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Lewis Graham likes the Hitler biography, asks about Churchill vol. 3




"Hitler" was great; when do we get to finish "Churchill"?

I RECEIVED "Hitler's War" (Millennium Edition, 2002) and I'm already on page 250! It's brilliant. Thanks for sending it on trusting you'd get a cheque. There's not many folk who would do that!

Just been watching a couple of WWII progs on the History Channel. They really are sloppy factually. When do you reckon the third volume of Churchill's War will be available?

Next up I've got your 1976 paperback edition of Rise and Fall of the Luftwaffe to read. Been putting it off as the type is so small!

I stuck up for you in Waterstones in Glasgow when I'd asked why Hitler's War wasn't on their shelves. Typically, they replied that it wasn't in their policy to do so but that they could order it for me. I let them know what I thought of this and said I'd purchase it elsewhere and that I wouldn't be back.

I reckon I've read about 200 books on the subject and your works are certainly the most readable and best researched I've studied yet.

Lewis Graham


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David Irving replies.

"Churchill’s War", vol. iii: "The Sundered Dream" should appear during 2005. I am working on the piecing together of the vast and complicated mosaic right now. I have to go back to the British arhcives a few more times. The seizure of all my archives and library by the British official Trustee in May 2002 has not helped: they have admitted (to others) that on the legal advice they have they are wrong to hold these archives back from me, but they have so far refused to return them. Hence the new High Court action I am now taking against them in London. I guess the conformist historians don't have these obstacles.


 © Focal Point 2004 David Irving