Daily Star Friday, March 18, 2005
'Mein Kampf' sells 50,000 copies in Turkey in three
Sales reflect rise in
nationalist sentiment By Agence France Presse
(AFP) ANKARA: Cheap cover prices and a
rise in nationalist sentiment have made an unlikely
best-seller in Turkey of Adolf Hitler's
autobiography, "Mein Kampf." The book was first
published in Turkey in 1939, when Axis and Allied
countries were competing for Turkey's soul as they
tried to woo it away from the neutrality it would
maintain until the very end of World War
II. But since January, the book has sold more than
50,000 copies and is number four on the best-seller
list drawn up by the D&R bookstore chain. "'Mein Kampf' has always been a sleeper, a
secret best-seller," said Oguz Tektas of
Mefisto editions, one of several publishing houses
to re-release the book Hitler wrote while in jail
in 1925. "We took it out of the closet for purely
commercial reasons." His company's sole aim, he
stressed, was "to make money," which they did by
slashing the cover price. "Mein Kampf," published by about a dozen
companies over the years, always sold at a fairly
steady annual rate of about 20,000 copies at some
20 New Turkish Lira ($15) a copy. The Mefisto edition retails at YTL5.90 and sold
23,000 copies in two months. The readership? "Those who want to know about a
man who wreaked death and destruction on the
world," Tektas said. "Mostly young people," said Sami Kilic,
owner of the Emre publishing house, another company
on the "Mein Kampf" bandwagon, which sold 26,000
copies from a run of 31,000, released in late
January. "The times we live in
have a definite impact on sales," Kilic said.
"It is an astonishing phenomenon." He linked
interest in the book to Turkey's bid to join the
EU, seen by the right wing as a desertion of
national values, and rising sentiment against
the U. S. and its ally Israel over the treatment
they are perceived as meting out to the Iraqis
and the Palestinians, respectively. "This book, which does not contain a single
ounce of humanity, unfortunately appears to be
taken seriously in this country," political
scientist Dogu Ergil complained in a recent
newspaper interview. He agreed that the unexpected popularity of
"Mein Kampf" in this Muslim-majority country has
its roots in a rise in anti-American sentiment
sparked by the occupation of Iraq and anti-Semitism
resulting from Israel's Palestinian policy. "Nazism, buried in the dustbin of history in
Europe, is beginning to re-emerge in Turkey," he
warned. But despite what the sales may imply, Turkey has
never been an anti-Semitic country - on the
contrary, it has been a safe haven for Jews ever
since the 15th century, when Sultan Bayezit
II first took in Spanish Jews fleeing the
inquisition. Throughout Ottoman times, Jews fleeing pogroms
and extermination camps were always welcome in
Turkey. Silvyo Ovadya, the head of Turkey's
Jewish community, said he was "troubled" by the
book's popularity. Ovadya said he was "astonished a 500-page book
that sows the seeds of racism and anti-Semitism can
sell at such a low price." But, he said, his
complaints to the publishers have gone
unheeded. Most of Turkey's 22,000 Jews - out of a total
population of 71 million - live in Istanbul, where
there are 18 synagogues. In November 2003, two of them were targeted by
car bombs blamed on an Al-Qaeda linked
organisation, killing 25 people and wounding
hundreds of others.
Related stories on this website: Mein
Kampf for sale in Arabic | Reisman
bans Mein Kampf from Chapters and Indigo |
Government tries to ban Hitler's book Mein Kampf
| Simon Wiesenthal
Center also tries to ban book from giant
Internet bookstores | Internet
comment on antisemitism provoked by such
bans | Amazon still
banning sales at request of German justice
ministry | Mein
Kampf voted one of the 100 books of the 20th
century -- banned from Frankfurt book fair |
Swedes tried, failed
to ban Mein Kampf | Unbanning
Hitler The above
news item is reproduced without editing other than
typographical |