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Botschafter Ulrich von Hassell's version.

the diary of...


Ulrich von Hassell, Vom anderen Deutschland. Aus den nachgelassenen Tagebüchern 1938-1944 (Zurich, 1947), p. 39.

'Goebbels has seldom found less credibility than for his claim that a "spontaneous outburst of public rage" led to the violence.'


On 23. 12 [1938] Hess spent two hours at the Bruckmanns'. They said he had been more depressed than ever before. He had left them in no doubt that he completely disapproved of the action against the Jews; he had also reported his views in an energetic manner to the 'Führer' and begged him to drop the matter, but unfortunately completely in vain. Hess pointed to Goebbels as the actual originator.




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