here again fair to draw the attention of researchers to the
"Nizkor" Website
created in Canada by Webmaster Ken
McVay, and
substantially funded by Canada's B'nai
Brith organisation
[on which see CJN
story]. On the
Nizkor site will be found not only the "other side of the
story" on Auschwitz, but extensive original English-language
documents on the Australian,
and German
cases brought against David Irving at the instance of the
ADL or their local agents. Researchers are invited to
compare Nizkor's document selection with those presented on
this FPP site, and to draw their own conclusions. Nizkor Webmaster Kenneth McVay denies receiving funding
from the ADL, the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai Brith,
which has headquarters in New York and Washington; Nizkor
maintains a base address at No. 462, 1150 North Terminal
Avenue, Nanaimo, British Columbia, on the Pacific coast of
Canada. The funding details on the actual site make plain
that it is in fact partially funded by the ADL. McVay's
telephone number is given as 416-966 0461, a Toronto
telephone number, in eastern Canada. The domain servers are
listed as ns.vex.net and ns2.reptiles.org. The name server,
ns.vex.net, is a corporation administered by (and
financially accountable to) a Mr Golan Klinger who operates
out of No. 263 Adelaide Street West, Suite 400, Toronto,
Tour of Auschwitz site The Northwestern University
(USA) publication The
Monitor (Jan
2001) announces the availability of a novel resource, "Last
Expression: Art from Auschwitz". You can take
its web site a
visual reality tour of the Auschwitz site. [The site is
optimized for Explorer and Windows; for Explorer and
Macintosh you need Quick Time which is bundled with all
recent Macintoshes]. Click on "Virtual Tour", then
choose "Auschwitz-Birkenau Tours". Then choose either
Auschwitz I or Auschwitz II, but first read carefully the
information on the right. After choosing you will see a map
of the Nazi camp with several red dots. If you click on one
of these red dots you will (after what seems like an
eternity if you don't have a high speed Internet
connection), see a photo of contemporary Auschwitz. By
following the directions carefully, you can see a 360 degree
parnoaramic view. There are no new revelations but it is
nice to know about. [Posted Jan 22, 2001] | - Gestapo-chief
Heinrich Müller (100) may be dead
- Summary of the 1947
British Army war crimes trial of officials of the Tesch
& Stabenow firm, Hamburg | discussion
of points raised in the evidence | reader's
- An expert writes on
Gas Chambers and the Zyklon alphabet
- A GI's
daughter asks about photos of Buchenwald
- Did Russians stage
photographic scenes on liberation of Auschwitz?
- When was the word
"Holocaust" first used in connection with the Jewish
- Sept. 1999: Book
by eye witness Jan Karski published in Poland
- Poland revokes permission
for disco at Auschwitz
- Auschwitz killings allegedly
mentioned by Jewish leaders to President Roosevelt on
Dec. 8, 1942
- New [German] document found: Gauleiter
Greiser speaks in Vienna on methods in the
administration of occupied Poland
- Paris court tries Auschwitz SS doctor Münch for
praising Nazis' extermination of gypsies; court
asked to order psychiatric examination
- The Eichmann
memoirs as published by Die Welt Aug 1999 in full
[in German]
- Information that 70,000
survived Auschwitz of 4m who passed through
- David Meier reviews
memoirs of Raul Hilberg, author of The Destruction of
European Jewry
- IG Farben agrees to compensate former
slave labourers at Nazi concentration camp at Auschwitz
"where 120,000 died"
- Execution photo shows
German soldiers bristling with cameras; so where are
the pictures of the Holocaust?
- Lawyer Amos Hausner, whose
father prosecuted Adolf Eichmann in Israel opposed
efforts to release Eichmann's memoirs | sons demand
release of
- 1948 newsreel reported that Polish
war crimes court found that "altogether nearly 300,000"
died at Auschwitz | letter
- Nizkor comments on IHR
critiques of the statements of Auschwitz-Kommandant
Rudolf Höss
- Robert Michael argues that the
majority of Nazis condoned mass murder of the
- Astonishment at number
of 'survivor accounts' in late 1950s for
- Eminent Prof Van Pelt reveals: When Auschwitz was
transformed into a museum in 1948, the
Poles decided to fake a crematorium-cum-gaschamber for
the purpose
- Rabbi Riesenberg of Berlin said
to have performed wartime services and even buried Jewish
remains from the camp at Auschwitz
- Reviewing
Gerald Fleming book, a NYT historian notes: No
written order from Hitler commanding the Final Solution
has survived.
- Facsimile of Heinrich
Himmler report to Hitler on anti-Partisan warfare, Dec
29, 1942: we solicit comments from historians
- A sarcastic review of
Auschwitz: True Tales from a Grotesque Land, a collection
of stories garnered by Sara Nomberg-Przytyk
- While Gabbai was in
Auschwitz, he worked as an inmate moving bodies from the
gas chambers to the crematoria
- In 1994, when the Spielberg movie Schindler's List
won the Oscars, essayist Bradley
Smith noticed that Thomas Keneally's novel was
surreptitiously robbed of its fiction category
- Are there reports
of further post war constructions at other camp sites
than Dachau?
- Further information
on the postwar construction of the Dachau
- David Irving answers questions from a London rabbi
about proofs
that Hitler ordered the extermination of the Jews, and
the value of survivor testimony
- On Wilkomirski, Norman
Finkelstein rebukes Israel Gutman
- The usual figure for Holocaust
survivors after World War II is 250,000, points out
Finkelstein, incl. 50,000 camp survivors. So how can
there be four times as many survivors fifty years
- The Finkelstein family fully supports
Prof. Norman Finkelstein in his attack on Daniel
- Israeli
journalist Tom Segev
shows how Holocaust expanded to a daily
- KZ prisoner Klein commends humanity of unidentified
SS commander of
Friedland concentration camp; David Irving on Dachau
camp conditions
- At Zundel trial, eye witness Dr Russell
Barton testifies that disease killed Nazis' prisoners
at Bergen Belsen
- Mass gassings using
hydrogen cyanide were impossible in the "Nazi gas
chambers", a U.S. chemist testified
- March 1945 Red
Cross report confirms Nazis maintained food supplies
for prisoners until Allied bombing forced breakdown;
and extra supplies
of typhus vaccine being sent
- Brian A Renk, "The
Auschwitz Zentralbauleitung Archive in Moscow. A Critique
of Exterminationist Methodology" (1992)
- Tall story told by
Prisoner-of-war Till under interrogation, Sept
- Dr John Fox writes about Hitler's
other War (on cancer)
- Extract from the ordinance issued on 3 March 1941, by
Governor Waechter, with Krakow
ghetto regulations on typhus control.
- Summary of excerpts from the Nuremberg 1946 interrogations
of SS Sturmbannführer Rudolf Höss,
erstwhile commandant of Auschwitz | A letter to The
Glasgow Herald, about problems
with the Höss memoirs | NY Times, Feb 9, 1999:
At Nuremberg, Höss
wanted to make one last thing clear, but even his
translator found it incomprehensible. | But: "The first
thing I would do would be to check
the man's service record," writes a
- Himmler
diaries 1941-2: reviewed, "Hangman for Hitler"
- The 1947 Nuremberg testimonies of Gottlob Berger
deliberately exaggerated body counts by SS generals)
| and of Victor Brack (about
gas chambers in Euthanasia centres)
- Faked
photos dossier: The U.S. Holocaust Memorial
Museum fakes a
Dachau photo's date to rake in funds | David Irving's
essay on photo
forgeries (Bildfälschungen, in German) | In 1999
the Simon Wiesenthal Center published
a faked Auschwitz photograph on its website | Fake
photographs: that soldier
shooting a women and child | How the Americans
faked the film evidence at Nuremberg in November 1945
| and faked film of the "Gold
Teeth" too | Caught red-handed: How German professor
Jäckel forged photographs for a television
programme on the Holocaust | A Website visitor spots
Something Odd about the gas-chamber
door photograph displayed by the US Holocaust
Memorial Museum
- In a May 1989 letter to historian Rainer Zitelmann,
David Irving
sets out his early views on the Holocaust and the
- The Schlegelberger
document (spring 1942): Hitler has ordered
postponement of Final Solution for duration of the war |
on the document's history [under construction] |
At HQ dinner July 24,
1942 Hitler says he will tackle Jewish problem "nach
Beendigung des Krieges" (after the war's over)
- David Irving's Letter to German newspaper 1982, lists
reasons why Historians have got it wrong on the Final
- Prof Raul Hilberg, the leading expert, disagrees with
Daniel Goldhagen on the chaos
that was The Holocaust
- Michael Mills of Australia quotes an inoccuous
of the use of the word "Sonderaktion"
- Auschwitz latest: Poland
To Protect Death Camp Sites
- Increasingly Nasty Squabbling
between Holocaust scholars
- Dossier of interrogations on deputy
Auschwitz commandant Hans Aumeier | comments
- Statement by a Polish
prisoner in France in July 1944, reporting on
Sachsenhausen and goings-on at Auschwitz that he claimed
to have heard about
- The Riegner dossier (he reports
1942 from Switzerland on Final Solution: but is it
genuine?) | British Intelligence chief scoffs, Aug. 1943:
"The Poles, and to
a far greater extent the Jews, tend to exaggerate
German atrocities in order to stoke us up. . ." |
Ministry of Supply asks
F.O. for evidence of gas chambers, Dec. 1944
- What Prof Raul Hilberg wrote
to David Irving in 1975 | Hilberg admitted that he
"madman" Kurt Gerstein selectively | and that
scientific reports prove Jews were exterminated in
Nazi gas chambers
- How Prof. Rudolf Vrba's testimony collapsed
under 1985 Toronto cross-examination: he admitted he
never saw actual gassing deaths | Vrba index
- The Auschwitz survivor Friedman "then agreed that
Jews were not being burnt in the chimneyed
- More unlikely survivor stories
from Birkenau
- Extract [in German] from the 1963 Frankfurt
Auschwitz-trial judgement, indicates misgivings at
the evidence of the "eye-witnesses".
- Extracts from the statement of Auschwitz motor
pool driver Richard Böck, November 2, 1960
- Berlin radio signal Sept 15, 1942 orders a car from
Auschwitz to Lodz (Litzmannstadt) and back to inspect
a test station for "Operation Reinhard" field
- The Institut für Zeitgeschichte tells
a Canadian inquirer the Auschwitz gas-chamber was
"reconstructed" in the 1950s
- July 14, 1992:
documents Prof. Gerald Fleming claims to have found
in the secret Moscow archives, including "gas chamber"
blueprints | Fleming supplies four
Zyklon-B documents to Mr Irving as proof | but he
ignores another
one which undermines his argument
- Himmler writes to Finance Ministry, Aug 17, 1942,
about plan to transport
French Jews via Auschwitz to the Reich
- Dr Adalbert
Rückerl, chief of Zentrale Stelle der
Landesjustizverwaltungen, wrote to Irving in Oct 1979
defending his usage of the Gerstein Report
[in German]
- David Irving wrote to The Times, March 21, 1991,
Polish tests on the Auschwitz site
- September 1944 interrogation
of a prisoner held at Auschwitz September - November
1941 | Interrogation of Gauleiter Albert Hoffmann on
visit to Auschwitz with
Himmler and Bracht
- Could Auschwitz
prisoners write letters?
- Prof Hans Mommsen: Was
there a Hitler Order? [in German]
- British chief rabbi
criticises Holocaust "industry": "Oberrabbiner
bezweifelt Einmaligkeit des Holocaust"
- Discharge note for
a prisoner routinely released from Auschwitz II
(Birkenau) camp in June 1944
- Dossier: Did the Nazis make lampshades
from human skin?
- When Göring ruled that Field-Marshal
Milch was not a Jew ... | correspondence on Jews
in the Wehrmacht
- Massive new history of
Nazis' Belsen camp confirms: no gas chambers, not a
death camp
- DAVID IRVING: Ein Beitrag zur
Problematik der Niederschrift
- "Jews-into-soap" lie: origins
(December 4, 1942) | finally nailed,
April 25, 1990
- Prof. Breitmann says British
secret service concealed extermination of Jews for a
- Documents on the Leuchter
Report | A 1991
critique of the Leuchter Report, and a phoney SS
"crematorium" document exposed
[in German].
- A May 1945 Report by
U.S. Psychological Warfare on the Auschwitz Camp, on
the basis of prisoners and other Intelligence
- Fred Sarne remembers the
January 1945 death march of 60,000 survivors from
Auschwitz into Nazi Germany
- Buchenwald concentration camp: a
- Himmler is asked Oct. 1942 if concentration camps can
deposit dental gold from dead prisoners at Reichsbank, as
they already have 50
kilos (i.e. from perhaps 100,000 dead)
- Auschwitz death roll: a
dossier on the statistical issues and related
- Conversation of Lt
Gen Werner Bruns overheard on April 25, 1945: he
witnessed the mass shootings at Riga November 1941
- Notes on Konrad
Morgen, who investigated the camps for the SS
- Notes on Richard
Korherr, Himmler's statistician | Richard Korherr
wrote letter
to Der Spiegel in Jul. 1977 protesting against false
interpretation of word Sonderbehandlung
- What happened at Babi
Yar in 1941? Using air photos and wartime newspapers,
Ukrainian writer MICHAEL NIKIFORUK
attacks a few myths about a wartime atrocity
- First report in
Pravda, February 2, 1945: "The Factory of Death at
Auschwitz" (translated)
- Excavations
at Belzec Camp Reported. With comment by
- Heinrich Himmler
orders Heydrich "no liquidation" of Berlin trainload of
Jews, November 30, 1941; more Himmler documents on
Hitler's role, including the latest finds from the Moscow
secret archives
- Dossier on the January 20, 1942 Wannsee
Conference | What did
Goebbels know of the Wannsee Conference?
- A Preview Excerpt
from David Irving: Churchill's War, vol. ii, about
Auschwitz, and the Typhus Epidemic | and, proof
that the Polish Underground was deliberately spreading
typhus among occupation forces 1942-43
- A present-day controversy: The Cross at Auschwitz, as
reflected in a
news item in The Oregonian, April 12, 1998("Polish
Catholics guard cross at Auschwitz death camp").
- British interception and deciphering of German
SS and Police Unit
radio messages, 1941 - 1945 | Excerpt from Official
History of British Intelligence, vol. ii, concludes
there is no Codebreaking Evidence for Existence of Gas
- US Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington DC,
confirms, January
28, 1998, that nobody was gassed at Dachau; ducks
question as to authenticity of "gas chamber" door
displayed in museum
- Speaking of Dachau, what
really happened when US troops liberated the camp in
April 1945? How many German prisoners did they
- David Irving writes a little essay on the meaning of
ausrotten --
exterminate, eradicate, extirpate, uproot, or get rid of.
| Himmler's use of the word, February
1944 | Langenscheidt
dictionary (1974) on meaning of Ausrottung
- David Irving writes to Professor
Christopher Browning of Pacific Lutheran University
in Tacoma, Washington; and gets no reply.
- "The March of the
Living," Miami Herald report, April 29, 1996; and
AR comment on psychological brainwashing
techniques now used on Auschwitz tour groups.
- January 19-25, 1995: Eric
Conan reports in L'Express, Paris, that everything
about Auschwitz I is "fake;" and -- the shamefaced
Polish authorities admit it | Robert
Faurisson comments on the Auschwitz article in
with French original text.] - The meaning of the German word Sonderbehandlung
-- special treatment.
- David Irving writes to Professor Robert
Van Pelt, Canadian expert on the architecture of
Auschwitz, author of the book Auschwitz from 1270 to the
Present (Yale University Press, 1997). (With appended a
letter from David Irving to a colleague, the late
Professor Klaus Herrmann, a Jewish professor of history
at the University of Montreal, October 18, 1987).
- David Irving publicly challenges
Daniel Goldhagen: extract from his private diary,
November 16, 1997;
- Richard S Levy
reviews Goldhagen: Hitler's Willing Executioners
- Der Spiegel
interviews Ruth Birn about Goldhagen's attempts to
stifle scholarly criticism [also English
with German original text. - What did Hitler confide to the Grand
Mufti of Jerusalem on November 25, 1941?
- New York Times, January 21, 1998: "Hitler's
Genocide Order: 5 Days After Pearl Harbor?":
Christian Gerlach's thesis based on the December 18, 1941
Himmler document | Dr
John Fox comments on this | Another comment
| Prof. Michael H. Kater (Toronto) admits: "Looks
as if David Irving can still not shell out" -- as no
documents yet qualify for the reward
offered for proving Hitler's guilt
- To Whom Does History Belong? Fox
gives an inside view of a "conspiracy"
- The views of Andreas
Hillgruber on the Final Solution
- A National Archives researcher has to report that
there are not many
actual photos of atrocities
- How David Irving
replied to Lucy Dawidowicz's smear in "The Holocaust
and the Historians"
- Documents from the Moscow Archives: a
dossier | Gerald Fleming boasts in the Jewish
Chronicle, July 1992, on his Auschwitz document
finds in the Moscow archives
- Thou Shalt Have No
Other "Holocaust" but Ours. Comment on an article by
Irish historian Chris Monash
- Kristallnacht 1938, the Night of Broken Glass: Hess
orders the madness halted "on
highest orders" | Goebbels orders
a halt too
- British Government regulations issued in 1946 for the
Safe Use of
Hydrogen-Cyanide for the Fumigation of Ships |
American government
requirements, specifying Zyklon B | 1942
Auschwitz instructions following an accident to an SS
man during fumigation
- Security
concerns about use of cyanide in US penitentiary gas
chambers, June 1998 | U.S. prison
warden Bill Armontrout tells Zündel court about
perils of gas chamber operation
- London Daily Telegraph reports, October 1998:
Student's cyanide suicide gasses nine others
- David Irving writes 1994 to The West Australian,
about identical
quantities of Zyklon-B canisters shipped to Auschwitz
and Oranienburg (a non-"gas-chamber" camp)
- July 23, 1998: BBC TV is Banned from Bringing David
Irving to Auschwitz! [Press
Release | Index
to documents] He says: "I feel like a gambler,
banned from all the big Las Vegas casinos, because I keep
winning! They only want to let the losers in."
- Revisionist essays on gas-tight
bunker shelters at Auschwitz and elsewhere
- Documents from the Moscow archives on Auschwitz
air-raid shelters
with German original text. - John Ball's
expert interpretation, Air Photo Evidence, of the
wartime aerial reconnaissance photographs of Auschwitz
and other Nazi and Allied "death camp" sites.
[Foreign-language versions: German
| Swedish]
- David Irving writes to (ADL member) Ronald
Jacobs, lawyer, Connecticut about death camps
- David Irving drafts an edition of the Adolf
Eichmann dictations and transcripts, 1955 - 1956 |
by Mr Irving [drafted in German
to these Eichmann papers. - David Irving's April 1988 testimony
in the trial of Ernst Zündel (150 pp)
[320 K]
Star and Globe & Mail, April 23, 1988: report on
in German] - Excerpts from the stenographic Diary of SS
Sturmbannführer Rudolf
Brandt, Heinrich Himmler's assistant, 1942, in so far
as they relate to Auschwitz. (With a letter from David
Irving to Holocaust scholar Dr John
Fox appended).
- Kasimierz Smolen, former Auschwitz Kapo, lectures
to Schoolchildren in Germany, 1997
- Items about Anne
- Summaries of Statements
of Wilhelm Höttl (source of the Six Million
- Alexander
Mayer, Jewish-born Director of Progen, ("Project
Genocide"), writes on June 21, 1998, about Romanian
documents suggesting that Hitler did know of Final
Solution; and June
22, 1998 about the possibility that Auschwitz
deportees were sent to Transnistria instead | Comments
by US Holocaust Memorial Museum on this ugly
- Materials on the Kharkov
Trials, 1943
- After reading The Leuchter Report Lord Donaldson,
Britain's most senior High Court judge, writes to David
Irving in June 1990 "I think there is a case,
for history's sake, for a full inquiry" into
- The Faking
of Hitler's 1945 Last Testament, and who faked
- What Gitta Sereny wrote of Hitler's knowledge in 1981
in "The
Albert Speer I knew"
- The September 21, 1989 Tass announcement of discovery
of 46 Auschwitz death-books
- "More women died on the back seat of Edward Kennedy's
car at Chappaquiddick than in that 'gas chamber'."
Reply to Auschwitz-I
commandant's daughter, whose mother says "those were
not there"
- The best known
historians of the Nazi era "are now Goldhagen and the
British writer David Irving."
- Stories from Auschwitz: how one woman survived by
crawling beneath
the "gas ovens"
[return to shorter, most
recent Auschwitz index] |