says simply, "You
will not be allowed to enter the
building." I do not at first understand; he says
with a sneer: "You can leave your
merchandise here of course." I say, "But I
am the vendor, we have paid for a space,"
and he then makes plain: "Mr Cashman has
said that you are not to be allowed into
the building." It is the Pittsburgh ExpoMart scenario,
the Oxford--Lewis bigotry all over again.
I presume he is Jewish, -- where do they
get those odd names from? -- and it is the
familiar problem. It is unlikely that
Mr Cashman has ever read even one
book by me. Never mind, it is not my
milieu anyway: indeed, it seems to me a
bit hypocritical (as it did to Judge
Judith Friedman in the Pittsburgh
court in 1996, granting
me the injunction against the
billionaire Lewis in the identical
circumstance) that Cashman allows in
hundreds of tables laden with guns,
swastikas, flags, boots, and Nazi
memorabilia, which I can glimpse through
the open doors, but not an English
historian exhibiting a massive and much
praised Churchill
AS I last night took the risk of
identifying the location of this evening's
Las Vegas talk on my website, I wonder if
that too will be cancelled.
I take to wondering about the Jews and
their self appointed leaders once again.
Somebody sends me a quotation that is
going the rounds, from a wellknown
American writer: the Israelis are "our
only friends in the Middle East", it
mimicks, and the writer adds: "Until we
became friends with Israel, we had no
enemies there." Mr Sharon's tower crane in Manger
Square, with its remote controlled
machine-gun, picking off opponents even in
the Christian sanctuary of a church, seems
somehow symbolic of their presence in
every other community around the world:
the moment they sense a danger to their
interests -- peng! It's
a miracle that they did not take out Mr
Winston Churchill after his
1920 article in the Illustrated News:
instead, they went on after 1936 to become
one of his principal financial
powerhouses. Yes, odd people, the Jews:
they think that they own History, that
they can control it; but they cannot, and
they eventually get trampled underfoot
again and again in the vain attempt.
Over to the Swiss Café on
Tropicana Avenue, venue of this evening's
function. But it is closed until five p.m.
I sit in a Mexican restaurant, typing.
Surprisingly, a lot of locals turn up for
the function by seven p.m. including B.
(without Helga) and Rainier; Al the
professional blackjack player who visited
me in Key West last year; M. (who gives me
an envelope with $1,000 in cash for the
legal battle); a Hungarian, and others: Bo
and his wife Judy Kirsch, a Heydrich
look-alike and girlfriend April, and
around thirty others. The restaurant patio itself is a
disaster as a venue, open to the air,
unprotected on three sides from Mr
Sharon's friends if they show up, -- less
likely now that the loveable Irv
Rubin and his gang have been put
away -- and barely 50 feet from
Tropicana Avenue, one of the most
travelled boulevards in Las Vegas. The noise is deafening, the acoustics
awful. I persuade the little audience to
press as tightly as possible round my top
table, and deliver a more than reasonable
talk in the circumstances.
I GO online and deal with e-mails at
midnight. To Bente I report the results of
the day, and add: "Makes the journey
worthwhile (it was spectacular
anyway). . . Nothing now until
the weekend. But driving, driving, driving
(an anagram for D Irving, you'll notice)."
Next stop Seattle.
Previous Radical's
1922 prophecy In
Mein Kampf, Hitler prophesied that if
Israel were ever created in Palestine, the
Jews would use it only as an
non-extraditable safe haven for when their
host countries got too hot for
them |