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 Posted Sunday, October 10, 1999
Opening Session of Lipstadt Action draws closer

London -- The Þrst hearing before Judge Gray of the action brought by David Irving against U.S. Prof. Deborah Lipstadt is set down for Nov. 4 [1999], in the Law Courts in the Strand, scene of many famous libel actions in the past century.

At this pre-trial review the court will set the timetable for the main trial, which is due to open on Jan. 11 -- or Y2K plus eleven, as sceptics have gloomily pointed out.

Mr Irving is cautioning friends and supporters against undue optimism. He warns that he is up against a defendant backed by Þnancial resources controlling millions of dollars, who have instructed one of London's most famous law firms, Mishcon de Reya.

There is already mounting concern in her camp that the writer may win on legal technicalities which, they point out, are always possible under the British legal system.

"-- Technicalities such as being in the right," comments Mr Irving.

The New York Times, which Þrst hinted at this outcome in June [1999], has made plans to follow the case closely.

London-based freelance reporter Don Guttenplan is to publish a study of the issues involved in The Atlantic Monthly in January. The Atlanta Jewish Weekly is also printing a feature this week. The Jerusalem Post carried an a nervous article on Sept. 24, predicting

". . . This trial will dwarf all the others, because of its location, its adversaries, and what it portends for the future."

Focal Point Publications will post regular trial updates on their website. Bookmark this link:

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