Picker and Heinrich Heim were the two
scribes who took down what Hitler said at
his mealtime conversations. Hermann
Rauschning wrote a book called
Conversations with Hitler (also: Hitler
Speaks). Problem: How can we assess their
reliability? Table
Talk How
Reliable is Henry Picker? by Joe
Pryce NO one will go to bat for -- although
one or two of us would have enjoyed taking
a bat to -- the Hermann Rauschning
baggage [Gespräche mit
Hitler], who should by now have
been driven out of the game per saecula
saeculorum; but, of course, he is
still too useful to certain parties so he
is to be stored in the broom closet: they
won't give him the sack outright. I well remember back in the late 1960s,
when my 16 year old sister performed a
devastating feat of philological criticism
when she proved to her imbecile High
School history teacher -- who ranked
Hitler Speaks with such
"existentialist" and gratefully forgotten
bilge of yesteryear as Albert Camus
and Jean Paul Sartre -- that huge
hunks of "Hitler's" dialogue were hoisted
ne varietur out of Guy de
Maupassant's shattering later works,
those horror contes that were written when
the spirochaetes were delving into his
little gray cells and madness was right
around the bend ("The Horla," "Diary of a
Madman," etc.); while other bits were
plundered from "unknown" author Fyodor
Dostoyevsky, and some moodily Gothic
hunks of mise en scene were
hammered together out of bits and pieces
left from Zarathustra' first Paris
Opera run. Yes, high marks all round to the
professoriate! But as Huysmans once
said, "The sea of human stupidity is
forever at high tide," and so recently I
learned that an author had indulged, in a
poor and pallid piece of hackwork on Adolf
Hitler for the Sunday supplement of the
Sunday Pail of Swill, in the goofiest bit
of circular reasoning that I had
encountered in donkey's years. He blandly
stated that even though Rauschning may
not have been an intimate with Hitler,
the work in question may still prove to
be a viable documentary source, because
it still "rings true" as resonating
with what we "intuitively recognize as
Hitler's own voice." Yeah, after we have allowed Rauschning,
Maupassant, Dostoyevsky, and -- who
knows! -- Bela Lugosi and Boris
Karloff, to drill that melodramatic
blather into our heads for 60 years!
However, I do believe that at least some
small degree of caution may be in order
when dealing with the documentary records
provided by Herr Henry Picker, for
at least one reputable authority holds
that Picker may not have been all that he
should be. Heinrich Haertle seems to have
thought that Picker can be positioned more
along the lines of what the late Mark
Twain referred to as a provider of
"stretchers" (third or fourth cousins of
the truth) rather than the more creative
and culpable outright liar of the
Münchhausen or Rauschning or
Speer species. Still,
counsel may well want to check out what
Heinrich Haertle has to say. In Herr
Haertle's edition of Alfred
Rosenberg's post-war memoirs, entitled
(by the editor) Grossdeutschland Traum
und Tragödie: Rosenbergs Kritik am
Hitlerismus (and in spite of the usual
Fleet-Street sneering, these memoirs are
precisely that, a "critique," which, when
conjoined with Rosenberg's principled
refusal to join the winning team, as it
were, once all had been made clear to him,
certainly makes the post-war cynicism at
his tenacious stand at Nuremberg tell us a
bit more about the rancid souls of our
hollow men at the daily rags than we may
have wanted to know.
It certainly casts a more noble
radiance upon Rosenberg
(left): a man
who kept his nerve, his pride, and his
principles intact and entire after his
downfall. Strange, is it not, how so many
commentators almost come right out and say
something that no 19th century historian
would have dreamed of saying under any
circumstances; I'm paraphrasing, of
course: come on, don't be an idiot, get
real, make a deal and say what they want
you to say. Everybody's doing it! No wonder they found him
incomprehensible! Here's what Haertle has
to say with reference to Picker's
editorial methods in the apparatus
criticus appended to the memoirs;
Haertle doesn't pound Picker to a perfect
pulp as, say, Housman was wont to do with
a bold blockhead who was quite wrong --
and about to learn the fact -- in his
deeply-held conviction that he was quite
well-prepared to edit a new improved
edition of Manilius (which would turn out
to be, like as not, something that he
would never do again, in some cases
because the savagery of the review by
Housman may well have tempted him to
thoughts of an early retirement from the
career he had chosen, and perhaps even the
planet he had not!), but the contempt is
surely in evidence -- and Haertle, though
an NSDAP loyalist, was a real scholar, and
one of the few men in brown whose
integrity was not for sale, viz., he was
one of the rare Party spokesmen who
insisted in public that Nietzsche was not
one of the Parteigenossen and that he
would never look the part in jackboots and
armband: Die
Legende, Hitler habe den Inhalt des
Mythus nicht gekannt,
dürfte damit widerlegt sein. Schon
aus Vorsicht und des mit der
Veröffentlichung verbundenen
Wagnisses wegen wird sich Hitler das
Manuskript genau angesehen haben. In
einem Gespräch im
Führerhauptquartier am 11. April
1942 soll er jedoch behauptet haben,
der Mythus sei von ihm nur zum
geringen Teil gelesen worden. Er
betonte dabei, dass dieses Werk keinen
parteiamtlichen Charakter habe. Der
Titel sei schief, da etwas "Mystisches"
gegen die Geistesauffassungen des 19.
Jahrhunderts gestellt werde. Als
Nationalsozialist müsse man aber
"den Glauben an das Wissen des 20.
Jahrhunderts gegen den Mythos des 19.
Jahrhunderts stellen." Diese
angeblichen "Tischgespräche" sind
allerdings nur mit entsprechender
Vorsicht verwertbar. Der
"Protokollant", Henry Picker, hat sich
ohne Auftrag und Genehmigung nur
heimlich Notizen angefertigt und diese
später zu subjektiven
"Niederschriften" ausgebaut, bei denen
niemand mehr wahrheitsgetreue
Wiedergabe und formal und inhaltliche
Veränderungen zu unterscheiden
vermag. Offensichtlich wird dabei
"mythisch" mit "mystisch" verwechselt.
[p. 296] My own studies are in philosophy, but
you know as an historian full well just
what kind of mischief junk philology can
get up to when it has a sinister end in
view. So, can you imagine what the great
minds of 19th century European scholarship
would have said of an author like
Michael Hauskeller, who, in an
essay on "Ludwig Klages und die Moderne
Ethik" could indulge in such a filthy bit
of trickery as this: Und
wenn Rudolf Hess dann später
erklärt, dass der
nationalsozialistisch Massenmord
"nichts als angewandte Biologie" sei,'
I do believe that the only way to
retaliate against such an offense is in
kind, say, with a glitzy pamphlet
featuring Hauskeller, with the
intervention of some space-age
quilt-quotations and a few nifty graphics,
endorsements from Joe McCarthy and
Jeff Dahmer, and several snaps of
the guy with three or four underage
zebras, as he gets all smarmy and
sentimental confessing that nothing is
more fun than a spot of NS genocide on the
weekend -- and then he winks and winks
again -- fade-to-black with Current 93
soundtrack. Relevant items on this website:
Irving comments:HENRY Picker took
over the duties of writing the notes on
Hitlers conversations from Heinrich
Heim, Martin Bormann's
adjutant, in 1942. I interviewed Heim in
the 1960s. He told me that Picker had
found a sheaf of his notes in the desk
when he took over, and after the war
rewrote them in the third person and
published them as his own work. Picker, a
wealthy landowner after the war,
established a priate Hitler museum stuffed
with priceless Hitleriana, for example he
purchased all of Julius Schaub's
personal effects. Far more
significant than Picker's are the original
Heim Aufzeichnungen, of which one (October
25, 1941) is illustrated here. Heim ("H/")
wrote them in the first person, in direct
speech, and Bormann personally signed each
day's notes as accurate. The several ring
binders of the notes were purchased from
the Bormann family, along with Bormann's
own correspondence with his wife, by Swiss
banker François Genoud after
the war. Austrian-born
publisher George Weidenfeld
published an English translation as
Hitler's Table Talk, with an
introduction by Hugh Trevor-Roper
-- the book is still in my view one of the
best windows into the mind of Hitler
himself. Weidenfeld had purchased rights
from Genoud (as the latter told me) for
forty thousand pounds. Genoud insisted
that half the payment be made direct to
Hitler's sister Paula! Weidenfeld
choked, but did as he was bidden
later denied this
story). Genoud
allowed me privileged access to the
original German documents for
Other scholars like Martin Broszat
and Charles
Syndour were unfamiliar with the
German texts, and jealously accused me of
misquoting when I produced my own
translations of the notes, but that is
another story. Finally, the table-talk
notes written by Dr Werner Koeppen
(Rosenberg's adjutant) should not be
overlooked. I donated a transcript to the
Institut für Zeitgeschichte many
years ago. |