Documents on the Fight for Free Speech

Associated Press story datelined Oklahoma City, February 10, 1996 smears David Irving as suspect in 1995 Oklahoma City bombing



Copyright 1996 By The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.

DATE: Saturday February 10, 1996
CATEGORY: Domestic News
SUMMARY: McVeigh Attorneys Seek Subpoenas
BYLINE: By PATRICK*CASEY, *Associated Press Writer

Lawyers for *bombing* suspect Timothy McVeigh asked a judge Friday to subpoena four men they say might have information about the Federal building blast.

Attorney Stephen Jones said the subpoenas were sought in response to a $1million wrongful death lawsuit filed against McVeigh in January by Edye Smith whose two sons died in the April 19 explosion. The blast killed 169 people and injured more than 500 others.

Jones wants to depose John Tynball, David Irving and Charles Sergeant, whom he identified as members of the British National Party an extreme right-wing organization.

He also wants to depose Denis Mahon, a Tulsa man who is the regional

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director of the White Aryan Resistance, a white separatist organization. He told KJRH-TV in Tulsa that he wants to know if the three British nationals supplied Mahon with a detonator possibly used in the *bombing.*

Jones also said Mahon told his staff Thursday night that he is an explosives expert and has bombed buildings in the past.

On Friday, Mahon disputed those claims. But he did tell KJRH-TV that Interpol considers him an international terrorist and has denied him admission to Great Britain.

"That's precisely my point," Jones said. "The FBI has interviewed thousands of people in connection with this case yet they didn't interview an international terrorist living just 90 miles away."

Jones hired London legal firm Kingsley Napley four weeks ago to pursue leads that suggest international connections in the *bombing.* It was not immediately clear if Kingsley Napley had been investigating Tynball, Irving and Sergeant.

Jones said the depositions may be used in the federal case against McVeigh. McVeigh, 27, and Terry Nichols, 40, face murder and conspiracy charges in the *bombing.*

A venue hearing for the federal case against McVeigh and Nichols ended when 2. U.S. District Judge Richard Matsch said it may be several weeks before he will be able to choose a trial location.

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Handwritten note by David Irving: "Received from AP, 4:45 pm, 12.2.1996"

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