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Rebecca Cole from the University of Houston Clear Lake has some questions about Harry Mazal, October 23, 2003
What do you think of Harry Mazal?
WHAT do you think of his work with the Holocaust History Project and his extensive library -- i.e., how is his work affecting your cause? [Answers are in panel below]
You have been labeled by your critics as an anti-Semite. How do you respond to that label?
There are many people who claim to have survived the Holocaust with their own vivid stories of what took place. How do you account for these recollections that have been used as evidence that the Holocaust happened?
Is there anything that I didn't ask about that you think I should know?
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David Irving comments
I UNDERSTAND that you have some personal experience with Mr. Mazal. --
He has lunged out at me once or twice, I hear.
What do you think of his work with the Holocaust History Project and his extensive library -- i.e., how is his work affecting your cause? --
He is building a useful library on the Internet, and I am doing the same. I recently sent him some technical comments on faults of his website archive -- e.g. that he posts huge uncompressed images of documents (around 1 MB per page!) instead of either scanning them OCR or compressing the image file. People with dial-up links like me (I am in Hungary at present, nothing faster than 28kb) cannot make sensible use of such an archive.
Compare my own archive at http://www.fpp.co.uk/Himmler/interrogations for example. His response? My email came back "refused". (Not "undeliverable", but he has evidently set a filter on his email system to refuse emails from my address!)
You have been labeled by your critics as an anti-Semite. How do you respond to that label? --
Jesus, if you stacked all the people in the world who have been labeled anti-Semites on top of one another, they would reach beyond the Moon. I sometimes do get the impression that I am at the bottom of that particular heap, though, with all the pressure put upon me and my publishers. A number of Jews hates me because they are Jews. There is a number of Jews I intensely dislike. They are not as a race immaculate. I can criticize some of them if I like. And I do. Holocaust or not. The whining sob-stories of the few butter no parsnips with me.
There are many people who claim to have survived the Holocaust with their own vivid stories of what took place. How do you account for these recollections that have been used as evidence that the Holocaust happened? --
The world is full of an ever-expanding number of Holocaust survivors, in itself a curious fact of history. Seems the Germans weren't very efficient at their Hitler-imposed task. Take Hadassah Lieberman, wife of the Senator. She described herself during his campaign as "daughter of a Holocaust survivor." What does that phrase really mean, though? Daughter of a woman-to-whom not-very-much-happened-when-you-come-to-think-of-it (-- not compared with the innocent women and their daughters who were burned alive at Dresden or Hiroshima, anyway). But that does not sound as grand. Not so much money to be made with that label, either.
Is there anything that I didn't ask about, that you think I should know? -- Nah. Thanks for your time and curiosity.