Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Hitler's
mentally ill cousin "killed in Nazi gas
was gassed under the Nazi policy of
eliminating mental health patients,
according to recently discovered
documents. The woman, identified only as Aloisia
V, [Website:
Definitely Aloisia Veit, see panel at
right] died in a room
pumped full of carbon monoxide in December
1940 at a medical institute in Austria. A
stamp on her file was proof of her
killing, said Timothy Ryback, an
American historian. David
comments:THE HINT is
that because of his cousin's
affliction, Hitler may have been
similarly affected. Not
necessarily so. The real essence
of this story is the fate of the
luckless female, euthanasia -- a
direction in which the world is
once again drifting -- and not
the revelation that Hitler had a
mentally ill cousin, regardless
of how close or distant, which is
not revealed. Statistically,
we are all likely to have such
relatives, since schizophrenia
afflicts roughly one percent of
the average population. The incidence
of schizophrenia is substantially
higher in certain regions, e.g.
the Black Caribbean, and Bavaria
and Austria (in Germany there is
also a historically greater
prevalence of incestuous
relationships, though they are
not widely publicized: e.g.
Adolf Hitler and his own
close cousin, Geli Raubal;
Erhard Milch's mother with
her uncle Carl
Bräuer, and he himself
with his cousin, and so on). AS for the "revelation" by the
American historian, he could have
learned the first half of the
story from the Introduction to my
War" (Millennium Edition,
2002), ever since the 1991
edition (and for all we know, he
did).  Himmler,
Hitler As I
reported in my Introduction, I
had found in the archives at
Princeton University a file
called the Hitler Collection.
This contained top secret papers
looted from Hitler's Munich
residence by a US army private,
Eric Hamm: "Most enigmatic
of these documents," I wrote
(page xxiii), "is one evidently
originated by the Gestapo after
1940, typed on the special
'Führer typewriter,'
reporting ugly rumours about
Hitler's ancestry -- 'that the
Führer was an illegitimate
child, adoptive son of Alois,
that the Führer's mother's
name was Schicklgruber* before
the adoption and that the
Schicklgruber line has produced a
string of idiots.' "Among the
latter," my Introduction
continued," was a tax official,
Joseph Veit, deceased in
1904 in Klagenfurt, Austria. One
of his sons had committed
suicide; a
daughter had died in an
asylum, a surviving
daughter was half mad, and a
third daughter was feebleminded.
The Gestapo established that the
family of Konrad Pacher of
Graz had a dossier of photographs
and certificates on all this.
Himmler had them seized 'to
prevent their misuse.'" * "In fact
[I noted] Hitler's father
was the illegitimate son of Maria
Anna Schicklgruber. Nazi
newspapers were repeatedly, e.g.
on December 16, 1939, forbidden
to speculate on his ancestry. ...
The document quoted above is
stamped with the highest security
classification, Geheime
Reichssache." | Historians say the discovery may explain
why Hitler never wanted to talk
about his family. Aloisia was 49, two
years younger than Hitler, when she was
murdered. She was related to him through
his father's family, the
Schicklgrubers.The documents, discovered at the Vienna
institution where she was treated, reveal
that Nazi doctors diagnosed her as
suffering from "schizophrenic mental
instability, helplessness and depression,
distraction, hallucinations and
delusions." She told doctors she was haunted by
ghosts and the presence of a skull. She
spent most of her time chained to an iron
bed. At one point she pleaded in a letter to
be provided with poison so that she could
kill herself. "I'm sure it would only
require a small amount to free me from my
appalling torture," she wrote. Mr Ryback said: "Hitler's secrecy about
his own family was legendary. After 60
years we now know why. "This man really did have something to
hide." Nazi policy decreed that anyone with a
mental or physical defect, even something
as minor as a harelip, should be
annihilated in pursuit of a pure and
flawless Aryan race. On his father's side, mental problems
were rife in Hitler's family, with one
relative committing suicide. It is not clear if Hitler was aware of
Aloisia's death. 
Irving's Hitler's War (free
secret report on a seized Graz dossier
on Hitler's ancestry
Goebbels's stepfather Robert
Friedländer died in Nazi Camp