16, 2003
update on the Zündel case.
been a change of the legal
guard. THE case of imprisoned
German-born publisher Ernst
Zündel gets more hectic by the
day. When the last bail review ended in
Federal Court in front of Mr. Justice
Pierre Blais, September 24, 2003,
the hearings were adjourned until December
10. A lot has happened. Suddenly, new dates
have been found -- November 6 and 7. Thus,
Ernst may win his freedom earlier than at
first feared, although the atmosphere in
front of Mr. Justice Blais is tense. Even
though he told Mr. Zündel he didn't
believe some of the things he said on the
witness stand, Mr. Justice Blais still
refused to recuse himself. Another
major development is that the lead in the
legal team is changing. Douglas H.
Christie has represented pacifist
dissident Ernst Zündel for two
decades -- since 1983! -- through a host
of persecutions by the Canadian state and
Mr. Zündel's free speech-hating
enemies Sabina Citron, the
Jewish Congress, the League for Human
Rights [but not free speech] of
Brith and the Friends of the Simon
Wiesenthal Centre. The work was a
tremendous strain on Mr. Christie, to say
nothing of the travel. Every court
appearance meant a flight across the
continent from Mr. Christie's home in
Victoria, B.C.
June, Doug received some terrible
news. His wife Keltie Zubko
who has done invaluable legal work
in the background has been struck
with a serious illness and is
undergoing chemotherapy. Doug's wife
and his two still-young children,
whom his wife has been
homeschooling, require his presence
in Victoria, B.C. - on the Pacific
Coast of Canada
Thus, in the middle of what may well be
a very lengthy legal proceeding, Ernst
Zündel, still in prison, had to find
a new head for his legal team.
HE HAS selected Peter Lindsay and
his wife/partner Chi-Kun Shi of
Toronto. Mr. Lindsay, a 1990 graduate, has
an impressive record in the battle for
free speech. He won acquittal for a half
dozen young people charged under the
notorious Sec. 319 -- the "hate law" --
for staging a demonstration opposing the
presence of illegals, Gypsies, at an east
Toronto motel in 1998. The
charges had been laid after noisy demands
by Bernie Farber of the Canadian
Jewish Congress (right). Mr.
Lindsay won an acquittal and, when Farber
demanded that the government appeal this
victory for free speech, this May, he won
the appeal in the Ontario Court of
Appeals. Almost as good, he had the judge
Mr. Farber as an "expert witness." Farber
is no objective scholar who has studied
the right wing. He's a player, a strident
Mr. Zündel likes Peter Lindsay's
energy and aggressive style. Douglas Christie may still represent
Mr. Zündel on November 6, but the
handling of most of the case is passing to
Mr. Lindsay. One of Mr. Christie's innovative
tactics was to launch a Habeas Corpus
motion before Superior Court in Ontario.
Dates were set for this motion October 14.
The court dates are November 18 and 19.
Mr. Lindsay will be representing Mr.
Zündel is this hearing which may well
lead to his speedy release.
I SPOKE to Mr. Lindsay this afternoon
at his north Toronto offices
[writes Paul Fromm, Thursday,
October 16, 2003]. The first thing
you notice is the imposing height of this
lanky bearded man. Doug Christie is tall,
but Mr. Lindsay must tower another eight
inches beyond even him. "I want to win," he says with a serious
and pleasant smile. The Habeas Corpus motion will be heard
in the court house at 361 University
Avenue in Toronto on November 18 and 19
before Madam Justice Mary Lou
Benotto. She has a family law
background and is seen by many lawyers as
fair and gutsy. "We'll be
arguing that the sections of the
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
-- both the provision for detention and
the way the CSIS certificate is
decided, with secret hearings and no
right of appeal -- are unconstitutional
and contrary to the Charter," Mr.
Lindsay said. "The whole process is
biased and unfair, Mr. Zündel
ought to be free as his detention under
the law violates his rights under
Sections 7 and 10 of the Charter of
Rights and Freedoms." Section 7 states: "Everyone has the
right to life, liberty and security of the
person and the right not to be deprived
thereof except in accordance with the
principles of fundamental justice."
Section 10 ensures that a person who is
detained has the right to a Habeas Corpus
hearing.  | Website
note on the Anti-Defamation
Foxman, wealthy and
controversial chief of the
Anti Defamation League,
likes to refer to himself as a
"Holocaust survivor." As a
on this website shows, he was not
even born when Hitler invaded his
native Poland, and he was looked
after by Polish Catholics
throughout the war; his parents
also "survived".
| Another way in which the Immigration and
Refugee Protection Law violates the rights
of the accused is Sect. 78.j which permits
the judge determining the reasonableness
-- not the truth -- of the CSIS
certificate to admit "anything" as
evidence, even material that would not
normally be accepted in a court of law. In
the Zündel case, much of the Crown's
five volumes of evidence is newspaper
clippings, newsletters and biased reports
from groups like the Anti-Defamation
League (ADL). No witnesses have been
presented who can be examined or
cross-examined on this material.The Department of Justice argues that
the Habeas Corpus motion should be brought
in Federal Court. "However," says Mr.
Lindsay, "such a motion could take two
years" and seriously deprive Mr.
Zündel of his liberty in the
meantime. There has already been an agreed upon
schedule for written submissions for the
Habeas Corpus motion. On November 3, Mr. Lindsay is to file
his affidavits; on November 10, the Crown
must file its response; on November 14,
Mr. Lindsay will submit his factum
(arguments); and, on November 17, the
Crown will respond with its
factum. An
Appeal for FundsI now must come to a very serious
matter [continues Paul
Fromm] -- money! In the past three weeks, we have paid
Mr. Lindsay a $20,000 retainer. Mr.
Lindsay has already gone through $14,000
in preparation and bringing himself up to
speed on this complicated case. Mr.
Zündel's chief immigration lawyer in
the U.S. has just been paid $25,000 -- and
those are real dollars, not Canadian
pesos! There are seven more court dates
scheduled for this year and a number more
for January. The Defence Fund is very seriously
depleted and we face major outlays over
the next two months. I again ask for your
commitment and urgent help. Please mail us
your contribution today or e-mail us your
VISA number and expiry date. Donors will
receive, of course, a receipt and a
personal thank you work of art done by
Ernst in prison. Paul
- Rexdale, Ontario, Canada M9W
PH: 905-897-7221 ___________________ URGENT!
HELP Friends
of free thought, Ernst Zündel really
needs your ongoing help and
support. 1.
Write, FAX, or phone Hon. Robert Runciman,
the Minister of Public Safety and
Security. His ministry is in charge of the
Metro West Detenmtion Centre, the prison
which denies Mr. Zündel his
anti-cancer medication and herbs. You can
contact him thus: Hon. Robert Runciman,
MPP, 16th Floor, 25 Grosvenor Street,
Toronto, ON., M7A 1Y6, Canada; PH:
416-327-9911; FAX:
416-327-3849. 2.
If you live abroad, write to the Canadian
Embassy in your country and demand
Zündel's release and humane
treatment. Ask your Congressman or Senator
to demand of the Canadian government why
they're keeping this non-violent publisher
in a prison in such "mediaeval"
conditions. 3.
No matter where you live, why not send a
card or letter to encourage Ernst
Zündel. Write Prisoner Ernst
Zündel, c/o Metro West Detention
Centre, 111 Disco Road, Box 4950, Rexdale,
ON., M9W 1M3. Ernst in overwhelmed by the
hundreds of concerned and thoughtful
people who have sent him letters and
cards. A tip: don't use of stick-on return
address label or seals. They're ripped off
by prison authorities searching for, who
knows what. 4.
We also need your financial support for
Mr. Zündel's defence. We
have a number of delicate colour-pencil
sketches by Ernst Zündel done in
prison. Each is dated and signed. Each is
a nature study. Mr. Zündel has long
been a paint and sketch artist. He had
returned to his love of art before the
U.S. I.N.S picked him up and deported
him. If
you send us a cheque for $100 or more,
we'll send you one of these collector's
items, a thank you sketch by political
prisoner Ernst Zündel. Mail
your donation today to CAFE Box 332,
Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3, Canada or e-mail us
your VISA number and expiry date. On your
cheque or an accompanying piece of paper,
note: "For Zündel Defence
Fund." -

Mark Weber
on Who is Ernst Zündel?
rejects as "tainted" Bernie Farber in
Toronto hate trial
Zündel held in Batavia, N.Y.,
detention center
fears key could soon be thrown
headed back to Canada
Ingrid Rimland reports: Arrest
of Ernst Zündel by US: Is held in
Neo-Nazi activist held in Blount County
2001: Ernst Zuendel has emigrated from
Canada to the United States
of Canadian Jewish leader Ernst
Zündel back on Canadian
Zündel held in Batavia, N.Y.,
detention center
denier wants refugee status, group
seeking refugee status
seeks refugee status in Canada
of B'nai Brith: 'Now he's our
May 2, 2003: Ernst
Zündel arrested again in Canadian
prison cell: Ottawa files a
security certificate declaring him a
"national security risk" to enable them
to deport him to Germany
Victoria (BC) Times-Colonist:
Zündel merits fairness"
Dunphy's tortured defence of "Nazi
apologist" Zündel