The first page of the letter. For a pdf.
download of full-size facsimiles of the
entire text, so far as yet released by the
FBI click the image (390k).
Translation of the
letter believed to have been written by Mohammed
translator's introduction in new
Page 1
The Last Night
- Shave off excess hair from the body and wear
- Bathe
Mutual covenant with death and renewal of
2. Know the plan well from all angles and expect
the response to the action or the resistance of the
3. Read Surat al-Tawbah and al-Anfal [the
9th and 8th suras in the Qur'an, respectively]
and contemplate the its meanings and the fixed
blessings that God has prepared for the Believers,
for the martyrs. [Inserted note written at the
top of the page and evidently referring to this
item:] One of the Prophet's Companions said
that the Messenger of God commanded us to read it
before going into battle, so we read it, won booty,
and came through safely.
4. Remind yourself that you must hear and obey
this night, for you will be exposed to decisive
situations that require hearing and obeying (100
percent), so tame your soul and make it understand,
and convince it, and incite it to do that
[i.e., to hear and obey].
God the Exalted said [in the Qur'an]
"and obey God and his messenger [Muhammad]
and do not dispute with one another lest you fail
and your strength leave you; but be steadfast. God
is indeed with the steadfast." [VIII:
5. Rise at night to pray in earnest for victory,
empowerment, a clear triumph, for matters to be
eased for us and for us to be protected.
6. Do a lot of rememberance of God (dhikr) and
know that the best rememberance of God is reading
the Noble Qur'an, according to the concensus of
opinion of the scholars [of religion] in
what is best known and sufficient for us is the
Word of the creator of the heavens and the earth
whom you are going to meet.
7. Purify and heal your heart of faults. Forget
and become oblivious to a thing called this world,
for the time for playing has passed, and the
appointment with Truth has come. How much of the
times of our lives have we wasted, should we not
use these hours to give offerings and
8. May your breast be opened, for only a few
moments separate you from your marriage, whereupon
you begin the happy and pleasing life and the
eternal blessedness with those who who affirm
[religious truth] and the virtuous martyrs
-- excellent comrades are they. We ask God for his
bounty. Be optimistic for [the Prophet],
may God's peace and blessings be upon him, loved
optimism about all his affairs.
9. Then set your sights upon how you will behave
when affliction befalls you and how you will affirm
and call back, and you know that that which befalls
you could not possibly have missed you and that
which misses you could not possibly have befallen
you, and that this test comes from God, the
Glorious and Exalted, to raise you up in rank and
to forgive your sins. Then know that moments appear
by the grace of God so welcome to him who gains
victory and the great reward from God. God the
Exalted has said [in the Qur'an] "did you
think you would enter Paradise without God knowing
those among you who strove, without knowing those
who are steadfast"
10. Then remember what God the Exalted said:
"you longed for death before you came to meet it,
then you saw it and you are watching." Then
remember after that "how many a small group
overcame a large group by the grace of God." And
God the Exalted said, "If God brings you victory no
one can vanquish you, but if He brings you down,
who will give you victory after that?, and upon God
do the Believers rely."
11. Remind yourself and your brothers by using
prayers and contemplate their meanings (dhikr
[remembrances] in the morning and evening,
remembrances of the home town, remembrances of the
place, remembrances of meeting the enemy.)
12. Dropping off (yourself, and luggage, and
clothing, and the knife, your tools, your ticket
re[member] your passport, all your
13. Review your security before departure, and
before departure and (let one of you sharpen his
blade, so that the one he butchers will be
14. Tighten your clothes well, for this is the
tradition of the upright salaf (early Muslims), may
God be pleased with them, for they used to tighten
their dress before battle, then tighten your shoes
well; wear socks that stay up in the shoes and
don't fall out of them.
All these are things we are commanded to take
care of. God it our sufficiency and the most
excellent patron.
15. Pray the morning prayer as a group;
contemplate your reward for it, and remember
[God] after it, and don't leave your
apartment unless you have performed the ablution,
for the angels ask forgiveness for you so long as
you have made your ablution and they pray to God.
Read what God the Exalted said [in the
Qur'an]: do you think We created you for no
purpose?" Sura "al-Mu'minun" [verse 115].
[part of the bottom line on the page is cut
off. It is a reference to a statement attributed to
the Prophet Muhammad found in a book by the
medieval scholar al-Nawawi called "al
After that comes the second stage
When the taxi takes you to the
(a)[irport] remember God
line of page two obscure]
and other
When you have arrived and gotten out of the taxi
say a prayer in the place. Say a prayer in all
places you go. Smile. Rest assured that God is with
the Believers and the angels guard you though you
do not perceive them.
[End of straight
translated text.]
[The author of the document continues on
page two with various short prayers, some of which
are hard to make out in the handwriting. He goes on
to tell himself to recite the verse in the Qur'an
(III: 173):] "... Those to whom the people said
'People have gathered together against you so fear
them,' but [instead] they were increased in
faith and said God is sufficient for us and it is
He in whom we trust." [He goes on to say
that:] God had promised His servants who say
this prayer that they would:
1. overcome by the beneficence of God and his
2. not be afflicted by harm,
3. be following the pleasure of God."
4. God said in the Qur'an, [III: 174]:
"They returned with the grace and favor of God and
no harm touched them. They followed the good
pleasure of God and God is of infinite bounty."
Thus, their apparatuses, their doors [could be
read, "their categories"] their technology
cannot harm you. Believers do not fear those
things, rather it is the followers of Satan who are
afraid of those things. You must remember God
(dhikr) and I think some of the greatest dhikr. In
particlular You must not let it be noticed about
you that you recite the credo "There is no god but
God". For though you recite it a thousand times, no
one should be able to distinguish whether you were
silent or mentioning God. The greatness of [the
phrase] "There is no god but God" is shown by
the statement of the Prophet that "he who recites
`there is no god but God` and whose heart believes
in it, enters Paradise. .
[At the top of page three the author
"And also, don't show any signs of confusion or
nervousness. Be joyful, happy, open of heart, and
at peace because you are carrying out an act that
God loves, an act that pleases Him. And therefore
there will be a day, by God's leave, when you will
be with the bright-eyed maidens of Paradise."
[The author quotes a couple of verses of
"Smile in the face of doom, young man, For you
are passing to the gardens of eternity."
["Stage three" is the stage aboard the
airplane.] "As soon as you board the
(a)[irplane] entering it and setting foot
in it, say a prayer and call to mind that this is a
battle for the sake [of God]."
[Once in your seat you should] "busy
yourself by mentioning God" [and he quotes the
Qur'an again], "Oh you who believe, if you meet
a band [of enemies] stand firm and remember
God much so that you might be successful."
"Then when the (a)[irplane] has begun to
move a little towards (q) [the Arabic letter
"qaf". I suspect this stands for "iqla`" which
means "take off"] recite the prayer of the
traveler, for you are traveling to God the Exalted
(and what an excellent journey that is!)"
"Then you will find that it stops and then
This is the hour when characteristics must come
together, so pray to God the Exalted as He
commanded [in the Qur'an]: "Oh God, grant
us steadfastness and make our feet firm and make us
victorious over the unbelieving people." ...
"Pray for yourself, for your brothers for
victory and triumph...."
"Ask God to grant you martyrdom..."
"Then let every one of you prepare to play his
role in the way that earns him the pleasure of God,
and to grit his teeth as the early Muslims did --
may God bless them -- when they prepared to enter
into battle."
"And when the battle is joined, strike with the
blows of heroes who do not want to go back to this
Shout 'Allahu Akbar!' [God is Greatest!]
for this cry strikes fear in the hearts of
unbelievers. God the Exalted said [in the
Qur'an] 'strike their necks and their
fingertips' Know that Paradise has been most
beautifully decorated for you and that the maidens
of Paradise are calling you to meet them, oh
devotee of God, and they have put on their most
beautiful clothes.
[The author of the letter says that if one
of them has to kill somebody, he is entitled to
that person's possessions, in accordance with
ancient notions of seizing booty. He warns,
however, that they must not fall to fighting among
themselves or allow such things to distract them
from their mission.]
The last page is very hard to make out. Toward
the bottom it says "open your heart to death in the
path of God and remember God always."
"Let your last words be, [the Muslim
credo] 'There is no god but God, and Muhammad
is the messenger of God.'"