Friday, May 28, 2010 After
a long manhunt Rudolf Höss (right), former
commandant of Auschwitz concentration camp, was captured
by British soldiers in March 1946, and after some severe
manhandling interrogated. The early interrogation reports
are missing but may turn up over the years. Two are to be
found in the Public Record Office in Kew, London, the war
crimes investigators' files: WO.309/374. Höss has
evidently been persuaded to finger the Waffen SS and
various visiting Nazi ministers - coincidentaly the
organisation and ministers on trial for their lives at
that time in Nuremberg.
Interrogation of Rudolf Höss, March 16,
1946 |
Rudolf HOESS
Statement of Rudolf HOESS, male, made
voluntarily at Minden Gaol on 16th March
1. I was commandant of AUSCHWITZ from May 1941 until December 1943.
2. During this time the camp was visited by the following
high-ranking persons
SCHWERIN-KROSIGK - Finanzminister
THIERACK - Justizminister
They inspected the camp of AUSCHWITZ, its factories and farms
and remained for approximately 3 - 4 hours.
3. I held the position of Adjutant and Schutzhaftlagerführer
in SACHSENHAUSEN Concentration Camp from 1938 until 1940.
4. During this time I saw the following high ranking persons
visit the camp of SACHSENHAUSEN.
FRICK - Innenminister (Minister of the interior)
The above statement was made
voluntarily by me, Rudolf HOESS, Sgd. Rudolf HOESS.
at Minden Gaol, Germany, on
this 16th day of March 1946.
Witnessed by me, Capt A. VOLLMAR,
22 Dragoons, an officer of the
Judge Advocate General's Branch, Sgd. A. VOLLMAR, Capt,
HQ BAOR at Minden Gaol, Germany JAG Branch,
this 16th day of March 1946. HQ BAOR.
Certified that the above text was read to the said Rudolf HOESS in German
and that he agreed that it was true and voluntarily signed it.
(Sgd) A. Vollmar, Capt.
J.A.G. Branch
H.Q. B.A.O.R.
16 Mar 46
Minden. | Note: there are no ink signatures on the above carbon
Now see his
British interrogation, March 20, 1946
