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website]  Photo
caption: Warsaw Ghetto Uprising:.
Maximilian von Herff questions two Jews as
Jürgen Stroop (rear, center) and his
aide Karl Kaleske (right) observe. Photo
from Stroop Report to Heinrich Himmler,
May 1943
[COPY, from PRO file
WO.309/2241:] REPORT
by SS Stubaf FRANKE-GRIKSCH on a journey
through Poland during the period 4 - 16
May '43 The report was made by the above
mentioned SS officer who was accompanied
by von Herff. The attached list of personalities
shows names of war criminals. The extracts from the text of the
report deal with Franke-Griksch's comments
on the visits paid to the concentration
camps, forced labour camps and the
resistance in the Warsaw Ghetto. In its cold-blooded way, the document
does not really record facts on the
treatment of prisoners so much as it
implies the extermination policy of the
Nazis in all its brutality. An interesting
point is the stress laid on the economic
asset formed by these camps and other
institutions from the SS point of view.
They are treated very much as a business
proposition. Extracts: K.L. AUSCHWITZ. Prisoners
numbered 54,000 in May 19 43. Camp to be
enlarged to take 200,00. To be sub-divided
in to blocks each consisting of 10,000
persons. Prisoners are "Jews, Gypsies,
Poles and women." The Polish intelligentsia are to remain
in the camp for life and work in the
chemical labs. Women who work in these
labs are Jewish students from the
Sorbonne. On account of air-raid damage to
the Krupps works at Essen, part of these
works has been transferred near the camp.
Prisoners worked in the new workshops and
within a month it is claimed that the
prisoners are producing 2/3ds of the fuse
manufacture of Krupps. Women had to build new dykes for the
fishponds and dig irrigation ditches etc.
The guard consists of 13 coys. of 300 men
each. Every company has only one officer.
They are formed into a "Lagersturmbann"
commanded by a Stubaf. Auschwitz, itself,
was a small dilapidated place. It has
11,000 inhabitants including 8,000 Jews
who have now "disappeared". The I. G.
Farben built an 8[?] sq. mile
industrial works partly using foreign
workers and partly prisoners from the
camp. The works will produce buna, petrol,
and special quantities of gas. LAGER LACKIE. Prisoners of this Zwangsarbeitslager
live in old barns and disused stables.
Inmates are Jews, Poles and Ukrainians.
The guards are volunteers from Ukraine.
They do road repair work and irrigation.
This type of camp is moved according to
the working site. FORCED LABOUR CAMP - LEMBERG Over 30,000 Jews work in the various
workshops as for example Deutsche
Ausrüstungswerke, Lemburg
[sic]. This "firm" manufactures
household articles for the German
re-sellers. They also renovate furniture
etc. obtained from Jewish sources. They
also ran a big tailoring dept. producing
uniforms and fur[niture] for the
Wehrmacht. The SS under an Oberscharführer
runs a depot in Lemburg [sic] for
the "Seizure of Jewish valuables and
mobile capital". Thousands and hundred of
thousands of RM pass through his hands
every day. KL Lublin. The prisoners work for war production.
Apart from that they manufacture household
goods for German re-settlers and
recondition furnit[ure]. The
furniture constitutes seized Jewish
property. KL Trawniki. The camp is connected with a big
training depot for conce[ntration]
camp guards. These guards are recruited
from Russian P.O.Ws. It [seems
that?] the camp has been established
to give an opportunity to brutalize the
[word missing] recruits before
they are posted to duty. Sonderaktion "Reinhard". This special unit deals with the
seizure of Jewish property. They hold
searches for valuables and are said to
have delivered great quantities of gold,
silver and platinum to the Reichsbank. The
metal is immediately melted down into our
form in special smelting ovens. The
precious stones, watches, cigarette cases
etc, are amongst the properties found in
quantities which were marketed in
Switzerland. Jews are employed to sort and
work as craftsmen on the materials found
by this unit. Ost Industrie GmbH. This enterprise is under SS
supervision. It deals with the economic
properties controlled by the SS. The
company controls the industrial firms
which have been built and are now being
run by concentration camp labour. It
supervises also the employment of
prisoners from forced labour camps in the
various firms. These economic
establishments are self-supporting
financially. The Ost Industrie GmbH controlled the
following factories: - Work I Glassworks
- Work II Turf factory Darobacsa
- Work III Broom and brush factory
- Work IV Radom - Blizyn
- Workshops Radom
- Workshops Tomaszow
- Splitwerk Blizyn
- Shoe factory Blizyn
- Tailoring factory Blizyn
- Carpentry and Joinery
- Turf factory Radom
- Work V Willow wood factory
The following factories under
construction: - Work VI Vehicle spare part
- Work VII Explosives factory.
- Work VIII Charcoal
- Work IX Lemberg: various
- Labour camp Poniatowa.
At this camp there are 50-80,000 Jews.
There are no barracks or sleeping
accommodations for new arrivals who have
come mainly from Warsaw. Most of the
inmates are glad to be in the camp because
they realize that they are supposed to
work and that as long as they work their
life is not directly threatened. Their
lack of servility, initiative and
persistence create a danger as long as
they are not completely separated from all
"Kultur" or completely liquidated. They
must be settled in districts where they
can slowly disappear. If this view is not
followed to its logical conclusion, the
Jewish people will rise again out of this
depression and therefore they must be
dealt with in the most brutal fashion. Warsaw Much fighting took place between the SS
and resistance groups of Jews in the
Ghetto. Each part of the town which has
been cleared, is then set on fire or blown
up with charges. List of personalities mentioned in
the report. - SS-Gruf. GLOBOCNIK; Lublin (Nov. 44
was HSSuPF Adriatic Coast).
- SS-Ostuf. BARE++++ in charge of the
German social settlement at
- SS-Sturmbannf. JORGENSEN Commander
SS Landwacht at Zamosc.
- SS-Sturmbannf. FRITZ Reit and
Fahrschule of Waffen SS at Zamosc.
- SS-Hauptsstuf.HEROLD
Hauptdorfführer in a settlement N.
of Zamosc.
- SS-Stubf. SCHÜHMELD in charge
of the SS sect. dealing with remounts
at Rejcwiece.
- SS-Oberf. Dr BÖTTCHER in
charge at Radom.
- SS Oberstuf. Dr. WEIBLER
responsible for the Volksdeutsche
Mittelstelle in Poland.
representative of the Reichskommissar
Festung [sic] Volkstums,
- SS-HStuf. ROSSBACH responsible for
agriculture to the SS-Wirtschaft in
Polish Govt.
- SS-HStuf. HESS [sic.Hoess]
commandant of concentration camp
- SS-Oberf. CAESAR in charge of
agriculture affairs at Auschwitz.
- S-OGrf. KRÜGER HSSuPF Poland
- SS-Oberf. SCHERNER [?]
SSuPF Cracow.
- SS-Ostubaf. SCHELLIN
SS-Wirtschaftler Poland.
- SS-Hstuf. TIMME Adjutant to Ogf.
- SS-Brigf. VOSS Commandant at K.L.
- SS-Gruf. KATZMANN i/c(?) SS affairs
- SS-Brigf. WILLHAUS Commandant
forced labour camp Lemberg.
- SS-Brigf. STROOP responsible
official (?) SS in Warsaw.
- SS-Obst. BELLWIDT Commandant of
Pz-G Ersatz Bn. Totenkopf in
- General BECKER Befl. D. ORPO
- Minister RUMELIN - Cracow.
- SS-Stubaf. xxx with SSuPF(?)
- SS-Brigf. MOSER Lublin.
- SS-Stubaf. +++++ +++++.

to documents on Auschwitz
Law School Nuremberg Documents
Nuremberg Trial dossier
Dossiers on key Nazis: Hitler
| Himmler
| Goebbels-