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Above: Walther Hewel (foreground) with Albert Speer and Karl Brandt

Extracts from formerly Top Secret British reports on Hewel, October 11, 1945.

Summary of statements by prisoners.


SS Gruppenführer or Brigadeführer

CSDIC UK SIR 916 PW 9 Sep 44 spoke very highly of SS Gruppenführer Walther HEWEL, a Rheinlander, who le in charge of Ribbentrop's personal staff in the German Foreign office and who now carries the diplomatic rank of Ambassador. PW described him as liaison officer between RIBBENTROP and HITLER and states thathe spends much time travelling between the Führer's HQ and RIBBENTROP'S office. HEWEL spent many years In the DUTCH EAST INDIES and became a member of the German Diplomatic Service only in 1937. According to PW (SR) HEWEL was previously active in the Auslandsorganisation and when on a visit to GERMANY was presented to HITLER. From then on his career was assured. On the 12 Jul 44 HEWEL married, in SALZBURG, a Miss Blanda Elizabeth LUDWIG.

CSDIC UK GRGG 192 18 Sep 44: HEWEL Botschafter, (Plenipotentiary of the German Foreign Office with the FÜHRER). A description of his wedding to the sister of an officer is given in Section V of the present report.

"The ambassador HEWEL is Hitler's best friend". (SEYFFARDT)

CSDIC UK GRGG 194(C) For further account of wedding see report.

? HEYKING: What was HEWEL in private life?

SEYFFARDT: He was an industrialist. He was at the Technical High School in MUNICH at the time of the March to the „Feldherrnhalle" and took part in that as a young man; he is now 41 years old. He was then imprisoned at LANDSBERG, and was in fact in the cell next to HITLER. He started whenhe was eighteen years old. menhe was in a steel factory in ENGLAND, and co-director of a firm in MANCHESTER; he has spent twenty years in ENGLAND. He was in BERLIN in the Spring of 1939 and met HIMMLER, who said to him: "You are to stay here. We can make good use of a man like you who has been in ENGLAND for twenty years and knows the people, etc." OF course he wasn't even a Party member. Then he said he was very sorry but he had a very good position in ENGLAND and was going back there. Thereupon HIMMLER made him a minister with the rank of SS-Brigadeführer. Then after six months he became an ambassador. His little twenty-two-year old blonde is now: „Your Excellency, the ambassador's lady."

CSDIC UK GGRG 197, 23 Sep 44: It is believed that the information given by Generalleutnant SEYFFARDT in GRGG 194(C) regarding Hewel's pro-war connections in England are untrue.

CSDIC UK SIR 970 See report for description of HEWEL 5 Sep 44

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