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Posted Friday, October 31, 2003

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London, Friday, October 31, 2003


Letter to the Editor of The Daily Telegraph:

Questions of representation

Sir - THE Board of Deputies of British Jews recently succeeded in its complaint against an eminent professor at Oxford University regarding a part-time Israeli soldier who had applied to become his student and was refused on the grounds of his nationality (News, Oct 28). The complaint was upheld, and the professor was suspended without pay and his career damaged.

Website note:

The Board of Deputies of British Jews was established in 1760 as a voluntary association of synagogue representatives; its constitution dates from 1835. Its full name for statutory purposes is "The London Committee of Deputies of the British Jews". Its 350 members are elected from 200 synagogues and forty Jewish organisations in the U.K.

The Board lists its terms of reference and objects as follows. The Board shall

"Protect, support and defend the interests, religious rights, and culture of Jews and the Jewish community."

"Defend and ensure the security, safety, well being and standing of British Jews in cooperation with the statutory authorities and relevant parties."

"Take such appropriate action as lies within its power to advance Israel's security, welfare and standing."

"Support and seek to protect Jews and Jewish communities outside the U.K."

"Initiate, undertake and coordinate research into matters affecting the Jewish community."

The Board of Deputies was founded in 1760, and claims to be the national representative body of the British Jewish community. As such, it exists to defend the rights and interests of that community in the United Kingdom. Unfortunately, under the direction of its chief executive, Neville Nagler, those aims have been suborned to an agenda whereby it has become a political pressure group for the Israeli government, whose policies are anathema to a large section of British Jewry.

There is a groundswell of opinion, certainly in Britain and Europe, that the actions of the Israeli government (and the IDF) constitute ethnic cleansing, and that the Board of Deputies is acting ultra vires its constitution in becoming apologists and supporters of that regime.

My family and I are fourth-generation British Jews, and we wish formally to dissociate ourselves from the actions of this body who, we claim, now increasingly represent the interests of the government of Israel rather than the rights of the British Jewish community.

Michael Halpern,



© Copyright of Telegraph Group Limited 2003.


[] Our dossier on the Board of Deputies of British Jews
David Irving's Legal Action against the Board of Deputies of British Jews
November 4, 1996: David Irving lodges a formal complaint with the Data Protection Agency about the Board's illegal use of computerised databases.
Affidavit by Michael Whinge, "Research Director" of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, November 19, 1996, in which he admits that the Board supplied the lying reports about David Irving to the Canadian authorities.
The German communist newspaper Antifaschistische Nachrichten,No. 6/1997, repeats the Board of Deputies of British Jews allegations.[ in German]

The above item is reproduced without editing other than typographical

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