Readers' Letters, Dublin, September 3,
2001 The
Casement 'Black Diaries' Sir, - THE article, "Perversion of
history led to Casement's downfall"
(Opinion, August 22nd) contains so many
errors and misapprehensions that it really
requires a lengthy volume to bring your
readers back to reality. For the moment,
though, perhaps you will allow me to draw
attention to the more serious perversions
of history that it contains. The main problem is one of corrupt
sources. It is alleged that the Black
Diaries were forged by a Swiss forger
named Zwingleman and that the source of
this information is an interrogation of
the Gestapo leader Heinrich
Mueller. I have in my possession
Mueller's dossier. No mention is made of
Zwingleman or Roger Casement. But more importantly, the Barnes
Review, which published what purported
to be a transcript of Mueller's
interrogation, gave as its source a book
by Gregory Douglas. Enquiries
addressed to Dr Klaus A. Lankheit,
Kommissarischer Archivleiter, Institut
für Zeitgeschichte, München,
brought forth this response: "We have in
our possession a detailed and painstaking
analysis by an expert, which shows that
the supposed secret files are a very poor
forgery. Among other things, the analysis
proves that the American Gregory Douglas
is in fact a German." Roger Sawyer, Bembridge, Isle of Wight
Peter Stahl alias
Gregory Douglas, dossier |