The International Campaign for Real History
Documents on the alleged silencing of Heinrich Himmler

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ON June 2, 1945 the popular British weekly magazine The Illustrated London News published a whole page graphic depiction of the end of Heinrich Himmler. It accorded with the official version -- that he had killed himself. The page below is an image map: click each image to open a full scale enlargement in a new window. On a separate page the magazine also reproduced a picture of Himmler's wife and daughter. The accompanying text was closely based on the British army official press release:

Himmler, Gestapo chief and the most sinister figure in Germany, is dead. He committed suicide by taking poison, just after 11 p.m. on May 23 [1945] at the British Second Army HQ at Lüneburg. Heinrich Himmler, disguised with a black patch over one eye and with his moustache shaved off, was arrested at Bremervörde, north-east of Bremen detained, searched and questioned at a nearby internment camp[, and finally transferred to General Dempsey's HQ. There he was stripped for the fourth time in order to make quite certain he was not concealing poison. The medical officer asked him to open his mouth, but not being able to see sufficiently well, took the prisoner over to the window and told him to open his mouth again. It was as the doctor was putting a finger in Himmler's mouth that he saw the German bite on a black dot, which proved to be the top of a phial containing cyanide of potassium. Every effort was made to save Himmler's life, but without success. A message was then sent to Flensburg asking the Supreme H.Q. control party there to send representatives of the U.S an Russian Armies to view the body.

Right: Not from this article: The eyepatch worn by Himmler at the time of his arrest is now in a Copenhagen special forces museum. His eyeglasses and other personal effects are in private hands in England. According to the museum description, the eye cover was handed over to a Danish intelligence officer while he was assisting the British in questioning Himmler.

[ May 2005: Public Record Office London releases documents on the British secret service murder of Heinrich Himmler]

© Focal Point 2005 F Irving write to David Irving