September 18, 2000 No. 8, Vol. 271; Pg. 9, ISSN: 0027-8378 Dead Souls Author analyzes reception in U.S. of book on Holocaust reparations Christopher Hitchens
WELL, Jesus Christ -- as Senator Joseph Lieberman would want to say -- it ought not to take Commentary magazine to give serious attention to the fleecing of Holocaust victims and the exorbitance of Holocaust profiteers. Yet I open my September [2000] issue of this neocon album and find that the most salient article is contributed by Gabriel Schoenfeld and titled "Holocaust Reparations -- A Growing Scandal."
Schoenfeld concludes on the available evidence that the sudden boom in Holocaust litigation is most often exemplified by Edward Fagan, an obscure personal-injury lawyer from San Antonio, Texas who claims to have signed up 31,000 clients in record time. For his role in the Swiss settlement, he submitted to the court a bill for $4 million, or $640 an hour. The average pension that Holocaust survivors today receive from the German government is $640 a year.
That risk might conceivably be worth running, assuming that German democracy meant nothing to you and that you took Goldhagen's view of the irredeemable German (or Swiss, or Dutch) national character. But you would still have to face the victims and survivors, who have not received the vast sums aforementioned, or any measurable share of them, and who are nearing the end of their lives, and who discover instead that the money has gone to finance Holocaust memorials inscribed with the names of well-heeled donors.
In England, in Germany and elsewhere Finkelstein's arguments and evidence have received serious attention and been subjected to real and fierce debate. But in the United States, where the press and the academy are wedded to a near-uniform combination of Holocaust kitsch and Holocaust dogma, no real argument has been permitted to arise. The self-regard almost passes belief. In a report on Swiss neutrality and Swiss business practices, commissioned allegedly on behalf of the victims by Stuart Eizenstat for the United States government in 1997, we were solemnly instructed that neutrality itself was a moral failure on the part of the gold-hugging Alp dwellers. What, then, of the indifference of the much mightier United States, which excluded Jewish refugees and did massive and indeed enthusiastic business with Hitler while not sharing a vulnerable common border with the Third Reich [see Ken Silverstein, "Ford and the Fuhrer," January 24]?
On the academic Holocaust career-path, Hilberg repeats his view that there is no "quality control" and gives his dry opinion that "this is the only reason why Goldhagen could obtain a PhD at Harvard. There was nobody on the faculty who could have checked his book." Most challenging of all, perhaps, Hilberg responds to those in the German-Jewish community leadership who worry that Finkelstein's book will furnish, as it were, ammunition to the enemy. "Only when this taboo is broken," he says, "will Germany be emancipated." In Tom Segev's outstanding history
The Seventh Million, one can
read of how Menachem Begin led a mob that nearly
burned down Israel's Knesset in 1952. The protest was
against Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion's acceptance
of compensation, freely and openly offered, from the German
Federal Republic. Begin was a chauvinist and a demagogue,
but his furious refusal of "blood money" at least had a
tincture of pride and principle. Now we read that
Lawrence Eagleburger, a former president of Kissinger
Associates, is paid $300,000 a year to chair a commission
that arbitrates unpaid insurance claims, brought by people
often no better than bounty hunters, on the lives of the
dead of the Nazi era. This synthesis -- of the shades of
Eichmann and Gogol -- fully deserves Professor
Hilberg's characterization as "obscene." | |
Website comment: Among the groups mentioned in this article: the Anti Defamation League |