Documents on the
allegation about Zyklon B killings of victims in Nazi
concentration camps 
| Index Controversy: are or were there ever holes in the
roof of the Leichenkeller (Morgue) No. 1 at Krema
(crematiorium) II at Auschwitz -- the holes through which SS
officers allegedly poured in the Zyklon B crystals? - Statement by
Professor Robert Van Pelt that the holes can not be seen
in the slab today
- Brian
Renk's critique of van Pelt's arguments on the
- Robert Van Pelt, expert
report, page 518; see too trial
transcript, Day 9, January 25, page 187.]
- Full text of The
Van Pelt Report by Robert Jan Van Pelt
- See David Irving closing
speech, page 31.
- Report
in The Times, Apr 12, 2000: final paragraph states that
Auschwitz authorities had searched for the holes again,
but would not release results of their search
- Harry
Mazal, OBE, tells H Net, Oct 2000, that he is off to
Auschwitz to search for those holes again | Harold
Schaffer writes to him but receives only an evasive
reply | Mazal posts an air
photo of the "holes" at Auschwitz | "Samuel
Crowell's" comment on it (Nov 9, 2000)
- Report on a visit to
the Sydney Northern Suburbs Crematorium, Australia |
Krema Berne: Erst
geschminkt -- dann bei rund 1000 Grad verbrannt
- Berthold
Soehn asks about photos he has seen of holes in the
concrete fabric of the Auschwitz site: Holes plugged in a
concrete roof, but where? | Letter
from "Sam Crowell" | Letter
from Alan Heath
- A
S Marques of Portugal has done his homework on the legend
of the "holes" in the roof of the Auschwitz
- Paul
Grubach asks about rumours that Chuck Provan says "the
holes" are there if you know where to look for
- Brian Renk: Some
Preliminary Observations on the Charles D. Provan booklet
'No Holes? No Holocaust? A Study of the Holes in the Roof
of Leichenkeller I of Krematorium 2 at Birkenau'
- A S Marques comments on
Charles Provan and his discovery of "holes"
- Verdict of expert Sam
- George
Brewer's latest article, "Some Holes. Some Holocaust. The
Provan and Mazal Theses" on the CODH
 - Pittsburgh
Post-Gazette: Charles Provan argues that the
Zyklon-introduction holes did exist in the roof of
Crematorium II at Auschwitz
- British
Govt aerial photos of Auschwitz released: no sign of the
"dots" on the roof of Krema II on these photos (which
were never in the spotty hands of the CIA.