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Letters to David Irving on this Website







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Tom Stoneburner of Texas doubts, Saturday, August 14, 2004, that there are many real anomalies about 9/11



Cell phones that work in planes

THE linked article on your website, Miracles and Wonders of 9/11 , contains some questionable things. In the claims of 'impossible' cell phone calls and the 'Pentagrass' comment, where is the documentation?

Rom StoneburnerGranted, it is a short column. However, many of the 'obvious problems' with the official story of 9/11 are nothing more than the product of overactive imaginations or planted disinformation. Where are the experts?

If the cell phone calls from planes in mid air were impossible, where are the experts from the airline and cell phone industries?

If the object that hit the Pentagon was 'really' a missile or alternate vehicle, where are the engineers and military experts?

I was briefly engaged to a young lady that worked for Dr. Henry Lee. He is probably the best forensic scientist in the US. I browsed through the Lee Institute's collection of material on President Kennedy's assassination while waiting for my fiance to finish her workday.

I saw the same bad analysis of 'obvious problems' in regard to the assassination as I see with the current crop of 9/11 theories.

Tom Stoneburner *

* A featured speaker at this year's (2004) Real History weekend in Cincinnati (September 3-6).



Dossier: Mysteries about the Crash of United Aurlines Flight 93

I READ the article with interest as the cell phone anomaly has puzzled me ever since the first moment.

I noticed it a few weeks ago - flying down to Miami from Chicago, a lady in the next row had her cell phone out somewhere over the Appalachians. The flight attendant hurried over: "You must put that away. Cell phones don't work in planes anyway."

That rang a bell, metaphorically speaking. I pulled out mine, furtively, and watched its face for some minutes: The words "Searching for Sprint service..." never left the screen. It could not connect, and did not until we were about two hundred feet above MIA and descending.

So how did Todd Beamer and the rest of those doomed airline passengers manage to use theirs at a time when most of the US cell phone network had crashed anyway, as it was suddenly unable to handle that morning's traffic overload?

True, I am one of those who thinks, "Well, there must be some obvious explanation I haven't thought of." None has been offered so far, except for the seat-back Airphones, at $10 a minute (but that's not what we were originally told). I guess if you suspect that you're going to be dead in a few minutes anyway you don't really care what size charge hits your Visa card.

© Focal Point 2004 David Irving