Letters to David
Irving on this Website Unless
correspondents ask us not to, this Website
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debate. |
| Brian
Massachusetts wants to know, Saturday, June 16,
2007, when Mr Irving will speak at Harvard
again.  When
will you speak at Harvard again? JUST a belated note to convey my
happiness at your fortunate release
from the Austrian gulag,
as well as my thanks for the fascinating
of your ordeal that you
recently posted. I was well aware that free speech in much of
Europe no longer extends to questioning the
official line on World War II, but I had no idea of
the extent to which a putatively "free" country
such as Austria would stoop to such baldly
Stalinist tactics in an effort to silence voices
such as yours. Thank God for the courage,
dedication and brilliance that your second lawyer
[Dr Herbert Schaller] displayed in
defending you. I have read and enjoyed several of your books,
and I am eagerly awaiting the release of your
biography. I also enjoyed hearing you speak and briefly
meeting you at Harvard three years ago, and I would
appreciate being notified of any future appearances
you might schedule for the Boston area when (I
hope) you are ready to resume your U.S. speaking
tours. Brian
Carlson Free
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David Irving
comments: THE
first time I spoke at Harvard was in 1977, when
The Viking Press published the original edition
of "Hitler's
War". When St Martins Press
announced their publication -- later
scrapped -- of
Mastermind of the Third
Reich" Dr
Richard Hunt, Marshal of Harvard until
2002, himself a Goebbels expert, tried to invite
me again. A professor called Goldhagen vetoed
that invitation; he was the much wiser father of
the less wise Daniel Goldhagen. Since then I have privately
spoken on the Harvard campus three or four
times, but the necessarily restricted audience
is by special invitation only. Otherwise the
White Torturer
himself would doubtless intervene. If people in the Boston area
want to hear me this year, they should mail me
now. Such is the onward march of
free speech in Cambridge, Massachusetts. I
recall many years ago reading in the unpublished
diaries of Henry Morgenthau Jr., a 1944
conversation in which President
Roosevelt lamented that five percent of the
intake at Harvard was already
Jewish, and
that this was too much already, he wanted the
figure reduced to three. Morgenthau sagely
nodded agreement. Both knew that this kind of
thing was the stuff that Holocausts are made
of. The overall figure at Harvard
is now well over fifty percent I believe. I
guess they are just cleverer than us, folks.
There can't be any other explanation, can
there. If you'd like to hear me speak
at Harvard later this year, contact me.