London, January 7 1999
EUROPE Hitler's
beloved film-maker comes in from the cold
Hitler's favourite film-maker, is
on the road to rehabilitation. The
formidable 96-year-old who filmed Triumph
of the Will -- depicting Hitler as an
almost divine presence addressing the 1934
Nazi party rally -- and the 1936 Berlin
Olympics has been shunned by Germans since
the war. Now, retrospectives of her work are
opening in Potsdam and Cologne and many
Germans are for the first time catching a
glimpse of her controversial genius. The
central question is whether Riefenstahl is
a true artist or merely a gifted
propagandist. Leni Riefenstahl is still spry
-- though she was recently treated for
pneumonia -- and dedicates her time to
underwater photography. This, and the
filming of Nubian tribesmen, has been her
artistic mission since the 1970s. However,
her most important works -- the films
which determine whether she ranks in the
pantheon of European directors -- are
Triumph of the Will and the two films that
make up her Olympic documentary. She had just turned 30 when she came to
Hitler's notice. She had tried to escape
the clutches of a tyranical father by
becoming a dancer. A knee injury forced
her to turn to acting and she became a
star of the 1920s genre known as "mountain
films". In 1931 she set up her own
production company and directed her own
mountain film. Part of the venom against her must be
because she is a woman and open to
accusations that she had an exploitative
love affair with Adolf Hitler. Riefenstahl
credibly denies this. Like many Germans,
she says she found out about the
extermination of the Jews only after the
war was over. She was shown pictures of
corpses and from that moment her love for
Hitler turned to hatred. She offered a more plausible
explanation for her conduct: committed to
independent film-making she needed
protection from the very top to avoid
party hack work. The revolutionary technique used in
Triumph -- cameras running on tracks,
subtle and spectacular lighting -- were
expanded for the 1936 Games. Watching this
film, one is struck by its lack of
aggressive propaganda. Two hundred and fifty miles of film
were shot. Riefenstahl cut it, edited it,
controlled every frame. It remains her
film, not Hitler's.  Related items on this website
Leni Riefenstahl