The Simon Wiesenthal Centers
The Simon
Wiesenthal Center Annual states that it concentrates on the
scholarly study of the Holocaust. "Our definition of the
Holocaust in its widest context includes: Nazi Germany and
the Final Solution, 1933-1945; European Jewry during World
War II; refugees, rescue, and immigration; displaced persons
and post-war trials; and modern
anti-Semitism." FOR THIRTY-FIVE years the
international Jewish organisations have been
harassing British historian David Irving and
others. Again and again he has been shown examples
of the furtive "backgrounders" and smear-sheets
circulated by them in an attempt to blacken his
name. | COURTESY
LINK: Visit
the Simon Wiesenthal Center Website Simon
Wiesenthal. "The Holocaust works every
time" |

with Efraim Zuroff, chief of SWC's Jerusalem
bureau | 
- Simon Wiesenthal
Center's Dean Abe Cooper is worried about the teaching of
the Holocaust. So are we, comments Mr Irving, referring
to fakery in the forthcoming BBCtv spectacular
- Aug 10, 2004: Simon
Wiesenthal Center libels David Irving in smear letter to
New Zealand ambassador
- Nazi hunter bows out
with British knighthood
- Simon Wiesenthal center
says contents of the Hunt Museum in Limerick linked to
'notorious dealers in art looted by the Nazis'
- Austrians split by
Wiesenthal's 'shop a Nazi' publicity campaign
- Financing the
Wiesenthal Center (pdf of SWC's
public tax information). We had not realized that it was
a family business -- see the high salaries for anyone
with the name "Hier".
- Bowing to the "deniers"
Center has finally removed faked photo from its
website | Flashback
example of Wiesenthal faking an image, of executions of
Nazi victims
- California
gives Wiesenthal Center public funds
"Funds allocated for the museum's
Tools for Tolerance program (which trains educators and
police on "diversity issues") are a budget "line item" --
meaning that it's pre-allocated every year by the
governor (with legislative approval) -- bypassing the
peer-review process of other grants." - Argentinian Courts
Order Jewish Group to Pay Restitution For Malicious
Prosecution Of Revisionist
- Simon
Wiesenthal's retirement: The Nazi-hunter who lost his way
- Nicholas
Hill writes about one of the fraudsters who finances the
Simon Wiesenthal Center
- Wiesenthal
Center: the latest lies
- Wiesenthal
Centre presses for web censorship in Argentina
- Simon
Wiesenthal Centre fakes wartime photo of smoking
crematorium chimney at Auschwitz
- Book by
SWC's Ephraim Zuroff Blasts WWII Rabbis
- Reminder: "A life ruined
by Nazi hunt." The Frank Walus story. Toronto
Star, April 13, 1983
- The World Jewish Congress'
hatred of Wiesenthal over Waldheim
- The Simon Wiesenthal
Centre makes a secret attempt to suppress free speech in
Canada, appeals August 27, 1992 to government to gag
David Irving
- In its Winter 1992
journal Response, The Simon Wiesenthal Centre
gloats at its success in suppressing free speech in
- California
Governor signs legislation on September 28, 1998 giving
taxpayer funds and special concessions to Simon
Wiesenthal Centre
- Sol
Littman's October 1998 attack on the wisdom of Canada's
- A
Canadian Jew denounces Littman and the Simon Wiesenthal
Centre in the Toronto Star, October 27, 1998
- Famous
attorney Eddie Greenspan rebukes Littman for the legal
advice to alleged Serb and Croat war criminals
- Simon
Wiesenthal Center tries to ban Hitler's "Mein Kampf" from
giant Internet bookstores
- Simon
Wiesenthal Center tries to ban sale of Nazi memorabilia
on eBay Internet auction site
- Wiesenthal
Center accepts that Gestapo-chief Müller (100) may
be dead (but still grinds that gristmill)
- Wiesenthal Center want to
Ban Opposing Thoughts on the Internet
- London
newspaper's major attack on Holocaust Industry: back-hand
defence of David Irving
- Wiesenthal
dient als Schirmherr der neuen TV Sendereihe "Holokaust"
(ZDF) Okt 2000
- Dec 20, 2000: Does patriotism
equal 'hate site'? Wiesenthal Center names 3,000
- Feb 2004: Nazi-hunter
Simon Wiesenthal knighted | and Mr Irving's
- Mar 2004: Simon
Wiesenthal Centre Testifies in Paris "Libel" Suit against
Norman Finkelstein
- Sept 2010:
"Dumpster-Diver" Walters tilts (safely) at a dead
Holocaust icon: "Why
I believe the king of the Nazi hunters, Simon Wiesenthal,
was a fraud" | We
discover earliest dossier on Wiesenthal in British
archives (PDF, 9MB) - transcription
wanted | No Big Surprise: Simon
Wiesenthal was Mossad Spy with three handlers and
generous financing, as reported in a new book by Tom