"DRAWING ON extensive materials, including Göring's personal papers Irving demonstrates in convincing fashion [that] Göring's dark talents were no match for his insatiable appetites -- for drugs, ludicrous opulence and priceless paintings. Göring is an informative and sobering account -- an indictment really -- of a man with no redeeming virtue." Rory Quirk, in The Washington Post, May 3, 1989, and the New York Post. | "THIS IS a very personal biography. Irving proves that Göring was, and is, an enigma. He survived in Irving's judgment through cunning, cruelty, a prodigious amorality and Hitler's loyalty to him. Irving's research effort is awesome." Professor Larry Thompson in The Chicago Tribune, April 15, 1989. |
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"DAVID IRVING … tells his story with all the reticence of Cecil B de Mille." Historian Dr Piers Brendon in The Observer, September 3, 1989. | "AN IMMENSELY readable and interesting book that contains a wealth of new research material in the notes that will be of great use to future historians." Historian James Rusbridger in Western Morning News, August 19, 1989. |
"THIS NEW biography, based on previously unknown diaries and documents, contains such a wealth of data and detail on its subject, it's worth the frequent grimaces. A staggering piece of informative work…" Graham Marples in Northern Echo, August 24, 1989. | "THERE WAS something to Göring, and it came out at the Nuremberg trials when, slimming down and cleaned out, he defended himself with vigour and rebutted some of the charges that had wrongfully been made against him. It also came out in matters of art, on which David Irving is rather good. Göring's taste was very sound." Professor Norman Stone in The New Statesman, August 18, 1989. |
"DAVID IRVING'S Göring biography is unlikely to raise hackles… One cannot fail to be impressed by the painstaking thoroughness of Irving's scholarship. He has tracked down critical diaries written by Göring to which no other biographers had access … and his passionate love letters.… Overall, Irving's book is a very good offering. It is not as concerned to provoke controversy as many of his earlier works." Albert Smith in The Irish Independent, Dublin, September 2, 1989. | "THIS IS the best-researched biography and best biography in English of 'the second man in the Third Reich.' … Göring somehow obtained poison -- Irving has done good detective work here -- and seemed to have escaped the hangman." George Stern in The Literary Review, London, August 1989. |
"DAVID IRVING that most talented and readable historian, has come up with another winner … the story of the swaggering braggart in a powder blue uniform, clanking with medals, who sent his bombers out in a vain bid to wipe out British cities." Norman Cook in The Daily Post, Liverpool, August 3, 1989 | "DAVID IRVING … He has mastered his material and written a very readable biography." Professor Hugh Trevor-Roper (Lord Dacre) in The Sunday Telegraph, August 20, 1989.
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"A VERY readable book, for Irving has always written with verve and energy.… It tells us a great deal that we did not know.… Highly interesting.… Marvellous stuff.… An absorbing account.… Most intriguing." Professor Gordon Craig in The New York Review of Books, February 2, 1989. | "HERMANN Göring remains easily the most fascinating, as David Irving demonstrates in this brilliant study." "This brilliant, compelling, page-turner of a book." Alyn Brodsky in The Miami Herald April 30, 1989 |
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