
 Posted Sunday, July 23, 2000

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Hitler's belongings are scattered around the world....

Hitler's typewriterHitler's personal typewriter comes up for sale

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AR -- Online auction house eBay has a client selling the personal portable typewriter which, so all the signs indicate, one belonged to Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler. The small Continental portable is likely to sell for many thousands of dollars (we dropped out at just two thousand).

Says auction house Germania, offering the item: "This is really the personal typewriter of the German leader. One close look at the embossed wording, and the way it is presented, tells you: 'It is real'. " The machine was purchased several years ago from a German auction house often dealing in Nazi memorabilia, Graf Kleanau in Munich. The typewriter was found in Hitler's downtown Munich apartment on Prinzregenten Platz by GIs at the war's end.

A historian who confirmed the provenance of a famous Hitler revolver removed from the building at the same time has confirmed the authencity. He has photos and documents on the gun and the apartment, and they tie in well with this typewriter.

Hyping the sales item, the seller states: "Realize that Mein Kampf was written partly in Landsberg prison and partly in this apartment. Let your mind ascend to just how important this particular piece may actually be." It makes sense, says the saller, because Hitler worked both in Munich, at his Obersalzberg retreat, and aboard his state yacht Grille.

"...s Adolf Hitler"

THE body of the machine is affixed, like portables of that era, to the bottom of the carry case. On the back portion are stamped the words

"Privateigentum des Kanzlers Adolf Hitler"

in Germanic Fraktur typeface (picture). The words are hard to see clearly, due to age and handling, but are quite evident to an observer who looks closely enough. Hitler became Reich Chancellor in 1933, and his public designation was formally changed to Führer (without the "Chancellor") in about 1938.

"There is no question," says the seller, who is remaining anonymous, "as to its authenticity. Just looking at it, is sufficient to recognize its age." It definitely "talks to" you.

A letter from the historian mentioned earlier guaranteeing it's authenticity will accompany it along with a packet of provenance and pictures from the house.

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Adolf Hitler's Personal Typewriter Item #389042139 Opening bid: $1,000.00 (reserve not yet met) [26.12.03: item has now been sold or removed from eBay]
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