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Posted Friday, November 14, 2003

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Stefan de Batselier reports from Germany on Wednesday, January 28, 2004 some unusual facts about Churchill, a black cat, and The Savoy Hotel




Churchill's stuffed cat. At least it was just a cat

THE story of the stuffed cat is, I can assure you, well known in RAF circles.

In many messes, there were similar functionaries. I particularly remember when 13 Squadron were serving at RAF Luqa, Malta, where this role was filled, if required, by the unofficial squadron mascot, a giant foam rubber penis. When not so required, said mascot lived in a cage with several parrots.

The RAF have always had a peculiar sense of humour. . . I know, I was there!

Gary Cartwright



Stefan de Batselier has some unusual facts about Churchill, a black cat, and The Savoy Hotel
Our dossier on Churchill
© Focal Point 2004 David Irving